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The Boeing P-8 Poseidon

The IN will recieve their first P-8I by Q2 2013 (given US track record I wouldn't be surprised if we saw before then) with the first test flight of the IN's P-8I already having taken place. The IN could've had it earlier but the high degree of customisation the IN has insisted for the "I" means a lot of testing is going to have to take place before delivery. Currently the IN has firm orders for 12 LRMPA (P-8I) but this order is likely to increase in the future as IN has stated (maybe 30, ,maybe more) but a SEPERATE order for Medium range MPAs is also going to be signed for 9 (option for 10 more) with a "diet" version of the P-8A participating due to the requiem rents in this particular tender however there are other contenders and Boeing may not get the order (in all likelihood they will though).

So by ~2020-2 IN is likely to have a force of (mark my words, once IN starts inducting these they will start ordering more, just how Indian defence procurement works!)~40-50 MPAs (LR/MR) not including the Dorniers which are to be upgraded to NG standard and most liked replaced by the end of the decade. This will be a SIGNIFICANT boost to the maritime patrol capabilities of the IN and make it easily the most powerful such force in the region (intact, possibly only second to US in terms of platforms and capabilities).
I wish Pakistan could also get them after all Pakistan has done for US. It would boast Pak navy capabilities many folds.

I'm afraid that's not how the USA see's things. A business deal is a business deal. And btw, who said Pakistan can't get them? Has Pakistan attempted to purchase these? Until officially denied, it's not the Americans who aren't selling to pak. I don't think pakistan needs theses and has hence made no attempt to purchase.
I wish Pakistan could also get them after all Pakistan has done for US. It would boast Pak navy capabilities many folds.
Hey if you can afford them, I'll sure the US will be more than willing to oblige you.
They could afford it. They're budget's a third of ours. Just sayin.

Depends on how much is their Naval budget if there is such a differentiation in Pk. Also their def budget is not 1/3rd think its lesser.
Depends on how much is their Naval budget if there is such a differentiation in Pk. Also their def budget is not 1/3rd think its lesser.

Well all I'm saying is it's wrong to say they were 'denied' this aircraft when they made no attempt to procure. I don't think they'd want it anymore now that India has it.
On a side not the Americans have amazing delivery time. They're gonna see a lot more orders if they keep this up.
Kinda why I got hooked on flipkart XD
Götterdämmerung;2680029 said:
India should buy Airbus planes, they are much better than Boeing! :wave:
What does Airbus have that is even remotely comparable to P-8, A350?:lol:
Götterdämmerung;2680029 said:
India should buy Airbus planes, they are much better than Boeing! :wave:

The P-8I/A is more advanced than the Airbus in EVERY way. The Poseidon is by far the most advanced MPA/ASW platform on earth.
So the requirement of 30 is going to be fulfilled with the P-8Is thats for sure like with the C-130Js as Russians as well as Ukranians have refused to join the Indians.

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