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The cancellation of the purchase of the air defence system for the TSK.

Russia sent you PMU2s after last year Azerbaijan bought them. They are trying to keep you up with them as you miserably fail :) Congratz :) Doesn't change the fact few harpies are enough to completely cripple the armenian air defence.

Yeah yeah yeah "Armenia is Russia's slave, they are not independent nation." I hope all of those things make you feel better about the fact that Armenia is strongest nation in the Caucasus.
Yeah yeah yeah "Armenia is Russia's slave, they are not independent nation." I hope all of those things make you feel better about the fact that Armenia is strongest nation in the Caucasus.
Well the fact is despite the Russian aid Azerbaijan is still stronger than you, still richer than you :) this is eating you inside i know it :) And even Georgians have the balls to stand up to Russians despite how weak they are. And you will remain Russia's bootlickers fooreveeer :)
Well the fact is despite the Russian aid Azerbaijan is still stronger than you, still richer than you :) this is eating you inside i know it :) And even Georgians have the balls to stand up to Russians despite how weak they are. And you will remain Russia's bootlickers fooreveeer :)

Azerbaijan has a TERRIBLE economy. It's mere existence is contingent upon the fact that it just HAPPENS to sit on oil reserves. TBH, I can see how Armenia could be jealous of Turkish economy, but definitely not Azerbaijani. When the oil drys, they are gone.

And no, with Russian aid, Armenia is stronger. Why do you think Azerbaijan has not attacked yet?

There is a difference between courage and stupidity. Georgia attacked Russian troops hoping that the United States would intervene on there behalf. :rofl:

You keep saying how Armenia is a slave to Russia. This is because you are ignorant. Are you aware that the biggest Russian asset is actually in Azerbaijan (Gabala radar station)?
Russia and Turkey are the big players, Turkey is in the game because of Azerbaijan because we are brothers. Russia is in the game because they want to incerase their influence in middle east and because of petrol and netural gas deposits in the region.

Why Turkey aids Azerbaijan(we can't really call it an aid, Azerbaijan pays for what it gets) is because we are brothers. And Why Russia aids Armenia is because you are their b.tch(obviously).

Armenia don't have an economy :) no no no it's a family budget :) you'll buy a lada in the end of the year
Turkey is not a "big player" in the Caucasus. It's only role is to act as an intermediary for Azeri oil/gas travelling to Europe.

You overestimate relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey. They just happen to have close economic ties, that's hit. All this talk about "two states, one nation" is empty rhetoric. Turkey will not put itself on the line against Russia for Azerbaijan. Like I said, the relationship between Russia and Armenia is like relationship between NATO and Turkey. The latter is simply important because of their geopolitical situation. That's it.
Turkey is not a "big player" in the Caucasus. It's only role is to act as an intermediary for Azeri oil/gas travelling to Europe.

You overestimate relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey. .

Why is all borders of Armenia closed again? Maybe you don't know because you live in Russia but people in Armenia are economically the second worse economy in the world on paper. Armenian population is only surviving because donations of Armenian diaspora abroad. It is you that overestimates Russian/Armenian relationship. Armenia is a burden for them, a card to be used.
Russia and Turkey are the big players, Turkey is in the game because of Azerbaijan because we are brothers. Russia is in the game because they want to incerase their influence in middle east and because of petrol and netural gas deposits in the region.

Why Turkey aids Azerbaijan(we can't really call it an aid, Azerbaijan pays for what it gets) is because we are brothers. And Why Russia aids Armenia is because you are their b.tch(obviously).

Armenia don't have an economy :) no no no it's a family budget :) you'll buy a lada in the end of the year

Answer a question honestly,If Azerbaijan had attacked Armenia and captured its land would you still support Azerbaijan?or You would support Armenia?

My answer is Azerbaijan, because you are looking in to whole situation as a 'Turkish' matter,you are looking to it from ethnic window.You call Azeris brothers because simply they speak a Turkish language.
I'm telling you,if it was Azerbaijan who had captured Armenian land,you would still support them and bring all kinds of excuses for them.Isn't that right?
Why is all borders of Armenia closed again? Maybe you don't know because you live in Russia but people in Armenia are economically the second worse economy in the world on paper. Armenian population is only surviving because donations of Armenian diaspora abroad. It is you that overestimates Russian/Armenian relationship. Armenia is a burden for them, a card to be used.

Armenia is not the second worst economy. You keep quoting that source you find on Wikipedia, and its making you look really really stupid. It reffered to growth, not economy as a whole.

Answer me this one question: If Azerbaijan is so strong, why hasn't it attempted to reclaim NK within last 20 years?
Armenia is not the second worst economy. You keep quoting that source you find on Wikipedia, and its making you look really really stupid. It reffered to growth, not economy as a whole.

The World's Worst Economies - Forbes

Is this wikipedia? Daniel Fisher is expert in Finance and Law. You keep saying it is wikipedia but I never gave you a wikipedia link. Even an Armenian classmate said that Armenia is worse that African economies. The only reason Armenian people live in Armenia is because of cash transfer from American Armenians. Or else Armenians would starve to death. Armenia is the guy that lives on the street from donations amongst the countries. Or other way to see it, Armenia is an open air prison for their deeds they did.
The World's Worst Economies - Forbes

Is this wikipedia? Daniel Fisher is expert in Finance and Law. You keep saying it is wikipedia but I never gave you a wikipedia link. Even an Armenian classmate said that Armenia is worse that African economies. The only reason Armenian people live in Armenia is because of cash transfer from American Armenians. Or else Armenians would starve to death. Armenia is the guy that lives on the street from donations amongst the countries. Or other way to see it, Armenia is an open air prison for their deeds they did.

For the last time, that article is QUOTED by Wiki, not WRITTEN by it.

Considering that Armenia is blockaded on two sides, its economy is actually excellent. It will only get better seeing as they will soon have access to port in Trabzon.

I'm tired of talking about Armen-Azeri war. It is pointless, because Azerbaijan is too afraid of Russia to attack. Otherwise it would have done so already right? Because they are SO strong. Their fear of Russia is the only plausible explanation.

But soon Azeri oil will run out. Even you cannot deny this. Once Russia sees that the only use it has for Azerbaijan (arms market) is gone, it will give Armenia green light to destroy Baku. And Turkey will stand by and do nothing because they too are afraid of Russia and do not care enough about Azerbaijan (just like they didn't care in first NK war)
@era_293 You are the one that's looking at the issue from ethnical window you know armenia's stance over Karabagh is unjust yet you still support it.

@Kajutyun once again im tired of your delusions and usual hatred... save it to another day my dear
For the last time, that article is QUOTED by Wiki, not WRITTEN by it.

Stop saying it is written by wikipedia then. It is a professional source written by far better educated people than you will ever be seeing your writing on this forum.

Considering that Armenia is blockaded on two sides, its economy is actually excellent.

Is it excellent? Can it get any worse? :victory: It is the second worse economy of the whole freaking WORLD. It is hard to comprehend even for me. At least Armenia is doing well, I don't know how you can say this? doing well at failing and eating the money that is getting transferred by Armenian working class in America. It must be humiliating to stay at alive that way.

This is not going to change soon. Don't hope for anything from our side since Karabagh issue needs to be resolved with Azerbaijan. When the money transfer from American Armenians stop, I hope Armenians won't eat each other.
For the last time, that article is QUOTED by Wiki, not WRITTEN by it.

Considering that Armenia is blockaded on two sides, its economy is actually excellent. It will only get better seeing as they will soon have access to port in Trabzon.

I'm tired of talking about Armen-Azeri war. It is pointless, because Azerbaijan is too afraid of Russia to attack. Otherwise it would have done so already right? Because they are SO strong. Their fear of Russia is the only plausible explanation.

But soon Azeri oil will run out. Even you cannot deny this. Once Russia sees that the only use it has for Azerbaijan (arms market) is gone, it will give Armenia green light to destroy Baku. And Turkey will stand by and do nothing because they too are afraid of Russia and do not care enough about Azerbaijan (just like they didn't care in first NK war)

Kaju nuts the Turcophobe,
So we see your sincere confess about Armenian territorial claims on Turkey and Azerbaijan.
Thx for letting us to remember once more that how we gave the right decision for our Armenia blockade that let you suffer and starve.

Kaju nuts the russian play doll and Turcophobe,
you also know deep in your soul that Armenia is nothing but a little mosquito of this region, it can only bite a little which can only disturb very little.

My advice for you stop smoking weed and drink plenty of spring water after.
What a stupid, useless, uneducated post. Why don't you leave the posting to those who actually know something about geopolitics.

I am honestly embarrased to have you quoting my words. Now go back to pleasuring the effigy of Ataturk that I know you have in your basement.

Kaju the geoidiotics expert and a clear Turcophobe,
why so angry?
sometimes waking up of a dream gets you angry, a dream like suppa duppa Armo State. It is normal.

ps. do not forget to drink plenty of water
Armenia is a insignificant nation. It's GDP per capita is 1/4 of Turkey. It is land locked. No famous companies or institution comes from there. You rarely hear their nation in TV. Heck most Americans can't find it on a map. All they know is Kim's family TV shows. Stop trolling in this defense forum. And to all Iranians supporting them, just watch out for F 16I Sofia, j-dams, Tomahawk cruise missile, Aegis Naval warships and F18 F/A hornets coming at you.
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