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The Chinese are coming.


since how long people like bharat varma became credible?

He is a troll like all of indian media.
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As long as he has the audience he has, he is credible.

'Never underestimate, the power of the stupid masses.'
Well if its like that then OK.

Like u said before these lunatics actually `tell exactly what India Aims to achieve.
I, for one, welcome our new Chinese overlords.

Chinese are not bombing Perth or bringing their 'camoflauged homosepians' are they? - They are bringing huge amounts of money to your country, for your mines, banking sector and so on. Yes they do almost own your economy but they don't meddle with your politics and your way of life. Apart from that little Chinese town in Northbride and a few 'therapy parlors' here and there.
I, for one, welcome our new Chinese overlords.

We just want business with the rest of world. Prosperity for all.

A true friend does not flatter you.

A true friend criticizes you.

So that you can correct your mistakes.

When one criticizes you, you must know why he is doing that.

He cares!

Thank you for your wise words. Now I understood why you criticize China everyday. I really appreciate it
Chinese are not bombing Perth or bringing their 'camoflauged homosepians' are they? - They are bringing huge amounts of money to your country, for your mines, banking sector and so on. Yes they do almost own your economy but they don't meddle with your politics and your way of life. Apart from that little Chinese town in Northbride and a few 'therapy parlors' here and there.

Which is why I welcome them;)
What you describe exactly sounds like Indian mentality....

If Chinese underestimate the enemy, she will never climb up to her current status. And Why India flatter with her economy is becos her eye sight is so high riding on the high horse that she trip and fall.

Chinese never underestimate Indian. Becos Indian indeed is in that level. :D

Let me show you the typical bragging by India when they are not even the same level as Chinese.

Remember PM Singh say Mumbai will overtake Shanghai in 2009? Now what? :D

Even living in Australia, (I don't know how long you have been there) does not make you comprehend simple internet English!

I pity your comprehension skill. You quoted my entire post but failed to read the last sentence which says, I quote, "India is not as much weak, in terms of military, as the Chinese tend to believe."

So all my argument was based on military related affairs which also includes intelligence gathering as well as sabotage missions inside enemy territory.

But you are just an obstinate person. Your twisted sense of superiority complex and your tendency to live in self complacency make you deny the reality. Since you have managed to make some economic progresses, you take that as the only weapon system to belittle others so that you can appease your own self. This is how you underestimate your enemy's strength confusing military affairs with the economic ones.

You prove again and again who you are and why you lost the Opium Wars. You sound like certified losers, period.

Chenghiz Khan's Mongol army was a band of nomadic people, they had no economy at all, still they not only defeated a much richer China but totally changed the direction of Chinese civilization. I know you will not get it. I am saying this because our smart readers will get it.

Measuring everything in the light of economic prosperity is something only the Chinese can do because they have managed to become rich at least for now. So it is your only means to feel proud in front of everyone.

You know what, when a poor guy suddenly becomes rich, he acts in the same way. He starts thinking that he has conquered the world. But his twisted sense of superiority complex only lasts as long as he has money in his wallet.

Finally, I repeat, I focused on the military affairs only and asked the Chinese not to underestimate India's military strengths.
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Ohh please.. Why are guys posting it again and again.. It is just a part from a comedy film.. I dont know why you guys taking it so seriously...

Remember PM Singh say Mumbai will overtake Shanghai in 2009? Now what? :D

Well to play devils advocate, the removal of illegal slums was started how ever, there was a strong opposition from Human rights group and some political parties against it..So it has to be stopped...
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As long as he has the audience he has, he is credible.

'Never underestimate, the power of the stupid masses.'

And then again, who are his audience? how many channels potray him as defense analyst? How often you see him in main stream media??

Historically two growing powers or countries adjacent to each other have never co-existed peacefully. Examples, Rome and Carthage, Rashidun caliphate vs Persian Empire, Germany vs France, UK, Soviet Union, and many other examples. I think in the future it is inevitable that there will be a war between China and India (Pakistan may opt to join depending on leadership at the time). The two countries share a long disputed border, regular ground intrusions, helicopter incursions, staple visa, threatening rhetoric, large disputed territorial claims (South Tibet / AP), regional competition for resources and trade routes, maritime threat, all while having political differences, etc.
I don't think chines are stupid enough to engage in any conflict even with small countries like Vietnam, Philippines let alone with strong countries like India or Japan for that matter. Chines are looking towards USA, their goal is the top most position in the world and they know they wont be able to get there if there will be conflict on its borders.

But Once chines achieve that position, then situation like above may arise.
Historically two growing powers or countries adjacent to each other have never co-existed peacefully. Examples, Rome and Carthage, Rashidun caliphate vs Persian Empire, Germany vs France, UK, Soviet Union, and many other examples. I think in the future it is inevitable that there will be a war between China and India (Pakistan may opt to join depending on leadership at the time). The two countries share a long disputed border, regular ground intrusions, helicopter incursions, staple visa, threatening rhetoric, large disputed territorial claims (South Tibet / AP), regional competition for resources and trade routes, maritime threat, all while having political differences, etc.

True. The words in bold hold the key. China is on its way to be a global power but they are not a super power yet. India wants to be a regional power and then probably a global power. As long as the two countries are "growing" there will be no real war between the two since neither will want to risk any harm trade wise and as far as military reputation goes. Yes there may be great thrill in border incursions and being an irritant but there will be no bullet fired. India may not be militarily stronger than China but it would be totally unwise to think India would simply surrender with just show of might. Lets not forget China and India are nuclear powers but more so want to be known as responsible countries and will not throw around the word "nuclear" at the drop of the hat. So the cat and mouse game will continue with a lot of "buy out" of allies. The tides may change if the elephant got richer and can throw around its jewels.

The so called smaller neighbors will always be dependent and weary of the bigger ones regardless..its just depends who they benefit from and at what time. Even other wise they are too small to make a hughe difference. However, consider India's friends in Russia and Israel. They have helped and stood behind in India unlike say China-Pak where China's promises have just been words and nothing else. Lots of examples here that we all know off.

If India did get in to two fold war with both China and Pakistan, going by the Pakistani reputation and view of India's friends and the world on PAK, I have no doubt we will get help if ever needed. I cant expect the same with China but then my assumption is a worst case scenario. Even a two fold war would not be a cake walk and India can at the least defend its boundaries.

Lastly, talking about friends, allies and coalitions, its extremely important to comprehend Pakistan's performance as a friend and an ally. Let it be Afghanistan or the USA, PAK has always back stabbed and protected even the greatest Islamic terrorist of all times for whom the wot started. Don't take the Chinese to be stupid...just because they are saying things you like to hear doesn't mean they can trust PAK completely when islamic terrorism has also haunted them recently. Lastly, unless Pakistan can clear itself of the radical islam groomed and nurtured at its core...no one will ever genuinely offer support. Yeah they may take you for a ride like many have but even your greatest friends has never helped you at the time of war.

My last note. I hope India will never need to think like Pakistanis when it comes to war. We should be dependent on our men and not others!
Even living in Australia, (I don't know how long you have been there) does not make you comprehend simple internet English!

I pity your comprehension skill. You quoted my entire post but failed to read the last sentence which says, I quote, "India is not as much weak, in terms of military, as the Chinese tend to believe."

So all my argument was based on military related affairs which also includes intelligence gathering as well as sabotage missions inside enemy territory.

But you are just an obstinate person. Your twisted sense of superiority complex and your tendency to live in self complacency make you deny the reality. Since you have managed to make some economic progresses, you take that as the only weapon system to belittle others so that you can appease your own self. This is how you underestimate your enemy's strength confusing military affairs with the economic ones.

You prove again and again who you are and why you lost the Opium Wars. You sound like certified losers, period.

Chenghiz Khan's Mongol army was a band of nomadic people, they had no economy at all, still they not only defeated a much richer China but totally changed the direction of Chinese civilization. I know you will not get it. I am saying this because our smart readers will get it.

Measuring everything in the light of economic prosperity is something only the Chinese can do because they have managed to become rich at least for now. So it is your only means to feel proud in front of everyone.

You know what, when a poor guy suddenly becomes rich, he acts in the same way. He starts thinking that he has conquered the world. But his twisted sense of superiority complex only lasts as long as he has money in his wallet.

Finally, I repeat, I focused on the military affairs only and asked the Chinese not to underestimate India's military strengths.

Fancy you bring up genius khan and opium war? How about bringing up dinosaur 65millions years ago? :lol: how is Mongolia now? Strong economy equals strong military is the current situation. Please keep up with times. Surprisingly , the top military and top economy occupied the top 2 spot. Rather its you who can't take off your bias glasses and see the real world. Given your deep grudge against China, its no wonder facts are hard to accepted by you. The real one living in self delusion is you. :D
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