A large part of our brain is reptilian in origin with frontal cortex and a well developed brocha and werniks area and arcuate fasciculus being later additions.Also a well developed hippocampus is also a later addition.
What is with you lot...1 set thinks we evolved from apes and now reptilian brain...Am yet to see a crocodile say
Sorry But I seriously came from humans....not sure where you came from...Since I am not in neurology ...all those terms mean nothing to me...cant be much bothered esp when the beginning of the sentence equates a human brain to reptilian ones!
Psychosexual theory of Freud is a stage theory and each stage is denoted by a name. Anal stage is second stage in that theory with oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital stage in that order.
sorry dont do psychology NOR do I care much about theories esp Not if they are based on studies OF THE WEST....different situations different conditions different theories...
Not exactly harsh discipline. overdisciplining has its own problem and would quell all the creativity of child.
And disciplining should be self governed.Externally enforced discipline could lead to oppostite consequences.
I am a simple woman...You do not need to read between the lines...I meant what I said....I said DISCIPLINE never went to harshness...So please do not swing between extremes...Moderation is the key!
Getting intoxicated is never considered as a desirable situation. Here too it comes down to responsibility. A person if he drinks, should be able to hold his liquor.It is what you do after drinking that matters.
why cry over spill milk when you save it from spilling? Your long article brought in alcohol and drugs...
All I did was mention WHY Islam says it is HARAM...
Thus it is wiser to clamp down heavily on those who create problem after getting intoxicated than banning it as state should not act as a nanny.
Then do not cry or ask the state to make STRICTER LAWS ...like I said earlier on...It is a social issue and society makes a state...
I also say, those who want to live the life with THEIR OWN RULES should then not cry if the state's name is tarnished or some laws are not implemented...1st you say it is not the state's matter than YOU DEMAND the state to take actions?!
You bipolar?
Faulty Socialization is an overarching term. What i have written is a way it is faulty in those cultures which have maternal overindulgence.
Faulty socialization is also visible in gangasta culture or even terrorism could be traced to faulty socialization.
If we talk about west, faulty socialization would present itself as commodification of women.
YET we have a number of people who are saying nothing wrong in THAT direction! And question why there are censor boards and whatnot!
First thing get this point clear. Rape statistics does not tell the truth. I have written this reply for other member which would be apt in this situation also.This argument that west has higher incident of rape because more rapes are reported there would never find favor with me.
reported are not the same as punished...Nor is it something to overlook!!! EVEN if more are reported...why such a cultured society has SUCH A HIGH rate? It is not even something to OVERLOOK!!
Peer pressure comes under socialization and broken homes under either permissive or neglecting parenting style and bad role models.
When you reach my level...You will realize FANCY words mean nothing if the message can not be passed! I wrote so that even a layman can read and understand without needing a dictionary!
Some points you have made are correct some are not so correct but since they are disjointed thus i would try to answer for what i have understood.
Correct or not is objective...What you PERCEIVE as correct may NOT be what I or others see it as...
1. The western lifestyle is competitive and individualistic which leads to emotional stress but your statement regarding west having no social value is say pointless. It is an arm-chair statement that people make without understanding the meaning of family values. This statement is an reflection of only my values are moral which is a false statement. Some values that westerners inculcate in their children are what makes them much more advanced in many fields of both science, social science and humanities. The inculcation of sense of freedom and individuality has a values which desis underappreciates.This is the same type of generalization that people do on ethnic and religious lines.
Lets see where do I start....competition....Hmm...East has more...Larger population size, more geniuses and more parent and peer pressure than the West.
There is FAMILY VALUES than there is Freedom of thought...It is not the same ...PLUS I specifically used the word NO
PROPER FAMILY VALUE coz I knew someone will point it out sooner or later...people of a habit!
As far as ADVANCEMENT goes, West has only SUCCESSFULLY built up on OLD theories, laws, understanding...Nothing new has been generated in a land which has been more stable than many of the countries in the East! Even they know it!
2. Hormones and teenage are a universal phenomenon not limited to west
didnt really touch these...How is it answering me?
and your point regarding strip clubs and casual partners is tangential. You should clearly differentiate between consent and lack of it.
Well...Then where does your WOMAN COMMODITY fit?
When you allow something, with it comes responsibilities...WE ALL KNOW, there are always people who are NOT RESPONSIBLE...why risk SOOOOO MUCH (yes RAPE is a BIG issue) based on YOUR WANTS? You allow lust to be advertised as well as be fueled and also be influential then wonder why the earth comes crashing at such stuff? Again, EVERY sensitive step is full of responsibilities...NOT everyone is prepared to take it....why not play safe?
What EXACTLY IS STOPPING YOU from playing safe and bowing to lust?
3. Broken homes are no different and sometime even better than people carrying carcass of a marriage with them.
Well, you throwing psychology left and right, have you learnt child psychology how BOTH parents are NECESSARY to raise a PROPER child? Well, then when HALF of Western kids do not know who their daddy is or why their mommy left what sort of miracle are you expecting from an average kid with such a situation?
4. Regarding social services point, even at the pain of sounding like a conspiracy theorist, i would say that this taking away of children thingy is a brainwashing conspiracy of fabian socialists.There are some genuine instances in which child should be taken away from parents but a lot of reason dished by social services are balderash. Like taking away children for lack of or excessive stimulation. Even though this idea is based on Bowlby's theory of attachment which came into being from studies that he did on monkeys and has been observed in humans, it is not quantifiable and thus using that pretext to decide whether a child should be taken away or not is an exercise in dishonesty.
So you agree to state telling you how to raise a child but disagree with the state banning alcohol? At WILL you say the state should this and then say they shouldn't that...Who chooses what the state should agree to and not? A person whose family had been a rape victim would AGREE to alot of things than one whose has not...Everything has both sides....Sooo....who is to decide what is right or wrong? Saw the Indian's reaction to what alpha1 said....for him that is significant for a woman to cover, for others it is not....So, who decides? When provided a solution, you object...
The whole point of this seems to be trying to control the initial conditions so that you can inculcate certain personality in an individual. In Sweden, which has a feminazi goal of creating a sexless society has resulted in a condition in which, it is considered proper by males to attach fake breasts and feed their children so as to bond with them.
Ya do unnatural things and then cry when nature slaps you back
I believe in cultural relativism within the bound of basic human rights. But talon don't you think that your previous point was clearly opposite to this.
Not at all...I put forward what is happening...never said I hate it...put forward MY opinion never forced anyone to take it...And challenged the society as to WHY they WHINE?
You should address this question to fundamentalist brigade.They are the only one who make excuse for rapes.
You would be surprised as to how many idiots do...