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The BRIC Countries Are The World’s New Global Navy

Here is something interesting...

Take United States Navy (USN)

Take the naval forces of whole rest of the world (192 U.N members including Russia, China, India, Islamic World, Europe etc)... (W.N ..means World Navy)

Now set up an all out, no holds-barred fight b/w USN and W.N in the global oceans..

It would go something like this...


USN decimated W.N in less than 100 hours...

Conclusion : This article is bs...BRIC's navy is as irrelevant as Pakistani navy...actually, its even more irrelevant..b/c BRICS navy doesn't exist..lol...If anything, indian navy and chinese navy are competing with each other...

Just a 'feel good' article for some people..

maybe if you put them all in an empty ocean. but then again that completely unrealistic, wars dont take place in a magical empty land/ocean. in the real world there are areas which are no-go even for the USN
maybe if you put them all in an empty ocean. but then again that completely unrealistic, wars dont take place in a magical empty land/ocean. in the real world there are areas which are no-go even for the USN

lol...What areas are that? If going to any area is in interest of U.S war effort, American navy will go there and there's no stopping it...

Don't be delusional...
lol...What areas are that? If going to any area is in interest of U.S war effort, American navy will go there and there's no stopping it...

Don't be delusional...

i see you are already banned.
i'll answer this anyways
the american military machine is unrivaled, at least right now. its combined capabilities, given enough time, and if things dont go nuclear, can probably overcome all rivals(no, the us cannot fight the world alone but the world isnt gonna get together to fight the US either).

that said it is not invincible. there are areas even in war that is a no go and will remain no go for a while. For instance the Bohai Sea would be completely off limited to the USN without first, clearing all the chinese coastal defences(extremely difficult to say the least), air and naval units, but you know what they say about using the navy to fight a fort, basically they would have to have already won the war to be able to send naval units that close to beijing, in essentially a Chinese lake, confidently. that said things would probably have already gone nuclear if us is at war with china and things are so bad that they are targeting nuclear assets(ssbn base) and the capital, meaning the area is forever a no go because no realistic scenario sees them getting that close without going nuclear, in which case all points are moot, because everyone has already lost.
^^^ Actually, it will be much harder for USN to impose a naval blockage on SCS than on Bohai sea, which is about 20 times smaller than the Gulf of Mexico and 27 times smaller than the Bay of Bengal.

It becomes even more cheaper to sustain the blockage of Bohai since USN bases in South Korea and Japan are just ideally placed to support a blockage.

Anyway, nobody talks about Bohai, since SCS is the more important one.

You're right, if USN were to block Bohai sea.. things have already gone pretty far (though, may not necessarily nuclear).

But, if USN is blocking SCS and "bohai sea", probably china has nobody left to trade with anyway. Perhaps, with cambodia and north korea but those are land links. And with fingers crossed on the russians.
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