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The Anti-Islam movie made by a Dutch lawyer has been released


Oct 20, 2006
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Guys the Anti-Islamic movie made by the Dutch lawyer has been released ON ********. Its somewhat gruesome and very stupid. There are clips and pictures which have been used in the wrong way.


Please quench your anger and fire back with similar videos about people in Isreal and Iraq etc. There is no need to kill people and burn cars and etc. Thats what they expect us to do.

The movie is a load of crap. Looks like they could not find enough to say about Islam. :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

********.com - Fitna the Movie: Geert Wilders' film about the Quran (English)
Christians are not enemies of Allah. Jesus is actually chosen by the god for the good deeds same and equivalently as Mohammed (except that the Mohammed was the last prophet). 9/11 or the bombs going off have nothing to do with the religion of Islam. The picture of Mohammed is depicted inaccurately - he didn't look like that purposely fictional made ugly cartoon. With the data provided in the books. Mohammad was the most unique (with noor of god) and beautiful person existed at that time.

Enemies of god indeed must be killed, and the enemies of god isn't the innocent people but gay faggots who are behind this movie.

I will post more when i finish this vid.
yaar we have to do something about this video. we have to find ways and show the people of the world that this video is wrong.:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
This is what they have in their hearts and they are pouring out the same. Though westerners are following Christianity for name only what ever form it is in, but they have never forgotten the Crusade period.
They will continue their enimosity and try to damage Islam and muslims as much as possible as in the case of formation of Israel in the heart of Islamic land and continuous backing by the entire western world in this form or that.They can't see dead bodies of millions of muslims being killed for last say 10 decades or so throughout the world & continuing till date.
SALAM and Hi,
yes you are right sir it is necessory and must for us to do some thing against these (***t*rs) if we leave these enemies they'll blast us and create a big conflict between us so it is necessory for us to finish the insects of severage lines who are busy to spreading the germs of TAFARQAH and if we'll handle this problem with a lose hand so its mean the time of our end is no far from us. and and I have more to say but if i say any thing more i'll be over emotional. so.......... say
Enemies of god indeed must be killed, and the enemies of god isn't the innocent people but gay faggots who are behind this movie.

i dont think anyone needs to kill the enemies of God. if God wanted them dead, God would kill them himself. i dont think humans should take killing into their hands in the name of god.
Anti-Islam film misrepresented Islam: Dutch PM
Updated at: 0600 PST, Friday, March 28, 2008

AMSTERDAM: The Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende has rejected the interpretation of Islam as shown in an anti-Islam film.

Addressing a press conference soon after the release of the film on the Internet, the Dutch PM said that he felt ashamed about the release of the film. He said the purpose of making the film by parliament member Geert Wilders was to agitate the Muslims and harm the Inter-faith harmony.

Islam critic Geert Wilders launched his movie Titled "Fitna", a term of the Holy Quran sometimes translated as "strife", it intersperses images of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and other Islamist bombings with quotations from the Koran.
Anti-Islam film misrepresented Islam: Dutch PM

I think it was the correct move.

The argument over the cartoons and films etc has been completely distorted to represent some sort of clash between the Westrn values of Free Speech and a "Muslim desire" to rip such rights way from the West. That it has come to be represented as such is partly the fault of Muslims themselves, who instead of making a rational and logical case for why such depictions are wrong, have chosen to express themselves emotionally and at times violently - and the last thing any of us wants to do, is be forced to back down by coercion and threats, so why would the West react any differently?

I think an important argument against the Cartoons and this movie that could be made is that their content, in the context of the current WoT and the existing and growing anti-Muslim sentiment, serves to incite and further actual hatred.


Leave the homosexuals alone yaar. They already one of the most persecuted communities on this planet. Live and let live.
at least the dutch people and leaders are apologetic. they are trying to distance themselves from the crackheads. however, this stuff is unnacceptable. freedom of speech and expression always comes with limitations like in what we have here in America, alhamdulillah.
so this is the best he can come up with? come on.

The movie had no coherence, it was like watching Joseph Goebbels propaganda movie.

For instance Population of Muslims in Netherlands rising, ok so what? I mean its globalisms, the system runs of capitalism & skilled workers.

These Muslims embraced Netherlands as their home country, instead of appreciating them Dutch are unwelcoming them.

I hope all these skilled highly educated Muslims leave Netherlands and settle in US or Canada, they would be good for our economy.
yep, as long as they don't teach my kid that its "OK". I don't care.

Well, whether it is even possible for your Kid to be "taught to be homosexual" is an issue for its own debate.

A lot of people are moving to the position that it is genetic. So please don't go and round up and beat the Gay guys in your neighborhood if your kid ever breaks the news to you.:D:P
so this is the best he can come up with? come on.

The movie had no coherence, it was like watching Joseph Goebbels propaganda movie.

For instance Population of Muslims in Netherlands rising, ok so what? I mean its globalisms, the system runs of capitalism & skilled workers.

These Muslims embraced Netherlands as their home country, instead of appreciating them Dutch are unwelcoming them.

I hope all these skilled highly educated Muslims leave Netherlands and settle in US or Canada, they would be good for our economy.

The film is hate inciting propoganda for sure, only the Islam baiters and bashers will make the argument that it represents "freedom of speech". Like I argued before, the content of the movie, and the global context that it takes lace in, serve only to incite.

Is it really any different then than the anti-Jew propoganda films of the Nazis or the the anti-West/anti-Jew propoganda of some extremist Muslim organizations - both of which have been criticized for spreading hate and intolerance by people in the West?

ARahman - The Dutch PM did issue a prompt condemnation, I think the Dutch should be commended on that count. I hope the remainder of the Dutch, Muslim and non-Muslim, follow his lead.
EU presidency blasts anti-Islam film:

Brdo Pri Kranju, Slovenia, Friday, March 28, 2008: The European Union's Slovenian presidency slammed on Friday an anti-Islam film from a Dutch lawmaker, which it said served “no other purpose than inflaming hatred.”

”The European Union and its member states apply the principle of the freedom of speech which is part of our values and traditions,” the presidency said in a statement. “However, it should be exercised in a spirit of respect for religious and other beliefs and convictions,” it added.
i dont think anyone needs to kill the enemies of God. if God wanted them dead, God would kill them himself. i dont think humans should take killing into their hands in the name of god.

We do not know who is the enemy of god. But it does say in Quran. Kill all the enemies of Islam.

Now do you think they are the enemies? Despite being warned.. they continue to reap the freedom of speech!
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