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The Art of Warfare : Iran and The Gas Pipeline Battle"

Also ERA India has border problems with China which they have not been able to resolve. They had a war in 1962 when Indians lost the difference is even greater with Chinese in a better position today. So India is scared of China rising and Indians getting kicked that is why when push come to shove India acts in a sycophantic way to the white man. hoping for help. And America like this so they can use India like proxy for them in our neighbourhood

Also Chinese Leaders have referred to America that Pakistan is their Israel


and of course Iranians are neighbours and Muslim brothers who are destined to be our allies against Americans
Indians will always run back to their masters

I can't believe Pakistan borders this nation of slaves
The Pakistani people are the complete opposite of the puppet politicians who are slaves of the dollar

Hindu Indians imitate their euro gods in such a way its beyond pathetic ... I can't help but laugh at how inferior Hindu Indians are that they will copy every single little thing from euros ... hilarious how I see Indians with the most idiotic names ever like "Blessy", "Lovely" and pathetic names like that ...

Yeah thats the standard excuse one gets.

Politicians are a reflection of the society, all the puppetry attributed to politicians is just a display of hypocrisy Pakistan is known for.

Pakistani people know the fact too well antagonising America or any other of their masters would make them go through misery. Therefore all the empty words and no action.

Fact is if the anti-america sentiment was strong enough and Pakistanis society had the balls to stand up to its masters, we would see an Iran like revolution.

Unfortunately Pakistanis are used to being subservient since their inception.

Can you please stop referring to Indians as "Hindu Indians"? It's an insult to the millions of Hindus around the world including millions of Pakistani Hindus.

Why bother to hide ones true feelings.

After all Pakistanis aren't known for their tolerance.

It;'s always good to know what makes one society better tha the other by seeing examples of bigotry like these.

Indians will always run back to their masters

I can't believe Pakistan borders this nation of slaves

India just showed the middle finger to your masters in Iran and in Vietnam.

Meanwhile Pakistan continues to kill its own citizens and give away land to its old and new akas to please them.

We can very clearly see who is the slave here :lol:
Guys,chill out,why so much hate?
I don't understand all this animosity between Pakistanis and Indians.I love both countries and watching two nation and their people fight each other is the last thing i want to see.Please respect each other.
Hate is historical dude...but again it takes time to come over...
Guys,chill out,why so much hate?
I don't understand all this animosity between Pakistanis and Indians.I love both countries and watching two nation and their people fight each other is the last thing i want to see.Please respect each other.

Era You understand Israel and Zionism no doubt? Lots of Hindus support Hindutva. In fact one of the largest political parties that has been in power the BJB supports Hindutva. For an explanation please see:


I pretended not to know the racist nature of it when I put the article up. look how many Indians said they supported it and other Indian's Hindus said it was a thug philosophy.

In 1999 in the Kargill skirmish in which Pakistan gained point 3535


Israel had to assist Indian can you you imagine India a nation of 1.2 billion had to rely on Israel a nation of 4 milllion


Next Indians as a nation claim to be secular as per their constitution but in reality they are not and discriminate against Muslims. The following article written by a Hindu Dalit ( a group of Hindus regarded as untouchable Hindus in the caste system) from India shows details about why India is not secular, Hindutva and also discrimination against Muslims.

Discrimination against Minority Muslims

Recently, Justice Rajinder Sachar Committee report admitted that 138 Million Muslims across India are severely under-represented in government employment, including Public Sector Units. Ironically, West Bengal, a communist ruled state reported 0 (zero) percent of Muslims in higher positions in its PSUs! It has found that the share of Muslims in government jobs and in the lower judiciary in any state simply does not come anywhere close to their population share. The only place where Muslims can claim a share in proportion to their population is in prison! (Muslims convicts in India is 19.1%, while the number of under trials is 22.5%, which exceed their population ratio) . A note sent on January 9 by the army to the defence ministry in 2004 says that only 29,093 Muslims among a total of 1.1 million personnel — a ratio of 2.6 %, which compares poorly with the Muslims’ 13.8 % share in the Indian population. Officially, Indian Army don’t allow head count based on religion.

A Muslim child attends school for three years and four months, compared to the national average of four years. Less than two percent of the students at the elite Indian Institutes of Technology comprise of the Muslim community. According to the National Knowledge Commission member Jayathi Ghosh, ‘there is a need to re-orient official strategies for ensuring better access of Muslim children to schooling outside the madrasas which cater to only four per cent of children from the community.’

It also show the hidden side of India that these Indians who can afford internet do not want the world to see that hey are neither incredible nor shining


I hope that clarifies matters for you. India if push comes to shove in any future conflict between Iran and Israel will choose Israel be under no illusion but they are a two faced lot.
Guys,chill out,why so much hate?
I don't understand all this animosity between Pakistanis and Indians.I love both countries and watching two nation and their people fight each other is the last thing i want to see.Please respect each other.

After reading Aryan_b post or rather propaganda i am tempted to reply to you.
The conflict and animosity between India and Pakistan is not about Kashmir but it is about ideology. The seeds of conflict was sown prior to independense you see Pakistan was formed on the basis of 2 nation theory which means Hindus and Muslims cannot exist together. The majority muslim party at that time the Muslim League asked for two states homeland to muslims and Hindus, initialy after opposition from major Indian leaders such as Gandhi and Nehru the Indian National congress decided on its implementation.

Thus two separate states were formed India and (East and West) Pakistan and lead to partition, which displaced up to 12.5 million people in the former British Indian Empire, with estimates of loss of life varying from several hundred thousand to a million. It was largest migration of people in history. Pakistan declared itself as islamic republic but contrary to there hopes India was declared a secular nation, the non muslim population was completely driven from their land in Pakistan. In India also wide scale rioting took place but our leaders at that time championed for unity of religions thats why India still has third largest population of muslim which is a testament to our secular nature.
Thats not all a nation made in the name of religion could not tolerate its own people who had different complexion, language and mentality there was further division of Pakistan east Pakistan became Bangladesh(with help from India :)).

So main conflict between two neighbour is not about Kashmir but upon ideology similar to USA and USSR which was on Capitalism and Socialism. The very existense of Pakistan is based on religion, that's why some poor Pakistanis(like Aryan_B) have been indoctrinated and brainwashed to hate India and what it stands for. That's why you see growing Shia-Sunni conflict in Pakistan what else can you expect for a country created in name of religion.

PS: Dear sir Aryan_B i didnt want respond to the Gentleman above but your post and constan ranting by you and some of your countrymen forced me to respond in appropriate manner.
Today I read in the news..Russian veto killed thousands in Syria..but WTF about American veto killing thousands in Palestine for last 63 years??

Arm the Syrian rebels but why not arm the Palestinian rebels too??

Someone is playing in the wrong lap.
, that's why some poor Pakistanis(like Aryan_B) have been indoctrinated and brainwashed to hate India and what it stands for.

PS: .

This is typical of your posts. How can you know whether I am poor or not. Not that there is anything wrong with being poor.

secondly why don't you refute the points I made. In the absence of rebuttal they stand as primary evidence of my assertions.
This is typical of your posts. How can you know whether I am poor or not. Not that there is anything wrong with being poor.

secondly why don't you refute the points I made. In the absence of rebuttal they stand as primary evidence of my assertions.

Dear Aryan_B sir when i said poor i didn't mean financially poor it also means some one deserving pity or unlucky like poor Aryan_B is brainwashed.

Why should i waste my energy in refuting your propaganda, a person who doesn't understand the meaning "common sense".
A person who has been brainwashed from child hood and is filled with negativity, i am sorry sir i doubt i can be of any help to you.:wave::wave:
Dear Aryan_B sir when i said poor i didn't mean financially poor it also means some one deserving pity or unlucky like poor Aryan_B is brainwashed.

Why should i waste my energy in refuting your propaganda, a person who doesn't understand the meaning "common sense".
A person who has been brainwashed from child hood and is filled with negativity, i am sorry sir i doubt i can be of any help to you.:wave::wave:

I do not need your help. For you not to address the points I raised and resort to personal attacks on me gives your argument little or no gravitas.
On the Washington stage, under the world’s media spotlight, Obama stated that: "As president and commander in chief, I prefer peace to war." But, he added, "Israel’s security is sacrosanct," and to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, "I will not hesitate to use force, including all elements of American power."

There's absolutely no doubt about that, US has sworn to protect Isreal or say it US has sworn to do everything for Israel. Michael Scheuer, ex CIA officer who is also author of a book called "Through our enemy's eyes" explains the case comprehensively in this following video.

If you guys think India would/must join this project then my friends sooner you realize the fact that “they won’t” better is for you. This never going to happen even if India wishes to join it simply can’t because of USA. Let us make it clear once and for all that India has almost joined US lobby plus they also have close relations with Israel especially in field of defence. They are in civil nuclear deal with USA since 2008, this deal alone speaks volume. Another problem for India (altho Pakistan really can address it) would be the passage of this pipeline through Pakistan. In short better to consider India out of this project at least until there is significant change in Indian policy and of course India and Pakistan relations.

Thread which Aryan_B has referred to makes a lot of points, gives reasons why India is not interested, also explains other axis.
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