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The Child-Murderer alias Al-Asshead's barrel bombs kill 517 civilians in a fortnight

Both my parents are Arabs. My grandad however found love in bushehr. Although gran's mother tongue was parsi she spoke arabic perfectly with a khaliji accent and never actually have heard her speak parsi and that always got me to wonder about the possibility of your mother tongue to fade away lol

Many thanks for enduring the curiosity. Lool. Then, there is a great chance your grand-mother is Ahwazi, or Houly? Not a pure Persian?
Traitors exist in every community.

Not every community have mainly traitor doctors, engineers, pilots and high ranking officers of once a great country.

Many thanks for enduring the curiosity. Lool. Then, there is a great chance your grand-mother is Ahwazi, or Houly? Not a pure Persian?

tho there is a noticeable number of Arabs in Iran but no she was from a christian persian bushehri family. She later converted to Islam. Most Arab people in iran are muslims.
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tho there is a noticeable number of Arabs in Iran but no she was from a christian persian bushehri family. She later converted to Islam. Most Arab people in iran are muslims.

Wow...amazing. Thanks a million :).

A child is rescued from under the rubble of a collapsed building in the Maysar neighbourhood of Aleppo on Saturday. (Reuters)

Published — Monday 30 December 2013

Last update 29 December 2013 11:33 pm

Assad’s barrel bombs kill 517 in a fortnight | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

Oh, Allah (swt) destroy the Child-Murderer and tyrant and his criminal and anti-Muslim gangs that are killing thousands of Muslims in the land of Al-Sham, heal the wounds of the wounded and give victory to your religion and people and punish the perpetrators in Syria and their financial and military supporters with a firm hand. Ameen.

Both my parents are Arabs. My grandad however found love in bushehr. Although gran's mother tongue was parsi she spoke arabic perfectly with a khaliji accent and never actually have heard her speak parsi and that always got me to wonder about the possibility of your mother tongue to fade away lol

We've only came in contact with our cousins like 3-4 years ago.
She's arab then. Bushehr has a lot of Iranian arabs. And as you say, she spoke arabic. My uncle used to be married to a bushehri arab.
So when are you going to compare WW2 with the Anglo-Zanzibar War?

Derailing the topic tells me that your sole purpose is to ignore the facts put forward in this thread that put you in an disadvantage as a supporter of the Child-Murderer and his criminal Nusayri regime.

Also I do not think that we have crossed paths before on PDF but I see that you have been observing me.
instead of answering my question you are the one asking me to compare ww2 with zanzibar and then have the audacity of accusing me of derailing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

So when are you going to compare WW2 with the Anglo-Zanzibar War?

Derailing the topic tells me that your sole purpose is to ignore the facts put forward in this thread that put you in an disadvantage as a supporter of the Child-Murderer and his criminal Nusayri regime.

Also I do not think that we have crossed paths before on PDF but I see that you have been observing me.

yes, i am a new member of pdf, but reading the forums here for quite some time,,,,,,,

Al-Asshead has killed 4 times the amount of fellow Arabs that Israel have done since its founding in 1947 if my memory serves me right. In just a little over 3 years times! Well not only Arabs. He has killed thousands of Turkmens, Kurds etc.
and america has killed 10 times more arabs than all of them combined, so when are you going to start a covert war against them (or atleast a thread)??????????????????

Please.....tell us about how bad bloodshed is while you have Q. Sulimani's picture as your avatar.
yeah, qassem sulemani is the man who bombed hiroshima and nagasaki, and he is the one who supports banned sectarian outfits in pakistann that blow up holy places and funerals and of coarse he is the one who killed thousands of egyptians at the tahrir square,,,,,,,,,,
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