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The Clash Within Civilisations: The Sunni-Shiite Divide

Many Shia pray just 3 times a day. And no they dont accept that Quran ordered Muslims to pray 5 times a day.

They cite many Hadiths to prove Muhammed just prayed 3 times a day.

OK LET US WAIT FOR iRANigirl ... i am curious to know what she thinks about this post

This is a very nice documentary a MUST WAtch, Video
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you guys hate Muslim unity a lot?? hehe !! Even the idea disgusts you Indians! just because such unity will provide Pakistan an edge over India!!

Of course man...any doubt?? If Muslims nations think about security and prosperity of my nation...so how come i will think the same?
( Here Muslim nations are only implied to so called brother nations BD and Pak...now enjoy your weekend and brotherhood)
BBC has some nice Documentaries.

This is another one. Though not really related to this thread, I really like it

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Well historically the modern sectarian wars began in 79. So its clear who is to blame.
Shias believe that when Imam mahdi gets out of the basement he will kill all the Sunnis in the world. Very dangerous cult.
BBC has some nice Documentaries.

This is another one. Though not really related to this thread, I really like it

Now this is hilarious. When the same BBC comes up with Secret Pakistan :: Double Cross and Backlash, PureLandists fall over one other to riducule it as propaganda and ban it. But when it talks about Science and Islam, BBC is the next best thing since frozen pizza !!!
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Alawaites are a branch of Shia Islam and they consider themselves Muslims. They are followers of the ithna asharriyah. That is enough for me. Me wants no one passing judgement on another's religion or issuing certificates of conduct.

Farhan, do you consider the Shias as Muslims, on par with the Sunnis ?
Wrong. Sunnis don't consider them Muslim, Shias don't consider them Muslim. Alwites don't consider themselves Muslim but only do that for political reasons.
If was official because that is what the historians were forced to write. BCC will only show what the majority of books said. The fact is that Arab Muslims were given preferential treatment by the Ummyads and the new converts demanded the same. Not having their demands met led to mass scale civil strife. Dont you ever pay attention to the fact that despite being under Islamic rule for several centuries, Spain unlike other Christian and Roman territories of Constantinople, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, etc never became Islamic. Infact Spain has only 2.3% muslim population, an awfully pathetic figure for a country under Islamic rule for several centuries. In the final days if Muslim rule there were massive re-conversions to Christianity.

Same was the schiff faced in Medina where miniority "muhajirins" rules majority "ansars" and racism played a big role in break away of Persia from mainstream Sunni islam. Similar schiff let to break away of Sudan recently.

Abdul Rahman was the first recognized successful ruler who united Alandalus. His father was umayyad amd mother north african, so he enjoyed popularity from both!! He first challenge came from new converts of Zaragoza, a northern city situated beside christian kingdom far from capital Cordoba ...


and i was quoting brian Brian A. Catlos: Biography
Well historically the modern sectarian wars began in 79. So its clear who is to blame.
Shias believe that when Imam mahdi gets out of the basement he will kill all the Sunnis in the world. Very dangerous cult.

you guys hate Muslim unity a lot?? hehe !! Even the idea disgusts you Indians! just because such unity will provide Pakistan an edge over India!!

Now people juxtapose these two posts and tell me , do we guys really need to fear/hate about a non-existent entity ?

Wrong. Sunnis don't consider them Muslim, Shias don't consider them Muslim. Alwites don't consider themselves Muslim but only do that for political reasons.

They believe in finality of Muhammed and divinity of allah. They recite the kalima with as much fervour as you Sunnis. Dont be a takfiri pronouncing who is muslim and who is not. :rolleyes:
Now people juxtapose these two posts and tell me , do we guys really need to fear/hate about a non-existent entity ?

They believe in finality of Muhammed and divinity of allah. They recite the kalima with as much fervour as you Sunnis. Dont be a takfiri pronouncing who is muslim and who is not. :rolleyes:

hIS ID ACCOUNT IS bANu Umayah! You are clever enough to take the hint
Now this is hilarious. When the same BBC comes up with Secret Pakistan :: Double Cross and Backlash, PureLandists fall over one other to riducule it as propaganda and ban it. But when it talks about Science and Islam, BBC is the next best thing since frozen pizza !!!

Just to let you know this documentary is made by a Middle Eastern. :)
hIS ID ACCOUNT IS bANu Umayah! You are clever enough to take the hint

So what if his nick is Banu Umayyah* ? Still he is a Sunni and his opinion too carry weight in the context of what Sunni think of Shia.

*I do understand the significance of his nick btw.
hIS ID ACCOUNT IS bANu Umayah! You are clever enough to take the hint
Now let me ask you this :: why is it that if a Non-Muslim talks anything against Muslims are they labeled Islamophobes, but if the same is done by a fellow Muslim towards another Muslim, they are not Islamophobes.
Now let me ask you this :: why is it that if a Non-Muslim talks anything against Muslims are they labeled Islamophobes, but if the same is done by a fellow Muslim towards another Muslim, they are not Islamophobes.

lool. You know Obama-Romney hate each other. But if Monmohon singhs hates obama, its not normal! Its obsession!
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