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The boy sitting with me killed by Drone, 3 days later writes Jamima Khan


Sep 7, 2010
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The boy, 16, sitting with me in these photos was protesting against deadly US drone strikes... Three days later he was killed – by a US drone, says Jemima Khan

The attentive, unassuming young man sitting near me in the pictures on the right is Tariq Aziz.
He was 16 when we met last October, just a year older than my own teenage son, although with his neatly trimmed beard and traditional shalwar kameez he looked more like the grown men alongside him.
Tariq had travelled many hours to the relative safety of Islamabad from his home in Waziristan, a rugged Pakistani tribal area on the border with Afghanistan.


He was there to join a protest about the plague of American ‘drones’ – the remote-controlled aircraft that have left a bloody trail of death and fury among the innocent villagers who struggle to earn a living in the unforgiving mountainous region.
I was there to distribute digital cameras so that the people from Waziristan could record the damage and death caused by the drones, as part of a campaign to prove that innocent civilians are dying.

Tariq, a keen amateur photographer, was given one of the cameras before he left to return home.
Three days later he was dead. Like his cousin, who had died in April 2010 and whose identity card he clutched when we met, he was blown to pieces by a drone strike. The appalling irony of how his young life ended will stay with me for ever.
Tariq’s homeland is remote, tribal, fiercely traditional – and proud that it never succumbed to British rule. The last time I went there was in 1997, accompanied by my then husband Imran Khan, shortly after our wedding, and by my father, James Goldsmith.
The tribal elder who was hosting our visit greeted my father with the words: ‘Welcome. The last Englishman that came to these parts was 100 years ago, and my great-grandfather shot him.’


Few people other than locals ever travel into the rugged interior. Frequent checkpoints keep journalists and foreigners out. Mobile phones have stopped working since the mobile network was switched off. There is no industry and little farm land.
Most supplies are driven in by colourfully painted trucks, one of the few jobs available. People live as they have for centuries, following old traditions and tribal codes. Blood feuds are common and every man is armed.
Today, though, a weapon more fearsome than the automatic rifle threatens life in Waziristan – the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), or drone, operated by the US, supposedly an ally. The drones are remotely controlled from the Nevada Desert thousands of miles away.
They started flying, infrequently at first, over the northern mountains almost eight years ago. Initially they circled in the skies streaming video back to their operators – agents working for the US Central Intelligence Agency. They were gathering information about alleged Al Qaeda members hiding in the cut-off lands.
Now these unmanned planes, launched from secret bases in Pakistan, have become a deadly presence in the Tribal Areas, striking on average once every four days.
They circle over villages and roads for hours, before firing Hellfire missiles. As many as 3,000 people have been killed, though little more than a few lines ever appear in the Western press.



Read more: The boy sitting with me in these photos was protesting against deadly US drone strikes... Three days later he was killed ¿ by a US drone, says Jemima Khan | Mail Online
there are some pakistani of canadian origin who think that drnes should be allowed, and i say to that guy,bring your family back and like drones kill families, your family be treated sameway, so he can understand the suffering

those pakistanis who support drone attacks are scum of the earth
there are some pakistani of canadian origin who think that drnes should be allowed, and i say to that guy,bring your family back and like drones kill families, your family be treated sameway, so he can understand the suffering

those pakistanis who support drone attacks are scum of the earth

Why blame civilians , blame your Army and political leaders who are being ineffective in curbing the drone strikes!!!
Why blame civilians , blame your Army and political leaders who are being ineffective in curbing the drone strikes!!!

where am i blaming some one

army and govt are already being blamed for the mess
I think more to blame are the people who allow Waziristan to be used as a cesspool of terrorism in Pakistan.. That is why the drone attacks are happening in the 1st place..
Drones are only killing our own people..even if we assume for a minute that they are terrorist and criminals it is still not justified to kill them with foreign drones. We should uphold the honor and dignity of our country men in front of foreigners regardless of who they are and what they have done.
Americans must pay the price of killing innocent people in drone strike, pakistan should forwards their legal case in international criminal court and also put claims like how lebya paid for only few hundreds people in lockerbie case, it should be many thousands trillions dollars
............ pakistan should forwards their legal case in international criminal court and also put claims .............. it should be many thousands trillions dollars

So what is Pakistan waiting for? Why has it not moved the ICJ until now?
So what is Pakistan waiting for? Why has it not moved the ICJ until now?

Because when this goes to court, the complicity of Pakistan in allowing the UNSC declared terrorists to fester in its territory will get the case thrown out of the court, or at worst, end up making Pakistan liable for the deaths caused
Because when this goes to court, the complicity of Pakistan in allowing the UNSC declared terrorists to fester in its territory will get the case thrown out of the court, or at worst, end up making Pakistan liable for the deaths caused

But then who will pay the "many thousands trillions dollars" that were demanded above?
just blame our armed forces and specially this govt

if they can shoot the tiny searcher indian drone

they can the preadtor as well if want
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