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The Clash Within Civilisations: The Sunni-Shiite Divide

but i agree....it looks pretty barbaric..seeing little children drenched in blood and all...how would they grow up...:sick:

wy the **** do the police do even give permission for such barbaric rituals is totally beyond me....:tdown:

I agree I wish they would listen to the Iranian Imams. It's banned in Iran.

I See Hindus Discussing this matter more than muslims .:D

Nonetheless The Shia-Sunni Divide is larger today becuase of geo-political issue . Iran is the only Shia Majority Country Left in Gulf Today ( Sorry but I don't See Bahrain as a country and you guys would have guessed why) . Saudi Hates Iran and vice versa .

But when you mix geo-political game with religion you get this venomous concoction wherein common sense takes a flight .

It's easy to blame Israel or U.S. for it but it's not them . It's you guys , your Monarchs , Your Ayotallahs your Imams who are responsible for it .

Muslims in the Arab world and Indian Subcontinent need to learn to Keep Religion between themselves and their god and not involve it every tiny things .

But Nonetheless as Sunni Majority countries are on U.S. Side Shia majority/controlled are being Demonized ( Iran , Syria etc) but this Geo-political roll of dice can change anytime .

In India also zanzir zani ( sorry i dont know the right word) is banned in certain cities and not because of Hindus or anyone else but because their Sunni brothers would start pelting stones and soon the streets would turn to war zone .

Nonetheless Learn to keep religion between yourself and your god and everything would be sunshine and rainbows .

Can they beat their chest?
Omg , I Love the turkish songs about Imam Ali. They are soo sad. Very popular in Iran. Ignore him, there is NO shia imperialism. We are the minority!! and are always discriminated aganist. So how can we be the imperialistic one?
Your Shia leaders are just as bad as the Wahabbi Kings and sheiks.

Excuse me, would you mind explaning how you came to that conclusion???? After the Islamic revolution in 1979, imam khomeini pleaded for Shia/Sunni unity. instead the dictators across the border decided to invade and kill innocent people, and America thought it was a good idea to kill Iranians too!!! Also , in Iran they banned the cursing of the campanions of the prophet. So i'm not sure why you are accusing IRAN of being the problem here! Obviously you don't much about this issue.
The best way to stop Sunni Shia bloodshed is for us SUNNIS to stand by our SHIA Brothers and Sisters and confront these Lashkar Jhangvi Savages. We cannot allow these low life medieval Savages to destroy the name of Islam and destroy Pakistan.

Shia's abuse Abu bakr, Umar, Usman and Ayesha R.A severely. If they keep their swearing upto killers of hussain (R.A) i and all sunnis have no problem, but there will be no unity among Sunni and Shia until Shias leave this practice and this is the ground reality.

Then the second major Ideological difference which causes friction. Ya Ali Madad and Ya Hussain Madad concept. 12 imamas then Hazrat Hussain (R.A) Then Hazrat Ali (R.A) then Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) Then Allah... While Us Sunnis says When Allah said you directly approach me or approach me through Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) then why such a long chain in Shiasm?

Third Major Ideological difference. They don't consider our Hadith books and have their own versions.

So Enlighten me how can you have unity when you can't put aside these differences? External Players only flare up such issues time to time. So who to Blame for not uniting? Our own ideological difference or the External Players which uses these ideological divides and hatred?
Shia's abuse Abu bakr, Umar, Usman and Ayesha R.A severely. If they keep their swearing upto killers of hussain (R.A) i and all sunnis have no problem, but there will be no unity among Sunni and Shia until Shias leave this practice and this is the ground reality.

Most shias don't in Iran, I can't tell you what shias do in other countries !!!! but In iran we are way too Busy loving OUR IMAM ALI SO SO much to even think about Yazid. It's really a waste of time. But the Sunni care soo much about this issue. I mean most Sunni do stuff that irk Shias , but do you see Shias complaining or killing them?
Most shias don't in Iran, I can't tell you what shias do in other countries !!!! but In iran we are way too Busy loving OUR IMAM ALI SO SO much to even think about Yazid. It's really a waste of time. But the Sunni care soo much about this issue. I mean most Sunni do stuff that irk Shias , but do you see Shias complaining or killing them?

Wow, because we love Abu Bakr RA and the sahabas it means we're doing it out of hate? What logic!
Just like you said about your imama, we do it for the same reason, just out of love of the khalifa rahideen, no because we have a problem with shias
We are going nowhere. :)

Saudi arab is involved in our killing in Pakistan.

can you explain this? I read about the highly educated Lawyer that was assassinated? what exactly happend?

yes....in UP and all, there are many shias who would say they would rather trust a hindu than a sunni or vice versa....many clashes have occured on muharram when the shia take a procession and the sunni create trouble...

I trust a anyone but a Wahabi! lol. They just don't like shias. They call All Shias "Iranian agents". It's really werid, they are just paranoid.
Excuse me, would you mind explaning how you came to that conclusion???? After the Islamic revolution in 1979, imam khomeini pleaded for Shia/Sunni unity. instead the dictators across the border decided to invade and kill innocent people, and America thought it was a good idea to kill Iranians too!!! Also , in Iran they banned the cursing of the campanions of the prophet. So i'm not sure why you are accusing IRAN of being the problem here! Obviously you don't much about this issue.

I never accused Iran of being the problem in fact I am actually more Pro Iran than Pro Saudi however, to say that the Iranian leaders are saints is just fooling yourself. Look at what Iran is causing in Syria by propping up Assad. Also your Imams are dictators as well just because you have a man who calls himself President does not mean that he has any real power.
Wow, because we love Abu Bakr RA and the sahabas it means we're doing it out of hate? What logic!
Just like you said about your imama, we do it for the same reason, just out of love of the khalifa rahideen, no because we have a problem with shias

What I'm trying to say is that it doesn't really bother Shias that you follow the companions, b/c it doesn't make such a diference, but it seems like the Sunnis have a major issues with us loving imam Ali. They accuse us of worshipping Imam Ali. Like I said I like Sunnis, I dont have a problem with them. I like Sunni mosques alot better than Shia mosques, More simple. But I have a major trust issue with teh Wahabi, since they beheaded Us, I think that was disgusting.
I never accused Iran of being the problem in fact I am actually more Pro Iran than Pro Saudi however, to say that the Iranian leaders are saints is just fooling yourself. Look at what Iran is causing in Syria by propping up Assad. Also your Imams are dictators as well just because you have a man who calls himself President does not mean that he has any real power.

, that's why we have total mistrust for the American government.
What I'm trying to say is that it doesn't really bother Shias that you follow the companions, b/c it doesn't make such a diference, but it seems like the Sunnis have a major issues with us loving imam Ali. They accuse us of worshipping Imam Ali. Like I said I like Sunnis, I dont have a problem with them. I like Sunni mosques alot better than Shia mosques, More simple. But I have a major trust issue with teh Wahabi, since they beheaded Us, I think that was disgusting.

Search Videos on youtube. You will easily find Iranian shias cursing The sahabas of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) openly in large gatherings.

Most shias don't in Iran, I can't tell you what shias do in other countries !!!! but In iran we are way too Busy loving OUR IMAM ALI SO SO much to even think about Yazid. It's really a waste of time. But the Sunni care soo much about this issue. I mean most Sunni do stuff that irk Shias , but do you see Shias complaining or killing them?

That's a total one sided story.What happens on ground is totally opposite. In your Love towards Imam Ali (R.A) you curse the other revered person and that's the reality.
Search Videos on youtube. You will easily find Iranian shias cursing The sahabas of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) openly in large gatherings.

That's a total one sided story.What happens on ground is totally opposite. In your Love towards Imam Ali (R.A) you curse the other revered person and that's the reality.

I'm sorry if you were offended b/c of some stupid old imams that are not even relevent ! The thing is in Iran this practice is NOT supported and funded by the state. However, in Saudi Arabia, it is systmatically encouraged to tell people that Shias worship ALI/Hussein/etc... You have no idea how many times I have read this on the internet and on watched on youtube. I wish it would stop. Well i guess it can start with you, if someone brought this subject up, you can correct them and tell them its NOT true. That's the only way it can stop. and NO most Shias are NOT "iranian agents" it's so absurd.
Most shias don't in Iran, I can't tell you what shias do in other countries !!!! but In iran we are way too Busy loving OUR IMAM ALI SO SO much to even think about Yazid. It's really a waste of time. But the Sunni care soo much about this issue. I mean most Sunni do stuff that irk Shias , but do you see Shias complaining or killing them?

Aye, busy but still have time to malign other Caliphates!

Hell with yazeed, we love Ali as much as we love other Caliphates.
Aye, busy but still have time to malign other Caliphates!

Hell with yazeed, we love Ali as much as we love other Caliphates.

Yeah, see we have so much in common!!! I just wish more people would ignore their Zionist owned Media which is always anti-shia. and yes, I'm talking about Al-jeezera. It's always painting Iran in such a bad light. I mean how can Al-jeezera claim to be an alternative newsource when it does the same thing as the western media.
@ IraniGirl : A little word to the wise sister - Don't use the 'Wahabi' word on PDF for it may get you banned !

Emmie, Mamba, Mafiya - Chill ! Don, Irani - Chill !

If I maybe allowed to share a couplet from the poet-philosopher of Pakistan, Iqbal :

'Manaf-iat eik hai iss qaum ki nuksaan bhi eik,
eik hi sub ka nabi deen bhi eman bhi eik,
harm-e-pak bhi Allah bhi Koran bhi eik,
kuch barii baat thii hotii jo ho jai Musalmaan bhi eik'

Eng :
The successes & failures of this 'Nation - the Muslims' is One,
One Prophet, One Religion, One Faith,
One ka'abah, One God, One Koran,
Wouldn't it be something if the Muslims were One too ?
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