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The Awakening Sunni Giant (Recomended)

It's in their nature. Believe me, nobody understands the Iranians more than us. We get to watch their behavior closely when they visit Mecca and Madeina.

Eventually there will be role reversal. Mecca and Madina will be administrered by an Iranian Shiite cleric, and it is we who get to watch your behaviour closely. hihihi
Don't forget that Iran, as the largest Shia country, will always protect its Shia brethren in the region, whether Iran is ruled by islamists, nationalists or secularists.
Secterian war in Iraq supported by GCC would mean Iranian interference, they share a long border.
Besides how many Sunnis in Iraq will stand with the terrorists ? look at statistics of Iraqi sunnis accepting Shias as muslims, above 80%.
Sahwa the largest sunni militia stands with the government in Anbar.

An attempt by GCC to do the same in Iraq as in Syria, even though I do not like it, this would turn into a massacre against these Sunnis, and none of you could stop it, Iran would be there aswell, unless you manage to defeat the Iranian regime first with US help which might not be available to you.

After Saddam was removed by idiot Bush and his neo-con advisers, Shia Iraqi's with Iran's help were busy killing Sunni's and taking over Iraq from previously ruling Sunni's. Fall of Ottoman empire did not give you that chance but neo-cons finally gave you that chance by removing Saddam.

Sunni Iraqi's have no reason to accept Shia rule and oppression. They have been massacred ever since the fall of Saddam. They are helping their Syrian sunni brothers now. After the fall of Assad, the focus will turn back to Iraq. Shia's can hold on to their part of South East Iraq, but they must federalize Iraq, else Iraq will partition.
After Saddam was removed by idiot Bush and his neo-con advisers, Shia Iraqi's with Iran's help were busy killing Sunni's and taking over Iraq from previously ruling Sunni's. Fall of Ottoman empire did not give you that chance but neo-cons finally gave you that chance by removing Saddam.

Sunni Iraqi's have no reason to accept Shia rule and oppression. They have been massacred ever since the fall of Saddam. They are helping their Syrian sunni brothers now. After the fall of Assad, the focus will turn back to Iraq. Shia's can hold on to their part of South East Iraq, but they must federalize Iraq, else Iraq will partition.

What Saddam ?
**** Saddam, the idiot warlord imperialist thinking he is Nebuchadnezzar that brought war, destruction and sanctions to Iraq.
Before Saddam Iraq was one of the strongest nations in the ME, all Arabs used to study in Iraq cause it offered the highest and best education, then this fuckup ruined it, the retard that put on the military uniform with the highest ranks on his shoulders while he has never been a soldier insulting the entire military organization.

Your Al Qaeda was massacring Sunnis in Anbar then they decided to fight them, today they still do.
Besides, what told you South East Iraq is shia majority ? It is Southern Iraq* and for a major part Baghdad.
Iraq is already a federal state.
That's all you can do, having daydreams. Last time you forgot yourselves, 400 terrorists were killed in Mekkah, and Iranians were banned from performing Haj for two years, after they submitted to Saudis conditions, they were allowed again with much less numbers and have to go through security checks exclusively for Iranians. This time you will be banned forever.

Dont get all apoplectic on me. Just trying to get a rise out of you, and looks like you took the bait lol
Couldnt care less about Mecca and Madina, as Im not religious. From the looks of it, not even Al-Saud care that much, considering all the bulldozing they are doing to historic holy sites. :disagree:
Dont get all apoplectic on me. Just trying to get a rise out of you, and looks like you took the bait lol
Couldnt care less about Mecca and Madina, as Im not religious. From the looks of it, not even Al-Saud care that much, considering all the bulldozing they are doing to historic holy sites. :disagree:

From what I have seen from Iranians here, I can't really figure out a joke from a serious comment.
What Saddam ?
**** Saddam, the idiot warlord imperialist thinking he is Nebuchadnezzar that brought war, destruction and sanctions to Iraq.
Before Saddam Iraq was one of the strongest nations in the ME, all Arabs used to study in Iraq cause it offered the highest and best education, then this fuckup ruined it, the retard that put on the military uniform with the highest ranks on his shoulders while he has never been a soldier insulting the entire military organization.

Your Al Qaeda was massacring Sunnis in Anbar then they decided to fight them, today they still do.
Besides, what told you South East Iraq is shia majority ? It is Southern Iraq* and for a major part Baghdad.
Iraq is already a federal state.

I am no fan of Saddam and no fan of Al Qaeda. So your impression is wrong about me.

Iraqi Sunni's have yet to accept your version of federalism, as far as I can tell.

Ethno-religious map of Iraq:

Saudi Government is not a Sunni Government. They are Wahabi / Salafi Government. Remember this important fact.
First of all, Saudi Arabia needs Democracy first. Then only the real Sunni people will be able to share the power & they will not allow Wahabis / Salafis to kill people & destroy religious sites in the name of Islam.
The 80 year old Monarchs & Kings & Ministers should be thrown in Arabian Sea.
Gladly to know, Many countries all over the world recognized Saudi Arabia a terrorism hometown. 9/11 hjackers are Saudis and Boston Marathon lone terrorist involved as well.
I am no fan of Saddam and no fan of Al Qaeda. So your impression is wrong about me.

Sunni's have yet to accept your version of federalism.

Ethno-religious map of Iraq:

That map is unclear, looks like a kid made it.

Use a detailed map, those Desert regions are largely unihabited.
That map is unclear, looks like a kid made it.

Use a detailed map, those Desert regions are largely unihabited.

Map or no map, all of us have to wait for things to settle in Syria first and then see what unfolds in the region. Only then we will find out who is right or wrong with their predictions and who is expressing their wishful thinking. Thanks for the conversation. I am done, unless you have anything else to discuss.
Map or no map, all of us have to wait for things to settle in Syria first and then see what unfolds in the region. Only then we will find out who is right or wrong with their predictions and who is expressing their wishful thinking. Thanks for the conversation. I am done, unless you have anything else to discuss.

Yup, all we know is that people will keep dieing.
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