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The CIA Network Inside Pakistan

There's a reason why i said we failed ourselves, if we are really that much concerned about our sovereignty we must have taken care of it in first place & must not have allowed foreign intelligence ops of this scale on our very own territory. Apparently it seems to me that CIA has more on ground sources in Pakistan than Pakistani agencies :what:

Pakistanis fulfill needs of our armed forces with their soul & blood & what are we getting in return? NOTHING!
There's a reason why i said we failed ourselves, if we are really that much concerned about our sovereignty we must have taken care of it in first place & must not have allowed foreign intelligence ops of this case on our very own territory. Apparently it seems to me that CIA has more on ground sources in Pakistan than Pakistani agencies :what:

I agree - and I don't think the ISI can blame GoP policy for not detecting the expanding CIA network and controlling it.

That said, given that Zardari/Haqqani have issued thousands of visas to US officials, it would require a significant amount of resources to track all those individuals, monitor them and then in turn monitor and track their connections inside Pakistan. So a large chunk of the blame does rest on Zardari/Haqqani's shoulders for creating this mess with allowing thousands of US personnel into the country without proper checks.

Now the question is, how does the Military reverse the visa policy and kick out all these US personnel without appearing to 'force' the elected government?

If we are to abide by democratic principles, then the pressure needs to be on the PPP to come out clearly on this issue and minimize the US presence in Pakistan, as well as authorize the use of military force against drones and other incursions.
That said, given that Zardari/Haqqani have issued thousands of visas to US officials, it would require a significant amount of resources to track all those individuals, monitor them and then in turn monitor and track their connections inside Pakistan. So a large chunk of the blame does rest on Zardari/Haqqani's shoulders for creating this mess with allowing thousands of US personnel into the country without proper checks.

UK has issued 30,000 + Visas to Asians in the last 10 years alone. And remember, UK is much smaller when compared to Pakistan. Issuing Visas is not the only issue. Intelligence system do not take care of immigration/border scrutiny and control in any country, however, they have to work together.
First of all, the hysteria is understandable where one finds enemy agents even in his shadow.

This morbid insecurity is natural when it appears that the world has collapsed around oneself and instruments of faith that one felt protected them seem to have feet of clay or have been sold out to the highest bidder.


However, there is a danger.

Unsubstantiated rumours can inflame and not soothe as a balm that is required by Pakistan now most urgently.

Now, by reading this article and getting inflamed some people might turn vigilantes and go 'hunting' for these agents.

The result will be chaos since they will apprehend or even kill whoever they feel could be 'foreign' agents.

Who will benefit if there is anarchy prevailing thus in Pakistan?

Think it over.

Ask your 'well informed source'.

Agreed.. But would you be kind enough to explain after which event people started thinking like this.. If you can.. Can you prove that event is based on truth?.. If No.. then can you please tell who is supporting that event??
400 Indian, Israeli agents infiltrate CIA operating in big cities of Pakistan.

RAW strikes again through CIA!

Well-informed sources revealed that the Obama administration deployed more than four hundred professional-India and pro-Israel CIA brokers in 2010 within the massive cities of the nuclear-armed country, together with in Quetta, Peshawar, Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad.

Sources believed that the American spies with professional-India mindset had been deployed in Quetta to gas militancy within the largest but poor province of Balochistan whereas the US operatives who worked with Israeli agents before 11th of September had been despatched to the country’s insurgency-hit region bordering war-torn Afghanistan.

India is now professional-India. We have infiltrated most rich and technologically advanced spy agency for covert operation inside Pakistan. Technical espionage and spying are now our profession. :partay:

Most of the CIA contractors are double-brokers, as on the one hand they're employed by the American CIA, but on the other, they are undercover personnel of the Indian and Israeli lobby and assigned with special tasks in several regions.

That is called Indian way. :P
I agree - and I don't think the ISI can blame GoP policy for not detecting the expanding CIA network and controlling it.

Every one in GoP & military is trying to save his arse, so they will keep blaming each other for blunders that i think are done by whole of Pakistani Administrative setup! We had no idea from very first day about our policy & kept on doing things without any pre defined direction!

Kayyani & Pasha would still take away pensions, plots, gratuities, farm houses, post retirement assignments, clubs memberships and lecture the world on defense and political matters thats their life they don't give a damn about Pak-is-ttaaan & same with politicians

That said, given that Zardari/Haqqani have issued thousands of visas to US officials, it would require a significant amount of resources to track all those individuals, monitor them and then in turn monitor and track their connections inside Pakistan. So a large chunk of the blame does rest on Zardari/Haqqani's shoulders for creating this mess with allowing thousands of US personnel into the country without proper checks.

If they can't track all of them (I am damn pretty sure now that Pakistan's intelligence agency has way more less ON GROUND SOURCES than CIA) then at least track something, I mean he kept hiding under are our damn noses & we didnt freaking knew a thing, whats the point in having an intelligence agency if it cannot even fulfill its primary goal!

Now the question is, how does the Military reverse the visa policy and kick out all these US personnel without appearing to 'force' the elected government?
They can't control it, or do we want the military to define the priorities of civilian gov.?
I guess Pakistan has given wayyyy too grants to US & have not thought about the consequences even for a single moment

If we are to abide by democratic principles, then the pressure needs to be on the PPP to come out clearly on this issue and minimize the US presence in Pakistan, as well as authorize the use of military force against drones and other incursions.

Nobody's gonna come out & talk about it, Can't ya see that everyone in Establishment is on 'chupp ka roza'.
@ Mr AgNoStIc MuSliM

you wanted me to 'stick to civil, logical and factual refutations of the post', right?

Exactly how would you like me to refute this thread? I can't believe that the Americans are in a self destruct mode and are carrying out collective Harakiri because only if a nation wants to destroy itself does it willfully recruit agents who are loyal to another nation into its premier intelligence apparatus. In fact, common sense says that any recruit found harboring the faintest of pro Indian or pro Israeli sentiments is suitable for disqualification from joining the CIA. Sharing intelligence is one thing and this is resorted to by most intelligence agencies on a case to case basis. But, recruiting loyalists of another nation will soon change the very nature of that agency in quick time. No one can allow that.

In the past, there have been many instance of the RAW/IB and ISI sharing intelligence.

Moreover, US and Indian interests are very divergent in most areas. To the Pakistani it may appear that Indian and US agents work in tandem but really that is often not the case. The CIA spies on India too, maybe not as much as they do to Pakistan but they do spy on us a lot.

This thread is nothing but a figment of someone's imagination designed to stir emotions of people. There is not truth in it. Tell me, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are close friends, right? But will the ISI permit to consciously recruit Saudi sympathisers in large numbers?
The US admits they have operatives inside Pakistan it's not speculation, you have to be in denial to not believe that. Raymond Davis was caught red handed. Israelis we know they have a few spies inside Pakistan as well as Iran. Security really needs to be tighten in all urban areas especially airports.
First of all, the hysteria is understandable where one finds enemy agents even in his shadow.

This morbid insecurity is natural when it appears that the world has collapsed around oneself and instruments of faith that one felt protected them seem to have feet of clay or have been sold out to the highest bidder.


However, there is a danger.

Unsubstantiated rumours can inflame and not soothe as a balm that is required by Pakistan now most urgently.

Now, by reading this article and getting inflamed some people might turn vigilantes and go 'hunting' for these agents.

The result will be chaos since they will apprehend or even kill whoever they feel could be 'foreign' agents.

Who will benefit if there is anarchy prevailing thus in Pakistan?

Think it over.

Ask your 'well informed source'.

For Pakistan answer to all your questions is India. :)

Pakistan army think India is their main enemy. So from their logic all the mess created by India. They cannot even make a word against US, so its better to blame India.
@ Mr AgNoStIc MuSliM

you wanted me to 'stick to civil, logical and factual refutations of the post', right?

Exactly how would you like me to refute this thread? I can't believe that the Americans are in a self destruct mode and are carrying out collective Harakiri because only if a nation wants to destroy itself does it willfully recruit agents who are loyal to another nation into its premier intelligence apparatus. In fact, common sense says that any recruit found harboring the faintest of pro Indian or pro Israeli sentiments is suitable for disqualification from joining the CIA. Sharing intelligence is one thing and this is resorted to by most intelligence agencies on a case to case basis. But, recruiting loyalists of another nation will soon change the very nature of that agency in quick time. No one can allow that.
The 'locals' that are being recruited are those that think like Farhat Taj - anti-Pakistan, anti-military etc. And then there are others who are merely providing information for money here and there.

There are sellouts in every nation.
Every intelligence agency worth its name must have its operative in the unfriendly country(and friendly country too).
But RAW infiltrating CIA, with figures like 400 being tossed around, does not sound probable.

RAW will have agents in CIA and vice versa, nothing special about that, that is how intelligence agencies work.

RAW failed to detect Osama in pakistan, definitely a failure.
The US admits they have operatives inside Pakistan it's not speculation, you have to be in denial to not believe that. Raymond Davis was caught red handed. Israelis we know they have a few spies inside Pakistan as well as Iran. Security really needs to be tighten in all urban areas especially airports.

Like I mentioned to DarkWave - US observation posts in Abbottabad, nationwide informers and surveillance for the courier, informants on drone strikes - everything points to a massive network inside Pakistan, and it is time that people like Farhat Taj and those connected to her and her organization are stopped and this network limited.

Doing this does not necessarily require GoP permission (any GoP allowing such a massive foreign intelligence network inside its borders is a treasonous government in any case), it requires an ISI and Army chief willing to crack down on the network at all costs.
I don't think any country outsources their intelligent gathering and no country will allow its agents to be controlled by another country, no matter how friendly it is.

It is against the principle of intelligence activities.

Information and intelligence sharing is another kettle of fish.
Like I mentioned to DarkWave - US observation posts in Abbottabad, nationwide informers and surveillance for the courier, informants on drone strikes - everything points to a massive network inside Pakistan, and it is time that people like Farhat Taj and those connected to her and her organization are stopped and this network limited.

Doing this does not necessarily require GoP permission (any GoP allowing such a massive foreign intelligence network inside its borders is a treasonous government in any case), it requires an ISI and Army chief willing to crack down on the network at all costs.

Locals do form a section of the sources for intelligence gathering by foreign countries.

If such a large number of CIA agents are officially being allowed one wonders if the govt alone is treacherous, given the history of Pakistan Army's and ISI's clout in governance.

If you recall, it was decided by the Pak Govt to send the ISI Chief to India. The Pak Army Chief met the President and the next thing one knew what that they ISI Chief would not come to India!!

Musharraf in his book has also mentioned how the Pak Army plays a major role in governance and he wrote so with great pride!
no intelligence agency would knowingly employ agents working for other country's interest. CIA, being a premier intellgence agency in the world is intelligent enough to know this fact? looks like the author of this article is super intelligent to find this out before anyone else could! maybe ISI should offer this guya a honorary membership in their club!
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