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The conflict in Ukraine as seen by a professional soldier

Combat SITREP 20 June, 2014

I can not tell all details of our operations in Novorossiya. Operation security is practiced. Our situation is not desperate but is very difficult and fluid. We will win, then we will rebuild what Ukraine has destroyed. We are paying the price of freedom with the blood of our soldiers and civilians. The price is heavy.
1. Strong fighting areas of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Donetsk City outer areas and Lugansk outer areas.
2. 100% confirmed reports of detention camps in areas west of Novorossiya. Evacuees going west by train and vehicle are being stopped by units of right sector. Many are taken to these camps. Women and children are interrogated and usually released, some are held for further interrogation. No food or water is provided to the children or women. Men 16 to 50 years are locked in cells and interrogated by right sector and SBU. Evacuees released have all money and valuables taken and often documents, then are released on to roads. Local residents near camps terrified, will not speak or help released evacuees.
3. Tactics of Ukr Army are from Soviet book 1944. Storm of artillery fire including Grad and Hurricane missile salvos followed by mass attacks of tanks and armored vehicles towards the objective. Close air support for Ukes is expensive but sometimes effective. The tactic is to destroy Novorossiya Army by attrition. Ukr Army cares not for their casualties. Their losses in tanks and BTR's are quickly replaced. We have no replacements for our few tanks and BTR's.
4. Confirmed reports of more Ukr helicopters in white UN colour, some marked 'UN'.
5. Confirmed reports of aircraft reinforcements and crews sent to Ukr forces from Poland and FRG. Polish crews are confirmed flying combat missions, voices speaking Polish heard on tactical radio.
6. Il 76 shoot down area in Lugansk searched by Novorossiya forces morning after. Ukr forces had secured sight and removed all bodies and documents at night. Novorossiya forces found many Ukr had missed at sight after day came. Many identification documents were Polish, one FRG. Confirmed.
7. Situation in Kramatorsk is critical. No water, little food. Electric in some areas returned last night, then off again. Bombardment continues. Many civilians have run from the city.
8. Ukr Army is slowly surrounding Lugansk city and Donetsk city. Outlying towns and villages are coming under more intense bombardment by arty, air and missile salvos. Civilian areas targeted.
9. Idar Battalion right sector ambushed yesterday and destroyed by Novorossiya forces. Prisoners taken, some vehicles captured. 'Battalion' should be called Rota, not enough men to be battalion. Now should be called 'section'.
10. Ukr Army moving strong units east to border Novorossiya/Russia.Attempt will be made to stop refugees running to Russia.
11. Confirmed over 100 civilians killed in Mariupol by right sector action under Lyashko early this week. Novorossiya Army casualties unknown. Two sections of right sector ambushed in Mariupol at the close of the operation as they retreated. Wiped out, no mercy.
12. Many thousands of refugees from the fighting have arrived in Rostov area, Russia, some to Krimu. Russia and Russia civilians are helping the refugees. No refugee is hungry, all have some kind of shelter.
13. Unconfirmed but reliable report of two mass graves found outside Mariupol containing men, women, two children all stripped and shot, some with hands tied.
14. Intense bombardment of Slavyansk and outlying areas from Karachun Mountain Ukr forces started 05:30 today. Grad and Hurrican missile salvos with arty.
15. Unconfirmed report of small bus with evacuees fired on, tyres shot out, burned Kherson Oblast, exact location or destination unknown, casualties unknown.
16. Red Limahn has been taken again by Novorossiya. Small right sector units are fighting as they retreat. Most civilians not there.
Update 01 July, 2014

The situation deteriorated. Kramatorsk is being flattened by intense bombardment. The ukies are using everything they have including gas and multiple Grad and Hurricane salvos.

04:00 Heavy armor moving on Kramatorsk. A full regiment including main battle tanks.

05:00 Sukhoi aircraft have started attacks in Kramatorsk. Reports one has been shot down, not confirmed.

05:30 Intense fighting has commenced on the outskirts of Kramatorsk. Tactical situation is unknown.

06:45 Heavy civilian casualties reported in Kramatorsk. Civilian living areas are targeted. One hospital has been hit and is burning. Casualties unknown in hospital. One 7 floor flats building has collapsed. Casualties unknown.

Slavyansk and outlying villages and towns are under heavy bombardment from Karachun Mountain. Civilian living areas targeted. Reports: two flats buildings burning. Reports 2 hospitals including children hospital hit multiple times. Heavy casualties reported at hospitals, unconfirmed.

03:20 Counter fire from Novorossiya Army has knocked down 110 m high radio/TV tower on Karachun Mountain (second party visual confirmation). Nazis had observation platforms on the tower. Unknown if platforms manned at time of destruction.

Confirmed Air Defense unit A-1402 taken by Novorossiya Army. Condition of air defense missile systems and related targeting and control systems unknown

07:10. Additional ordinance supply for systems unknown in quantity or quality.

Real time communication with Slavyansk and Donetsk City lost 03:20 today.

Donetsk City outlying areas coming under artillery fire. 04:30.

There was no 'cease fire'. During the slight decrease of hostilities over the last week the Nazis used the time to send massive reinforcements and supplies to Novorossiya and positioned their units for the assaults which started this morning. Strong attempts were made by Nazi units to disrupt humanitarian aid and gifts coming across the Russia/Novorossiya borders.

The preplanned in the event of capture demolition of the military park in Donetsk is destroying a large ammunition, weapon and equipment store destined for the 5th Column right sector units in Donetsk City.
11th, July Combat updates

The retreat from Slavyansk and surrounding area was successful. Losses occurred but they were minimal. 'Minimal' is a terrible term. Sounds fine unless you happen to be one of the 'minimal'.

The world's eyes and minds were focused on The Cauldron (Slavyansk and Kramatorsk) and the Novorossiya/Russia borders for over two months. During that time many things happened in other areas of Novorossiya, away from prying eyes.

The donations of weapons and equipment from the Ukeland Army were significant, although the Ukeland Air Force gave only one SU 25 as far as is publicly known. Hospitable Mention goes to Militsiya, DAI, SBU and right sector for their generous contributions of light and medium arms and anti tank missiles in addition to the Ukeland Government for their weapons storage depots.

11 July. 24th Mechanized Battalion, based in Lemberg, no longer combat viable. They deployed in lager in the open rolling steppes north of Donetsk. Grad missiles fired in one salvo totally destroyed the battalion and equipment. The losses in troops were very high, estimates are over 400 dead.

Partisan activities have increased in the occupied area of Novorossiya and Kharkov.

11 July, Slavyansk. A Uke column of tanks and BTR's came under attack. 2 MBT and 3 BTR destroyed.

10 July, night. A large Uke supply column ambushed near Lugansk with significant losses.

09 July. Command structure for Army of Novorossiya in place and operating.

11 July. Ukeland troops, mainly right sector, cut off and surrounded Donetsk Aerodrome. Two units Arrow anti aircraft missile launchers in positions of Army of Novorossya. Units donated by Ukeland Army last week.

New 'peace plan' formulated by President Poroshenko of Ukeland is the same as the last one which Ukeland did not honor. Army of Novorossiya is to disarm and surrender, throw themselves on the mercy of Ukeland or 'return to Russia', no negotiations offered. One would question his sanity.

Heavy fighting near Kramatorsk involving a Ukeland armor battalion and partisans. So far 3 MBT destroyed and one captured. Loses unknown at this time.

USA has demanded the release by Russia of detained female Ukeland pilot involved in the murder of two Russian journalists. Woman went to Russia to visit babushka using false documents and was arrested. She was in camouflage uniform. One would question her sanity also.

Reports of foreigners fighting in various right sector 'battalions' being identified for prosecution for terrorist acts are confirmed.

Reports of all right sector involved in Odessa and Mariupol massacres identified, murder, arson and terrorism cases prepared for their prosecution confirmed.

10 July. 'Donbas Battalion' of right sector destroyed. Again. Actual size of 'battalion' is small more than a Rota.

Rumors of a large column of 'Russian Army' unit in Lugansk are false. Having seen the video and identified the actual location in Lugansk, the unit is Lugansk Army unit with Ukeland donated trucks and towed medium artillery. This artillery piece can also double as anti tank gun. Using tungsten core ballistic cap solid shot the upgraded Uke tanks with reactive armor are easily holed. Weak points of the MBT are turret to hull join, area of main gun turret front, commander's cupola, lower hull sides and suspension system, final drive at rear of hull and rear hull plate. Floor of hull is also very vulnerable to anti tank mine that basically fires an antitank hollow charge round against the hull floor.

Militsiya personnel arrested in Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and surrounding areas after the evacuation have unknown fate. Strong reports of all being shot are unconfirmed. It is difficult to find sympathy for Militsiyaneers as they are nothing but a criminal pyramid organization. Like DAI (traffic police with the same system) the first of each month each militsiyaneer is given his quota of Hriven to extract from the populace and to be passed up the chain of command. He is allowed to keep 3% as his take, the rest is passed up the chain, each line of command gets their percentage. They are also in the pay of the local and regional mafias. Sympathy from the locals? No.
17th July Combat Updates

1. Strelkov has allowed the Uke Army to enter in to a trap of their own making in a narrow long corridor between Army of Novorossiya and the Russia Border known as 'The Cauldron'.
Never underestimate your enemy. In this case it seems the Ukeland Army has violated that truism.

2. Minimum 35 Uke soldiers have been taken across the border to Russia for medical treatment. Confirmed.

3. Border point near Gukovo has been hit with multiple Grad missiles. There are casualties in the refugee camp close to Gukovo. Confirmed. Source of the Grad attack is unknown.

4. The evacuation of Battalion Vostok wounded from the trap at Donetsk Aerodrome in late May under a flag of truce was arranged by OSCE operatives in Donetsk at that time. The two Kamaz convoy flying a flag of truce arranged by OSCE operatives was ambushed and the wounded slaughtered by two Right Sector units. Two OSCE operatives admitted they knew of the 'possibility' of an ambush, admission made after the OSCE group was released from detention in Donetsk. Confirmed.

5. Sporadic heavy fighting is ongoing in various locations west and north of Lugansk and Donetsk Cities proper.

6. Lugansk and Donetsk Cities proper and their surrounding towns and cities are under bombardment by Grad, Hurricane and Smerch MLRS and heavy artillery. More civilian casualties. Confirmed.

7. Hasty barricades, mine fields and check points are being erected east and south of Kharkov City by REMF's of the Ukeland Army stationed in that area. Confirmed.

8. Large MBT storage facility near Kharkov is under investigation by Kiev. Most tanks in the facility, which are supposed to be stored and battle ready, in fact have been cannibalized for parts, times and dates unknown. Several that were started in preliminary observations seem to have had sugar added to their engine crankcases, dates and times of this act unknown. Sugar added to a diesel or benzine motor crank case, about half a kilo does well, becomes rapidly liquid in the lube oil as the oil becomes warm. This compound then displaces the lube oil from the reciprocating and rotating parts which tends to make them warm with the resultant stress fractures of major parts. The motor can not be salvaged with the exception of various ancillary parts that are not lubricated by the central lube system. Confirmed.

9. The Slavyansk/Kramatorsk areas are receiving little if any aid from Kiev. Food and water is in very short supply. Right sector/nats guarda units are still terrorizing the remaining inhabitants in the searches for anyone who may have helped the Novorossiya units in those areas. Reports of civilians being shot, read murdered, are confirmed.

10. The situation in The Cauldron for the Ukes is very serious bordering on disaster. The Novorossiya Army units surrounding them are not in a continuous line, there are many gaps in the line covered by arty and MLRS units. Some of the Ukes will no doubt escape but it is doubtful any of their remaining equipment will get out. The capture of Marinovka and possession of the Saur edifice have sealed the fates of the Ukes. It will take a few more days to completely clean up The Cauldron.

11. Reports of some Ukeland soldiers removing their uniforms and running from The Cauldron are confirmed.

12. A report of one group of Ukeland soldiers fleeing The Cauldron being captured by locals is confirmed. Their execution by the locals for their depredations is unconfirmed.

13. Partisan activities in Kharkov Oblast and Kherson Oblast are continuing. Confirmed. Activities around Mariupol also confirmed. Partisan activities on other areas of Ukeland are unconfirmed.

14. This war will be long. Expect an effort for a cease fire from Kiev/EU/UN/US/UK/PACE/OSCE/Timoshenko's Masseuse very shortly. It is unknown if Novorossiya will participate in another cease fire after seeing the results of the first 'cease fire'.

15. Novorossiya has paid and will continue to pay a very high price in blood and tears in their fight against terrorists sent by Kiev. Freedom is not free. Novorossiya will pay the price and win it's freedom. Confirmed.
July 22nd, 2014 Combat Report

1. Donetsk, Lugansk and surrounding towns and villages are being bombarded ceaselessly by Uke forces using every weapon in their possession, Grad, Hurricane, Tornado and Smerch MLRS and arty up to 20.3 cm.

2. In last 4 days over 300 civilians in the aforementioned areas have been killed and a like number and more wounded. Civilian and industrial areas completely devoid of any Army of Novorossiya facilities and troops are targeted as is infrastructure such as gas, water and electric services.

3. Shoot down of MH17 has focused all world eyes on the aircraft. The Ukes are using this to unleash an assault on the civilians of Novorossiya with unprecedented savagery. Entire MLRS volleys are being fired in to cities, towns and villages away from the prying eyes of the press.

4. The Cauldron has not been reduced. Although the remaining two battalions of airborne and armor troops have been decimated and have lost most of their equipment and transport both are still dangerous.

5. The Ukes are pressing Army of Novorossiya very strong. There has been a noticeable change of tactics in some areas of fighting by the Ukes, obviously a change of command or advisors.

6. Heavy fighting around both Lugansk and Donetsk Aerodromes. Neither side seems to have an advantage.

7. Situation in and around Slavyansk and Kramatorsk is grave. Little food and water, some electric in certain areas. Many roads blocked by Uke block posts. Military age men and some women are still being arrested.

8. The fate of the Militsiya detachments from Slavyansk and Kramatorsk arrested after Strelkov withdrew are still unknown. No information or contact to any of their families since 05 July afternoon.

9. Travel by private vehicle in areas of Novorossiya from the Kherson Oblast/Novorossiya border is dangerous. In the countryside at some small road intersections there are one, two or three civilian cars and trucks with the occupants shot dead.

10. At one intersection of two country dirt roads two cars are shot. Lying beside one of the cars are three local villagers, one man and two women, obviously shot to death while trying to either help the wounded occupants of a car or trying to remove the bodies. Locals are terrified and rarely leave their villages. Crops are untended.

11. One small natsgardia/right sector unit of 8 was ambushed in Kherson/Novorossiya Border area by unknown assailants and their bodies left neatly arranged along the forest path, weapons and equipment removed by unknown personnel. Near the ambush sight a young woman was found dead. She had been outraged and murdered.

12. Civilian travel in east and southern areas of Kherson Oblast can be dangerous. In the areas north of the Krimea/Kherson Oblast border numerous patrols of natsgarda/right sector.

13. Vehicles and the few trains coming to Krimea from Kherson Oblast are searched for valuables and most of the military age men detained and taken 'to the office'. They either pay a large bribe to be allowed to continue to Krimea or are press ganged in to Uke service and sent to the fronts.

14. The refugee situation in Krimea is difficult. No one is left without succor that need it. As in reports from Cassad and Strelkov there are many entire families of refugees fleeing to Krimea, arriving in cars and vans packed with personal belongings, food and drink, vehicles often with the tell tale 'special' license number arrangements. Russia tells all they will be moved to other oblasti in Russia. Many of this category of refugees demand to be housed 'near the beaches', demand refugee status and demand services.

15. 35000 refugees are in Krimea alone, over 300000 refugees have fled to Rostov Oblast and many moved to other oblasti. It is estimated that a like number of refugees are staying with family and friends in Russian Federation. Another 50000 have fled west to Ukeland.

16. In the area around the MH17 crash scene the Ukes are using the local truce for the crash investigation to move and gather units for an assault designed to split Donetsk from Lugansk. OSCE and foreign press on sight fail to see armored columns gathering in the general area.

17. Novorossiya is being hard pressed. The Ukes are using their overwhelming numbers of armor, arty and MLRS to 'mob' the Army of Novorossiya. Opinion is the situation is in balance and could tip either way, victory for Novorossiya or total defeat.
Combat update July 26th, 2014
1. Fighting in The Cauldron continues. самообороны (self defense forces) continue to reinforce against the ukes surrounded in The Cauldron. Today the border crossing at Marinovka was secured. The orks in The Cauldron are now completely surrounded and cut off.

2. Almost 100 Ukes in The Cauldron have run for the Russian border and crossed in to Russia. самообороны are not happy that these terrorist ukes who were perfectly happy to terrorize and shoot innocent civilians have run to Russia, their 'hated enemy', for safety when they had to fight real soldiers. By international law the ukes must be interned for the duration of the conflict and their possible involvement in war crimes investigated.

3. Moral in Army of Novorossiya is very high. In the attached video you can see the special bond that forms between men who have fought together.

4. The Ukes are again using white phosphor arty shells, in direct defiance of international law and Geneva Convention which Ukeland signed almost 20 years ago banning the use of white phosphor bombs and artillery shells.

5. Lugansk and Donetsk cities proper are being shelled daily and nightly by MLRS and arty, the largest of arty is 20.3 cm howitzers. That's 8" guns for you who are not metric familiar.

6. One of the identified killers from the Odessa Trade Union Building massacre has been captured by самообороны 3 days ago near Lugansk.

7. A group of Uke mothers are trying to arrange an exchange of Uke held prisoners for their sons trapped in The Cauldron. Past experience has shown that prisoners released by самообороны have immediately gone back to their units and continued to fight самообороны. Perhaps the mothers should have raised their sons a bit better so the sons would not be fighting their own brother citizens in a civil war.

8. The rumors of Russian units crossing the border to Novorossiya with dozens of armored vehicles and many soldiers are patently false. There are no serving Russian soldiers in Novorossiya nor has Russia provided large numbers of armored vehicles or artillery. Novorossiya has captured what they have from Uke units.

9. Information of large contingents of Polish volunteers serving with Uke units are unconfirmed. Polish ID and equipment was found at the sight of the IL shoot down but no bodies were located at that time.

10. Information has been found implicating the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey R. Pyatt, of being involved extensively in the planning and execution of false flag 'terrorist' operations in Ukraine to be blamed on Novorossiya. This is the same Geoffrey R. Pyatt who was extensively involved in the coup d'etat that installed the current illegal government in Ukraine. The information is not 100% confirmed at this time. Further investigations are being done concerning this information.

11. Extensive partisan actions are extant in the occupied areas of Novorossiya. Almost daily, and nightly, attacks are being made on Uke units in Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Selemovka and other occupied areas.

12. Partisan activities are frequent in Kharkov Oblast and in the Mariupol district of Novorossiya. Sabatoge of Uke AFV's is also becoming more common in the Kharkov area. Refurbished tanks and BTR's seem to frequently have inoperable motive and sighting systems. One T64 tank is known to have had a catastrophic failure of the main gun breech system on firing it's first round resulting in the loss of the tank commander and gunner.

13. The humanitarian situation in some areas of Lugansk and Donetsk Cities proper and outlying cities and towns is serious. No water, no electric, no sewage, no gas. Shops and magazines are closed, food is difficult to obtain.

14. The Ukes will close all borders with Russia by 01 August. This will make the refugee situation worse. The only way out will be the perilous journey from Donetsk to Lugansk and thence to the borders with Russia. The southern route to Krimea will to all intents and purposes cease to exist.

15. The political situation seems to be worsening. Rumor of the demands to allow Australian and Dutch 'police' to secure the shoot down area of MH17 are extant. It would be foolish for the Army of Novorossiya to accede to these demands. This would be the NATO 'foot in the door' and will lead to an extensive NATO presence in Ukraine. This presence will lead to war between Russia and NATO. Is this July 2014 or July 1914?
16. The airports in Lugansk and Donetsk are still in the hands of the Ukes. They are surrounded and under attack with some of their best units relegated to static defense. It is expected that with the elemination of The Cauldron the pair of aerodromes are next to be crushed.

17. Confirmed reports of one hospital in Kharkov receiving 50 to 60 wounded Uke troops a day. Note, that is just one hospital. It is possible that the Ukes are not telling the truth about their losses.

18. Just in, confirmed reports of more Uke troops in The Cauldron running for the Russian border. Number is reported to be in excess of 200, unit unknown.

19. Army of Novorossiya will not win every engagement they are involved in. Casualties will increase as the army attacks the uke occupiers. You will notice from the video attached that many of the Novorossiya Army soldiers are not young. Many are veterans who have decided to serve for Novorossiya. As has been stated, 'Freedom' is not free. The cost in blood and tears is very high. That cost will be paid and the reward will be Freedom. Of this I have no doubts.
Combat Update

Information from very reliable sources. These sources are in Novorossiya, Russian Federation, EU and Ukraine:

29.07.2014 in afternoon Ukraine time 4 SS-21 Tochka tactical ballistic missiles were fired by Ukraine Armed Forces. At least two were clearly aimed at Saur Moglia with the idea of the Ukes trapped in The Cauldron having a sudden escape route opened for them. Moments before launch Russian Federation units surged toward the border at The Cauldron area and to the north of The Cauldron.

None of the 4 Tochka missiles reached their targets. I repeat, none of the 4 Tochka missiles reached their targets and none impacted with the ground anywhere that can be found in anything close to one piece. As you know this missile can carry a tactical nuke, chem/bio, cluster munition or HE in the weight of just under 500 kilos.

When the 4 missiles failed to reach their targets the Armed Forces of RF immediately halted their surge and held position. They are in the same positions 30.07.2014.

There has been a noticeable slow down of fighting activity since the launches and Strelkov has pointedly said again that Novorossiya is open to negotiations.

The 4 Tochka missiles were shot down over Novorossiya territory occupied by Ukraine Armed Forces before the missiles reached their programmed height. They were shot down from inside RF according to normally reliable sources. No visual evidence has been provided of RF shooting down the Tochka systems nor of the system used to shoot down the Tochka missiles.
August 10, Tactical, Strategic and Political Update

1. The Cauldron has not been totally suppressed as of 08:19 10.08.2014. Scattered pockets of Uke troops are still resisting. They are promptly overwhelmed as Resistance conducts their sweeps of the mostly abandoned Uke positions in The Cauldron. Confirmed.

2. Of the over 700 Uke troops who ran to and crossed the Norovorossiya/RF border more than 60% have asked for asylum. The remainder have been repatriated to Ukraine by their request. Confirmed.

3. A bargain was made two days ago for some Uke units to leave The Cauldron. The bargain was the Ukes leave their undamaged vehicles, both transport and fighting vehicles. Buses were provided by the Ukes to meet this group and transport them away from The Cauldron. Confirmed.

4. Another group of Ukes in The Cauldron attempted an armed breakout. This group has a very high proportion of foreign fighters, mostly Polish but with 'others'. Their column was attacked continuously during the attempt and lost significant numbers of troops and equipment. It is estimated that of almost 700 who made the attempt less than 225 managed to escape after abandoning their wounded during the fighting. The attempt and loses are confirmed.

5. It has been noticed that the continuous Uke bombardments of civilian living areas in villages, towns and cities are hitting the 'ordinary workers and peasants' districts. The very extensive wealthy areas are virtually untouched by the Uke arty.

6. With the number of Resistance observers in The Cauldron much intelligence information was gathered in addition to FAO activities. This information has been given to RF with extensive written information and large amounts of photographic evidence. This information is being used in the prosecution of now 9 Uke officers and 14 Uke NCO detained in Russian Federation for investigation of possible commission of war crimes involving the use of prohibited weapons against civilian targets in Novorossiya, the targeting of civilian areas in Novorossiya, the murder of 1 citizen of RF in Russia, the wounding of 7 citizens of RF in Russia and the destruction of both public and private property in Russian Federation. Confirmed.

7. Additional use of Tuchka U tactical ballistic missiles is unconfirmed. The use of the first 3 (or 4) Tuchka U systems resulted in the inability of the missiles to complete their course to their targets. Two very large impact craters have been observed in outlying villages in the Donetsk area since the first launches but it is unknown what caused the craters. While the surrounding houses were damaged by the impacts they do not show the massive damage that would have resulted from the air detonation of a Tuchka which would totally destroy any structure or living entity within 200 meters of the blast.

8. The overall situation in Novorossiya is very fluid as of 09:00 local time. The remains of the units from The Cauldron have now combined with the Uke units that were trying to break through Resistance 'lines' and relieve The Cauldron and are attacking originally north and have now realigned their attacks and are aimed directly at Lugansk Aerodrome some kilometers away. There is the possibility of another cauldron forming around Antratsyt. If this comes to pass it is doubtful any mercy will be shown to the Uke forces trapped inside. As of 10:05 local time there are no significant ground actions on the northwest lines of Novorossiya, all attacks are on the southeast areas.

9. While the tactical fighting is to and fro with many Resistance resounding successes the overall strategic situation for Novorossiya has not changed. Novorossiya is still vastly outnumbered by the Uke armed forces in manpower and catastrophically outnumbered in hardware regardless of the huge captures of Uke equipment by Novorossiya AF. The Ukes have the option of massing where they want and when they want and conducting forward movement operations as they please. The Novorossiya AF have not the manpower to fully man 'the lines' (neither do the Ukes) but Novorossiya AF are conducting defensive operations against an increasingly aggressive foe who is learning on the fly and learning well.

10. The political situation is still the same in regards to The West. RF is 'forbidden' to help Novorossiya with humanitarian aid or to position RF troops on or near the increasingly volatile borders between RF/Ukeland according to the US delegate to UN, Nato and Brussels. Moving the Aegis cruiser Vella Gulf in to the Black Sea is a non starter. The Black Sea is a Russian lake and any aggressive moves by the cruiser may well result in an incident that will have far reaching consequences, not the least of which will be to Vella Gulf himself.

11. The gradual introduction of NATO troops and equipment in to Ukeland proper is of far more import. The first official 'non lethal' equipment shipment from 'Canada' has arrived in Kharkov via Nato air transport on 09.08.2014. Another shipment is scheduled for shortly after 12:00 on 10.08.2014. It is confirmed that there are Nato troops on the ground in Kharkov to assist in the unloading of the cargoes and the training involved with the new equipment and to guard the area in aerodrome proper. Note. To train Uke soldiers in the sophisticated night vision and other electronic equipment will take a month or more of intensive work. Ukeland does not have a month nor does Nato. Who is going to use this equipment? It is also confirmed that there is an ever increasing and not small cadre of American troops in Kiev assisting the Ukeland government in their prosecution of the war under the nominal auspices of NATO.

12. Conclusions. Russia will not allow Novorossiya to fall. Russian Army will not cross the borders with Novorossiya unless there is a catastrophic attack involving massive civilian casualties in Novorossiya or Russian Federation.
August 26th Update

1. The situation has improved in Novorossiya but is still quite serious. The enemy still has an overwhelming advantage in hardware and men and in some instances shows they know how to use that preponderance.

2. As the Army of Novorossiya goes about it's task of freeing cities, towns and villages they are followed by what relief is available for the newly freed citizens. Also in the follow up are trained investigators who have been keeping detailed records and evidence of the depredations of the occupying forces. While the hanging tree will not be used, there is no doubt that some of the occupiers will be in prison for a long time.

3. The rumors of a large USA tank force in the Talakivka area are false.

4. The relief column of humanitarian aid sent to Lugansk City was welcome. It is of vast interest that USA and EU have warned RF not to do it again. Perhaps when the war is over some of those western political types should be brought to Novorossiya (preferably in chains) to explain to the citizens why they should be denied aid under the remorseless bombardments of the Ukeland army.

5. The new Cauldron in south central liberated territory of Novorossiya is being steadily reduced. The occupants have been given the choice of surrender themselves and their equipment or die. At the moment their commanders have chosen that they die. Of interest is the units trapped in the cauldron are the ones whose depredations against the innocent civilians are well documented as being the worst.

6. The rumors that Poroshenko will surrender today are false. He is still extolling his 'peace plan' of the Army of Novorossiya lays down their arms, gets investigated by Ukeland, anyone suspected of crimes against Ukeland will be imprisoned, and then he will negotiate.

7. The airfields in Donetsk City proper and Lugansk City proper have not been assaulted beyond bombardments as of 05:00 this morning. Both are honeycombed with underground service passageways and will be expensive in manpower to take by force. Perhaps the answer is to simply drive the Ukes underground, bring in truckloads of stone to seal all the exits but one and wait them out. The one exit will be their portal of surrender.

8. Mariupol was handed to the Ukes some months ago in a deal with Ahkmetov. It was to Mariupol that all the previous Uke administrations of Novorossiya fled at the beginning of the conflict with their underlings, many bringing their entire families and hangers on. The city was also the rear base of many of the oligarch's private 'battalions', a rest and replenish area thought to be totally secure. It has been known for months that there was no real security in the area for the Ukes, in other words the entire area was wide open. The attack south along the RF border then turning west along the coast toward Mariupol was a masterpiece of deception, tactics and strategy. The flight in panic of all the golden pheasants and their minions was and is epic. Their flight is spreading worry and in some instances panic as far away as Melitopol and Kerson to the south and Dnepropetrovsk to the northeast of Novorossiya.

9. Partizan activities are increasing in frequency and force in the Kharkov and Slavyansk areas to the point Kharkov is building defenses facing Novorossiya. Of particular interest was the capture two weeks ago of an entire Kamaz load of Javelin antitank missiles. These missiles were offloaded from the 'Canadian' air force planes that brought 'non lethal' aid to the Uke army according to eye witnesses. The Javelin is not listed in the TOE (Table of Organization and Equipment) of the armed forces of Canada, although I have few doubts that oversight will be rectified within minutes of this report being read in The West.

10. The entire Uke force of airworthy air assets has now been shot down one and a half times. To qualify that statement, one should remember that when Belbek Aerodrome north of Sevastopol was taken there were 5 airframes of 43 on base that were airworthy, one of which was a trainer. This is indicative of the condition of the entire Uke armed forces. The problem with this fact is where are the units coming from that are being used by the Ukes? The answer is Germany, Poland and Czech are still supplying the ukes with equipment and aircraft from their stocks of equipment left from 'the old days'. Those 3 countries are also supplying the ukes with T 72 main battle tanks in pristine condition and other AFV's. Most of the Uke T 72's were sold off and exported during the Yushenko/Tymoshenko regime. Reports of crews and maintenance personnel provided with the equipment are not 100% verified.

11. The persistent reports from Ukeland of RF columns of tanks and AFV's entering Ukeland are false as are the Uke statements of the destruction of these columns. There will be no entry of RF forces in to Novorossiya nor will there be an invasion of Ukeland by RF, wishful thinking be damned. If RF was to invade she would not send half a Rota of armor, she would send half a dozen tank armies.

12. The massive destruction of cities, towns and villages of Novorossiya is ongoing. Every day and every night the bombardments continue. Civilian areas are mainly the targets. The destruction has been carefully planned and executed. The damage is in the many billions of euros and will take years to repair. The loss of life and injuries to the innocent civilians well exceeds 5,000 since the beginning of the war in April. The time for negotiations with Ukeland are long gone. The war will end when every single occupier of Novorossiya land from Ukeland is either ejected, in a POW camp or dead. Fact.
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