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The Battle of Rohiwal


Oct 10, 2005
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The Battle of Rohiwal

This account of the battle of Rohiwal on 6th September 1965 comes from the personal account of Brigadier Syed Shirazie.At the time he was a Lt Colonel commanding an infantry battalion, 7 Punjab Regiment.His account is in italics.

"Now it can be told-the courage ,doggedness,determination & dauntless spirit of the defenders of Pakistan...To understand how the indian with marked superiority in personal arms & equipmentwere checked and driven back,one has to understand the remarkable fighting of the pakistani soldier.It was his spirit and his faith combined with years of training and sound motivation."

Lt Colonel Syed Shirazie`s men had to defend a position close to the indian border near the village of Rohiwal.On 6th September Indian troops attacked the Pakistani positions without warning and quickly established themselves on high ground.There they were pinned down by 7 Punjab Regiment untill 4 tanks were sent to assist them.Lt Colonel Syed Shirazie took possession of an anti tank gun and"taking aim and uttering a prayer,I pressed the trigger.The shot hit the tank on its side and the damaged tank slipped back.The other three tanks then withdrew".

However, on other parts of the front the Indian forces threatened to take control.So Lt Colonel Syed Shirazue was ordered by one of his generals to march his men almost 4000 yyards to launch a secret attack on the Indian forces which were"consolidating their position without even a thought that a dashing band of Pakistani soldiers, one fourth of their strength was about to fall on them in one bold and mighty swoop"(The Pakistani forces Managed to advance about 2 miles) "without being spotted until they were right upon the enemy."

"With full-throated war cries and fixed bayonets the gallant men charged at the running enemy, who became so unnerved and panicky that no resistance or fight was left in them.They could think of only one thing that was to make a hasty retreat....The whole area was stewn with torn and shattered corpses of the Indian invaders."

"Unbelieveable as it sounds,there was not even one casualty on our side during this action.We captured one Indian Major and seven other prisoners beside a large quantity of weapons,ammunition and equipment.The Indian Major said that the great strength of the attacking force had given his men no chance whatsoever.When i told him that the attacking force was just one rifle company, he would not believe it."

Lt Colonel Syed Shirazie was rightly proud of the work of his men that day.As he concluded in his report.

"The morning of 6th September would remain the memorable in the history of the battalion.From the moment the first short was fired by my troops there was a single thought guiding all our efforts and energies-we were resolved to defend every inch of the sacred and beloved soil of Pakistan.The success of the battalion on the battlefield was only due to the willingness of every individual in the unit to lay down his life for his country.With such officers and men no enemy can hope to transgress Pakistan`s frontiers with impunity."
"consolidating their position without even a thought that a dashing band of Pakistani soldiers, one fourth of their strength was about to fall on them in one bold and mighty swoop"(The Pakistani forces Managed to advance about 2 miles) "without being spotted until they were right upon the enemy." :what:

"With full-throated war cries and fixed bayonets the gallant men charged at the running enemy, who became so unnerved and panicky that no resistance or fight was left in them.They could think of only one thing that was to make a hasty retreat....The whole area was stewn with torn and shattered corpses of the Indian invaders." :blah: :disagree:

Hahahahahahahahahahah!!!! :rofl:

This has got to be one of the funniests totally randomly made up stories out there!!!!
glad u had a laugh mr.WHATEVER.....i am surely not laughing...cuz i have read alot of such stupendous stories on Bharat RAK on the SHAK
This is indeed a specular feat of courage and braving by the Pakistan Army and at the same time it also shows how ill trained the indians where that they though after consolidating their position had planted no tentacles for early warning.

This is what it takes, one mistake and you are screwed.

And @whtaever...as your nick suggests you are you are absolutely lame.

These kind of war stories can't be faked as these can be counter checked from various sources. try to get an indian account of the story, may then we can argue again!

PS. And yes keep on laughing...it's guud for you health:)

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