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The Chinese & Taliban Partnership Nobody Is Talking About Until Now

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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Village Stability Operations (VSO)

VSO are one of several national priority efforts currently conducted by joint/combined SOF teams in rural village areas across Afghanistan in support of the International Security Assistance Force’s, or ISAF’s, comprehensive campaign of counterinsurgency, or COIN. The ultimate goal of the COIN campaign is to foster an enduring stability for the people of Afghanistan. Performing what are commonly described as “bottom-up” stability efforts….so says big Army.

The Chinese Taliban Partnership

VSO is a losing strategy if the U.S. is not invested in Afghanistan for the long haul and we all know that we’re only building houses of cards. Current VSO operations in theater will only provide temporary shelter from a Chinese storm that is sweeping across the Afghanistan nation, and squeezing the land of every available natural resource. China doesn’t give a **** if the TB (Taliban) is in charge, just as long as they look the other way once they’re on the take; the TB will want their cut of course. This will happen as soon as the U.S. pulls out and it’s back to burkas as usual.


The Chinese & Taliban Partnership Nobody Is Talking About Until Now. | SOFREP
China funded the Mujahideens during the 1980's against the Soviets, mostly supplying small arms. It would be surprising if they did not have any connections to the Taliban regime which came from the Mujahideens. However, it is absolutely ridiculous to suggest China wants a destablized Afghanistan or even the Taliban in charge. Large numbers of insurgents in Xinjiang received their religious indoctrination and training from there. It would be disasterous if the Taliban return to power.
So justifying their further stay , old good vs evil BS be repeated again.
I thought this thread is talking about Taiwan partnership with us....
Indian's rumor and libel . If the Taliban come into power, the Xinjiang will be next Afghanstan. the host Using feet toe thinking and draw the conclusion that china fund taliban.
Chinese government and Chinese people are different. For political benefits china can make partnership with Pakistan or any other country but it's only for "Benefits" , china or Chinese people will never keep friendship thing with Bamiyan destroyers or Pakistan. My personal experience Chinese people don't like Pakistani people.
You think Chinese government is stupid enough to let taliban back into power so that it can support more for the uighur terrorists/separatists into our land??? You must be beyond stupidity.

BTW, Chinese people like to be friends with people around the world if they have the same wish as well. On mutual level, China and Pakistan have been long time friend.

We welcome peace-loving muslim people. We only hate those radical muslims, no matter which countries they come from, if they dare to do anything bad in China, we will make sure they will get punished ASAP.

Chinese government and Chinese people are different. For political benefits china can make partnership with Pakistan or any other country but it's only for "Benefits" , china or Chinese people will never keep friendship thing with Bamiyan destroyers or Pakistan. My personal experience Chinese people don't like Pakistani people.
Chinese government and Chinese people are different. For political benefits china can make partnership with Pakistan or any other country but it's only for "Benefits" , china or Chinese people will never keep friendship thing with Bamiyan destroyers or Pakistan. My personal experience Chinese people don't like Pakistani people.

During 2008 Beijing Olympics openning ceremony, Pakistani delegation was given rousing ovation from the Chinese audience alone with few other countries like Russia, Cuba, Iraq and interestingly Canada.

That is how Chinese people really feel about people from other countries.
Another ignorant Indian posting misinformation.

During the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, the US supported the Mujahideens and Talibans to fight against the Soviet Army.

Billions in weaponry and military training was funneled by the CIA, through Pakistan. And one of the effective weapons to down a Soviet aircraft at that time was Stinger missile.

In fact, the CIA trained OSAMA BIN LADEN.
Chinese government and Chinese people are different. For political benefits china can make partnership with Pakistan or any other country but it's only for "Benefits" , china or Chinese people will never keep friendship thing with Bamiyan destroyers or Pakistan. My personal experience Chinese people don't like Pakistani people.
So, You indian don't like Russian and Israel?
Don't show your stupid logic here, you are indian, your logic is far fetched!!
In China, as a netizen, that will browse the news, will know PAK is Chinese best friend, But not all chinese know the relationship between China and PAK!
But almost all chinese know what are your indian!! Enjoy your "benefit" as a "High" Caste in your country!
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