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The Blame Game & Chaos Has Started

You're only accusing him of bias. Shoot the message.

Why did Dr. Mussadiq change his stance?

You want me to shoot down a message, that someone with a axe to grind says exists?
First SHOW me proof that it is real, then tell me to disprove it.

Oh btw Samudra my boss told me that YOU were at the centre of the plot. I am not going to provide any proof, but hey that doesn't seem to be needed here! Remember shoot the message!
We have two different statements from that Doc, a history of enmity between Bhutto and the establishment . What do you have against me ?
Lahori paa jee is firmly in the Nawaz camp. It behooves his aspirations to put crap defaming the govt up for his and his master's purposes.

I also know a few other things that I will not speak of in a open forum. Hence my comments.

It does not matter what Lahori has to say.

He is merely giving another view, which need not be correct.

For all one knows, it is another rumour.

But there is no going away from the fact that this rumour atmosphere has been given credence by the Interior Ministry's spokesman Brig Cheem who said that she had died of shrapnel wounds and then the most ridiculous statement that it was because of hitting the latch!

Then these video clips!

This total confusion started by the govt spokesman is shrouding the truth and allowing the rumour mill to flourish, especially when the videos indicate violence and even a blind man would not miss if one is standing on the vehicle rear and the person's rear is just where the co driver's seat is and standing!

A simple murder that should have been openly admitted to, is now getting the colour of something very sinister, which possibly, it is not!

The defensive attitude of the govt is ruining its credibility, not only regarding this assassination, but for everything it is doing and will be doing. Seems to have gone into a overdrive in projecting "efficiency"! It is messing up a simple and straight forward incident, no matter how unfortunate it is!
The operating procedures employed to determine her cause of death have been ostensibly poor. Given the sensitive nature of this case, this mess has further degraded the already beleaguered credibility of the entire nation and its leadership.

The government should have been very thorough, professional and most of all transparent in her post mortem analysis. Also, the final report should have been given by the doctor in charge and not some General-politician.

I guess that ship has sailed too now.
The operating procedures employed to determine her cause of death have been ostensibly poor. Given the sensitive nature of this case, this mess has further degraded the already beleaguered credibility of the entire nation and its leadership.

The government should have been very thorough, professional and most of all transparent in her post mortem analysis. Also, the final report should have been given by the doctor in charge and not some General-politician.

I guess that ship has sailed too now.

It was meant to sail and that is what is in the interest of Pakistan.

But is not the interest of West and US....:toast_sign:
The government should have been very thorough, professional and most of all transparent in her post mortem analysis. Also, the final report should have been given by the doctor in charge and not some General-politician.

Post mortem wasnt even allowed by her husband and PP. How could government be transparent. The one thing i dont understand is how can government be blamed of it when the government on repeated attemps tried to warn BB of the potential dangers that lied in her way. She chose to remain ignorant of it thats her fault and not the government. Secondly it even doesnt matter now what happened because it wont bring her back, instead the focus should be on how to catch those behind such an attack and to protect the fragile democracy in pakistan and root out the terrorism.
What i cant bare is that people actually are taking batullah mehsud's word over the government, thats pathetic and in no manner can be justified.
Post mortem wasnt even allowed by her husband and PP. How could government be transparent. The one thing i dont understand is how can government be blamed of it when the government on repeated attemps tried to warn BB of the potential dangers that lied in her way. She chose to remain ignorant of it thats her fault and not the government. Secondly it even doesnt matter now what happened because it wont bring her back, instead the focus should be on how to catch those behind such an attack and to protect the fragile democracy in pakistan and root out the terrorism.
What i cant bare is that people actually are taking batullah mehsud's word over the government, thats pathetic and in no manner can be justified.

I agree with you......... What ever GoP is saying is wrong and what anti pakistan elements are saying is right ! .. Should shoot these press men at sight if they make a havoc out of this situation.
Keysersoze most of the people here on PFF are pro-Mush so does that mean all of them have been bought too. Why cannot anyone have a different opinion? Why cannot we support other leaders? Why is it that talking anti-Misharraf is considered anti Pakistan?
Keysersoze most of the people here on PFF are pro-Mush so does that mean all of them have been bought too. Why cannot anyone have a different opinion? Why cannot we support other leaders? Why is it that talking anti-Misharraf is considered anti Pakistan?

Friend it is not anti musharraf that is called anti pakistan but the obvious fact that all the politicians in Pakistan have given nothing to Pakistan in 20 years what musharraf has done in 7 years, Only dumbest , deaf and Blind will think otherwise.
Keysersoze most of the people here on PFF are pro-Mush so does that mean all of them have been bought too. Why cannot anyone have a different opinion? Why cannot we support other leaders? Why is it that talking anti-Misharraf is considered anti Pakistan?

Paa Jee, most of PFF members are progressive and patriots who'd hate to see Pakistan fall in the hands of currpupt politicians once again.
1987-98 will go down as the darkest 11 years of looting at highest level and curruption in our history, NS and BB have brought nothing but misery to the country.

Your opinion is respected, rumors are not.
Paa Jee, most of PFF members are progressive and patriots who'd hate to see Pakistan fall in the hands of currpupt politicians once again.
1987-98 will go down as the darkest 11 years of looting at highest level and curruption in our history, NS and BB have brought nothing but misery to the country.

Your opinion is respected, rumors are not.

Agree partly, Pakistan will overcome initial chaos after sudden change in political scenario, New rulers political or military should think progressively and put the country back to development path as lots of grounds need to be covered.
We need to kill feudal system at all levels including politics. Pakistan is not PPP's personal property.
Keysersoze most of the people here on PFF are pro-Mush so does that mean all of them have been bought too. Why cannot anyone have a different opinion? Why cannot we support other leaders? Why is it that talking anti-Misharraf is considered anti Pakistan?

You need to realize the difference between whats right and whats wrong. What amazes me actually is that no matter you do have the right to object with musharraf's policy, but just because you have a different view about him, you suddenly decided to jump at a whole new level taking batiullah mehsud's word over musharraf. This attitude is pathetic and personal opinion should not blind your judgement about right and wrong because in the end the only harm that it will bring upon is pakistan, political leaders including NS will just leave like they did before.
God bless pakistan:pakistan:
We need to kill feudal system at all levels including politics. Pakistan is not PPP's personal property.

Pakistan should not be the personal property of PPP or any party. How about the PA ? The general public having zilch influence upon the functioning of a military run government can be tolerated and justified, how ?

Pakistanis living abroad don't seem to show the same aggression and patriotism when it comes to criticizing the army and ISI. If BB and NS brought misery, what has the PA/ISI combine done to date ? You could start with East Pakistan and end it with Kargil/AQ.Khan.

I've never seen widespread criticism - PA is eagerly defended for its greatest blunders but the politicians are hounded for mere corruption.Interestingly, corruption is not alien to PA either. Its not called PA Incorporated without reason.

Sorry Neo, to an outsider it looks like a power struggle between the army and political parties. Many guys support the PA and a few like Paa Jee support some party.

Neither of them appear to do any good for Pakistan. Both sides have many things in common : they're desperate to capture power, they're quite willing to adapt themselves to America and will invoke Allah when needed.

Right now it looks like the army is winning. Some random thoughts - take it for what it is worth. Neither side is rooting for long term political stability and a sustainable form of government.
Clinton demands Bhutto probe, slams Musharraf

STORY CITY, Iowa -- Hillary Clinton Friday called for an independent, international probe into Benazir Bhutto's murder, as the turmoil wracking US anti-terror ally Pakistan reshaped debate in the White House race.

The Democratic front-runner weighed in on the crisis just six days before first 2008 party nominating contests, as fellow candidates also brandished their national security credentials and experience on the global stage.

"We need an international, independent investigation into the death of Benazir Bhutto," Clinton said, drawing applause from an audience in a packed school gymnasium as she campaigned in ice-bound Iowa.

Clinton paid a personal tribute to the former Pakistani prime minister, and also turned on President Pervez Musharraf, saying he had failed both to usher Pakistan towards democracy, and to crush Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

"It is also clear the Bush policy of giving Musharraf a blank check has failed," Clinton said, adding a Bhutto death probe could mirror the UN inquiry into the killing of Lebanese ex-prime minister Rafiq Hariri in 2005.

The crisis also provoked a new row with Clinton's top Democratic rival Barack Obama, whose top strategist Thursday highlighted Clinton's 2002 Senate vote for a war in Iraq -- which he said had boosted Al-Qaeda, a suspect in Bhutto's murder.

Former NATO commander Wesley Clark, a Clinton backer, complained it was a time for "leadership not politics."

"Senator Obama's campaign seems to believe that Senator Clinton's actions led to the tragic events in Pakistan. This is an incredible and insulting charge," he said.

Obama, campaigning in Williamsburg, Iowa, said Washington should cut military aid to Pakistan until Musharraf embraced democracy, and said the US invasion of Iraq was a distraction from the "war on terror."

"We've got to reverse policies, but we've got to see this in a bigger context which is that our invasion of Iraq resulted in us taking our eye off the ball," Obama said.

"We should have been focused in Afghanistan, finishing off Al-Qaeda."

Veteran Republican Senator John McCain earlier called for extreme care in US dealings with Pakistan.

"We want to do everything we can, but it has to be practical and it has to be achievable, and it has to be not opening another front in a war that we are overstressed with today," McCain said on Fox News.

The former Vietnam war hero called for looming Pakistani elections to go forward, though he said it would be tough for the opposition to coalesce around a candidate other than Bhutto.

McCain's Republican rival Mitt Romney raised doubts over whether Musharraf could keep a lid on political unrest.

"I'm not concerned about the quality of his character, but I am concerned about the quality of his judgment in a setting like this," Romney said, and dismissed suggestions foreign policy fears could bolster rivals with more experience on the international stage.

An unanswered question was how events in Pakistan would play out on the ice-bound campaign trail in Iowa, which holds caucuses next Thursday, and New Hampshire, which has a primary election on January 8.

The murder, and a story about its political impact, was splashed Friday across the only statewide newspaper in Iowa.

Earlier Friday, Clinton had conducted a CNN interview on turmoil in Pakistan from state capital Des Moines, in a presidential-style setting, framed by a US flag.

Former United Nations ambassador Bill Richardson, a Democratic candidate, called for a halt to US aid to Pakistan until Musharraf left office and full democracy was restored.

"Not one penny more ... until Musharraf is gone and the rule of law is restored," he said.

Breakout Republican Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor, dismissed suggestions his lack of experience on national security meant he would be unable to handle crises like that sparked by Bhutto's murder.

"I don't think it's appropriate to respond in a political way," Huckabee told reporters, warning candidates should not play "political games" over the grave situation in Pakistan.

Clinton demands Bhutto probe, slams Musharraf
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