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The Algerian Armed Forces.

The Algerian Navy will soon take delivery of the first of six Super Lynx 300 helicopter following the conclusion of armed flight trials of the first aircraft by AgustaWestland at the company factory in Somerset, United Kingdom.

Photo credit © AgustaWestland

The Algerian Navy will soon take delivery of the first of six Super Lynx 300 helicopter following the conclusion of armed flight trials of the first aircraft by AgustaWestland at the company factory in Somerset, United Kingdom.

According to Flight International, an Algerian Navy Super Lynx was pictured in flight trials while carrying a full load of eight Mokopa air-to-surface missiles made by South African arms manufacturer Denel Dynamics. According to United Nations data, Algeria last year received eight air-to-surface missiles/launchers from South Africa, which presumably were Mokopas.
Wikipedia says the range is 296 km on the right !

and this is not good enough i know, i have another source, but give me sometime to find it.
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Algerians school girls parade during the african cultural event, in Algiers.









The revolution was to return to the fundamentals and values that will transform the Algerian woman to rebuild a fate, and reconnect with the story line.

The participation of women in the national liberation struggle, has distinguished itself in action taking up arms which mark a turning point in the evolution of the latter by the respect of others. Women will abandon the veil to the needs of the revolution because of the importance it stood at his eyes and the risk of death became to these Algerian daily sometimes leading their families in their wake facing a colonial entity determined to break the link between her and the man by the new reports. As the revolution it will develop in a greater need and a desire for freedom.

More than 50 years have passed, and the revolutionary woman was relegated to the background, but it is time to raise these women so brave and who illustrated the revolution by their courage and sacrifice.

Djamila Bouhired, the icon of the forgotten war in Algeria
Born into a middle class family of an Algerian father and a Tunisian mother, she is educated in the French school, she joined the National Liberation Front during his student years. She later worked as a liaison officer, member the personal "bomb network" and assistant Yacef Saadi, head of the Autonomous Zone of Algiers during the Battle of Algiers. She filed on September 30, 1956, a bomb that does not explode in the lobby of Mauretania. She recruited Djamila Bouazza, which itself filed on January 26 following a very deadly bomb Coq Hardi. In April 1957, she was injured in a shootout and captured by paratroopers. It is suspected to be a bomb poseuse, charged for his actions, tortured and sentenced to death. His execution is stopped by a media campaign by Jacques Vergès and Georges Arnaud. They wrote a manifesto, published the same year by Editions de Minuit Pour Djamila Bouhired.

That is, with Henri Alleg's book The Question, one of the obvious that will alert the public about the mistreatment and torture inflicted by the army to Algerian fighters. To the international outcry over her sentence, she was finally pardoned and released in 1962. After her release, she worked with Jacques Vergès married in 1965- -that it on African Revolution, centered on African nationalist revolutions magazine. His marriage with Vergès, she had two children, Meriem and Liess Vergès. On 20 November 1995, it has a granddaughter, Fatima Nur Vergès-Habboub, her daughter and husband Meriem thereof, Fouad. His life was made into a film by Youssef Chahine in the film Djamilah, released in 1958. Chahine, to meet, to Algeria during the war of independence, but will not succeed.His journey is also mentioned in the first part of the film Terror's Advocate, dedicated to Jacques Vergès. It is distinguished by its discretion, away from the media, official circles and all places of power.

Chahida Raymonde Peschard said Taoues

Born in Saida Eugene (Algiers) September 15, 1927, an activist of Communist Youth and the Algerian Communist Party, she joined during the War of Liberation Army of National Liberation in Kabylia wilaya III. On 26 November 1957 it fell, weapons in hand, at the age of 30 years, Raymonde Peschard with several of his companions at a place called NLA Draa Errih in Jebel Tafartas in the current province of Bordj Bou Arreridj in the wilaya III.

E'chahida Yamina said Uday Zoulikha

This lady is a native of Hadjout. Ms. Yamina EchaÏb, called Zoulikha widow Larbi Uday, who spoke fluent French and had no face complex to Europeans, was able to realize his dream when the national liberation war was launched on November 1, 1954. The mother of three children toddler, she was illustrated by his fierce determination against the occupier, by directing men and women to the national cause, and using every trick to circumvent the ambush made by the colonial forces.

When the colonial authorities became aware of his role cherchelloise accredited to the population and its surroundings, so she decided to flee and join permanently underground. Captured October 15, 1957, he will be tortured for 10 days. She has never denounced these women and men who campaigned under his direction, in order to preserve the political-military organization. "Before us, his hands cuffed, said a witness, she spat in the face of a military captain and said: Look what the French soldiers from Algeria. "We have seen since that day," he says. On Tuesday, October 25, 1957 at 15h, Yamina Uday, called Zoulikha was executed.

Malika Gaïd and Naciba Malki said Chafika, peerless combatant

Malika Gaïd who was born in 1934 in Belcourt Algiers. Ooriginaire of Timenguache, a village of Beni Yaala in the wilaya of Setif she died with weapons in hand in a cave hospital in the region near Iwakouren M'Chedallah. Malika Gaïd was a nurse in the ranks of the NLA but also a fighter. Malika Gaïd, like all combat who have sacrificed in the name of freedom has become part of the memory and will remain in the hearts of Algerians and Algerian. Another woman is shown by the bravery he is the Chahida Naciba Malki said Chafika. The latter was responsible for political-military sector (wilaya 4 Zone III region ... sector v). Zohra Bellechleb real name Naciba Malki was a nurse, but also a fighter.Chafika activated in Algiers in 1956. Following the strike of students and pupils, she was forced to join the maquis in the region of Zaccar then Ouarsenis. She fell on the battlefield in late 1959 in Zone 3, 4 wilaya; she was only 19 years after independence, the remains of his body were exhumed (1964) to be buried in the cemetery of El Kettar; the former rue Faidherbe in El Biar bears his name "MALKI Naciba" and the city Hydra Algiers.

The moudjahida Benbia Fatma Zohra

Ms. Fatma Zohra Benbia Chaibedraa wife, born in Oran, at the age of 15 she joined the section of Muslim Scouts under the leadership of Shahid Boutlélis Hamou was a man of great integrity and a strong nationalist, later she joined a women's association in Oran where she became captain of a basketball team that wins the championship of Algeria.
Outside of these actions, it was bound by the struggle for national liberation and working in secret as several other women, but its role was to help through the associations which were all shelters and blankets for the nationalists. Sociocultural barriers were rooted in attitudes and individual behavior.

Illiteracy was the primary factor impeding the empowerment of women and were the first victims of colonial barbarism and were forced to play several roles at once. His contribution was very important through the tasks she performed for the purposes of the Revolution, among them there were military activists who were women attached to the Army of National Liberation. It also had prisons that it was in Algeria or extérieur.Pendant the ceasefire, she opened a hospital in a mosque in Tijditt for the sick and the many victims of the OAS .she was designated after independence to represent the Algerian woman at the African level and made 2 missions in Mali and Congo where she was received by the President of the two countries. Founding member of the UNFA Mostaganem, the Algerian Red Crescent with Laredj Benrialty, and the first woman elected to the APW and the Board of Directors of Che Guevarra hospital.

It happened one October 25, 1541, the defeat of Charles V in Algiers

There 473 years, Charles V attacked Algiers in person at the head of a large army. Shipping will be a disaster and the Emperor leave El Djazaïr in loser, October 25, 1541.

Justified by the religious wars of supremacy between Islam and Christianity, the Barbary piracy, piracy as Christian, fits into the context of warlike operations of both sides.Throughout the sixteenth century, Barbary piracy is sovereign throughout the Mediterranean and even beyond the Strait of Gibraltar and to Iceland. This piracy was in its infancy, a form of "jihad" against Christians who had driven from Spain: "After the fall of Granada in 1492, the Reconquista ended. Many Moors refuse to live in a Christian world and take refuge in North Africa, the base of their ancestors, with a heart full of resentment against Christianity, with a desire for revenge. On site, the Berber people suffer the defeat of Islam Andalusian. The Berber emotion, fueled by marabouts, says piracy, because unable to raise armies in the reconquest of Andalusia, the Moorish ships will spread terror and desolation on the Iberian coast."(Roland Courtinat)

Piracy become over the centuries "Robbery", supported or encouraged by various Deys of Algiers as a source of wealth for the Regency. And the fifteenth to the seventeenth century, all punitive operations attempted against the Regency of Algiers will prove disastrous, especially that of Charles V in 1541, which here is the story according to different sources.

These terrible pirates went so formidable, they stopped all trade in the Mediterranean; the whole of Europe suffered from their depredations. For this reason and certainly make up for recent losses by some brilliant action, Charles V decided to personally lead a decisive expedition against Algiers.

After five years of meticulous preparation, "a huge armada of 65 galleys and 450 troop transport ships, with 24,000 men of war ordered by the greatest Spanish masters, including Cortez the conqueror of Mexico, went to El Djazaïr. This army forces gathered many Christian countries: Spaniards, Germans, Sicilians ... The landing took place on October 23, 1541, near the mouth of the Oued Harrach Zl "(Mahfoud Keddache)

Muslims wanted to prevent them from landing, but the vessels fired against them from the sea and they left the field open to enemies who could come ashore. They spent the night near the town in a place called and H'ammah.

There was a major Turks, known as El-Hajj Bacha who resolved to attack the night Christians. It was opened the city gates, he took a flag in his hand and went with a large party of Muslims. The infidels did not doubted. Muslims threw confusion among them and fired a volley of guns at once. They also shot arrows which caused an extraordinary disorder. The king awoke with a start, called the largest and most familiar courtiers and said, "Is this what you should show me that Algerians do not take to this attack? See what they do tonight! "The Muslims entered the city after killing many enemies.(George Marsh)

The daybreak, Christians marched to the city and approached the walls. began to send them, ramparts, guns, bullets and arrows. That day Turkish soldiers came to battle and showed great value, among them El Bacha H'adj El H'adj Mami, Khidr, El H'adj Bekir, who fought until the night a fierce battle. The enemy returned to Ras Tafourah where they camped. They took all the hills and prepared to attack the city. They planted their banners deployed on the Koudiat es Saboun (Hill soap, Fort current Emperor), but the people were discharges from all sides and blows frequently arrived on the ships that were at sea.

The next evening a violent storm broke the cable ships. This storm is assigned, according to legend, Sidi Bou Gueddour "a marabout, who led throwing pots in the sea" (Mahfoud Keddache)

Other sources report the facts of Dada Ouali, holy man of Turkish origin, who "through the city to address the failing courage, entered the sea to the waist and hitting the stick he held in hand, raised the terrible storm "(George Marsh)

Agha Hassan took this climate providence to bring out his Janissaries and attack Christians. The storm increasingly strong, 140 vessels failed on the beach with all their supplies. The admiral who was called Andoria (Andrea Doria) had the troubled mind as all those on board ships. He retired to Cape Matifou and had to ask the emperor to abandon the siege. Especially since the side Koudiat Es Saboun, the fight was increasingly hard.

Charles V recognized the need to give in Algiers, who felt happy if he and his men could have survived. Time was short, because if people perished vessel on the shore, the army would have no way to return to his country.

The Emperor then left town and encamped near Wadi el Harrach. "Hunger pressed enemies: they ate 400 horses and spent the night in ******** of rain, while the Arabs and Kabyles throwing them balls and stones and attacked unexpectedly. "(George Marsh)

Attacks on Christian soldiers multiplied and many perished before arriving at Tementfous. Charles V stayed there a few days until the agitation of the sea was calmer. Then he boarded the vessels that remained, if repliât on Candle, but not finding his army supply, had to leave the port and go shabby in Cartagena.

The emperor lost a large number of warships and transport, large and small, galleys and afters, and 200 cannons. Moreover, he left many women and children who had come with him, their number is estimated at 1300. No horse returned, either, some died in battle, others were eaten.

This defeat was a huge sensation in Europe and an extraordinary echo in the Maghreb. The people cheering celebrated and celebrated the triumph of El Djazaïr for several days.

Agha Hassan sent to the Sublime Porte a detailed report on the defeat of Charles V and the Sultan appointed him report Pasha and governor of El Djazaïr. Which allowed him to extend his authority to other regions.

Synthesis ZM


  1. "The Barbary pirates in the Mediterranean sixteenth to the nineteenth century," Roland Courtinat.Editions Dualpha. , 2008.
  2. "Algeria Algerians, from prehistory to 1954," Mahfoud Kaddache. Edif 2000 2003.
  3. Article George Marsh in "El Djezaïr Sheets." July 1941. (Sources of the author: "Muslims Documents on the seat of Algiers by Charles V in 1541," a major study of MR Basset contained in the "Quarterly Bulletin of Geography and Archaeology" of the province of Oran, Volume X, 1890, page 171, which was based on the Manuscript Mehkeme obviously the work of an eyewitness whose parts are borrowed from the report that Hassan Agha sent to Constantinople)
  4. Etching " Shipping of Charles V. against Algiers " (Leon Galibert, p. 184)
Facebookers replied to French assertion that the planners of the Tiguentourine attack were all killed but Belmokhtar, by challenging them to display the bodies..


The Mercedes factory complex in Tiaret officially opened.

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Algeria has built a manufacturing electronic systems complex . It was inaugurated this Sunday at Sidi Bel Abbes by the Chief of Staff of the Army, General Ahmed Salah Gaïd. This plant is an Algerian-German joint venture.

SCAFSE the main aim to meet the needs of the ANP in electronic systems, namely "terrestrial monitoring and detection" (radar) "systems and surveillance sensors" (opto-electronic systems) and radio communication systems.

up to you to count how many Mig25 ....

L'Algérie se dote d'un système de brouillage innovant

Selon une dépêche de RIA Novosti, l'Algérie et l'Inde auraient acquis des systèmes Krashua 4, fabriqués par KRET (groupement de production radio électronique) et distribué par Rostec.
L'ANP aurait déboursé la bagatelle de 80 millions de dollars pour acquérir ce système qui permet de brouiller les systèmes radars des avions ennemis ainsi que la création d'une bulle électronique imperméable aux fréquences GPS et aux équipements de détection adverse. En substance, le Krashua 4, qui est un système de guerre électronique, une fois déployé empêche les missiles de croisières, les bombes à guidage GPS et les avions de trouver des cibles sur une zone donnée. Cette zone pouvant avoir un rayon de 150 à 300 Km. Il représente une brique en plus dans le système de défense anti-aérien Algérien.Ce système de brouillage est considéré aussi comme une mesure de protection contre les Awacs, les E8 J-Star et les drones de reconnaissance les plus performants. Ces derniers peuvent êtres interceptés ou se crasher à cause de la perte de transmission avec leurs opérateurs.
Le transfert d'une technologie aussi sensible et récente par la Russie vers un pays comme l'Algérie (le système n'a été introduit dans les forces Russes que quelques mois auparavant), est une preuve de l'évolution des relations stratégiques entre les deux pays

up to you to count how many Mig25 ....

Well, it doesn't matter if they are old, they are still a very capable fighter jets, the Iraqi Mig-25 shot down an American F-18 during Iraq war, so, if that shitty old Iraqi Mig-25 and a noob pilot was able to shoot down an F-18 with a BVR missile, imagine what can the up-to-date better trained Algerian pilots do with the Mig-25's ! and they are more advanced than Iraqi Mig-25's, since Algerian military knows very well how to maintain the health and fighting capability of their equipment and upgrading it, while the Iraqi's didn't even know how to refuel their jets or the basic maintenance stuff, or even know how to fly the jets, however, they did succeed to shoot down an advanced American fighter jet with an out-dated Mig-25 !
Well, it doesn't matter if they are old, they are still a very capable fighter jets, the Iraqi Mig-25 shot down an American F-18 during Iraq war, so, if that shitty old Iraqi Mig-25 and a noob pilot was able to shoot down an F-18 with a BVR missile, imagine what can the up-to-date better trained Algerian pilots do with the Mig-25's ! and they are more advanced than Iraqi Mig-25's, since Algerian military knows very well how to maintain the health and fighting capability of their equipment and upgrading it, while the Iraqi's didn't even know how to refuel their jets or the basic maintenance stuff, or even know how to fly the jets, however, they did succeed to shoot down an advanced American fighter jet with an out-dated Mig-25 !

That noob pilot had years of experience fighting Iran and dealing with the F-14 with it's AIM-54A long range missile, I wouldn't call that an unexperienced pilot. They knew how to fly and how to refuel, the only thing that they lacked is sufficient training due to high time pressure but some made up for the lack of training through experience in warfare, which made some aces as well.

As of today the MIG-31 still poses a danger, MIG-25 did in 1990 but we're 24 years further today.
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Well, it doesn't matter if they are old, they are still a very capable fighter jets, the Iraqi Mig-25 shot down an American F-18 during Iraq war, so, if that shitty old Iraqi Mig-25 and a noob pilot was able to shoot down an F-18 with a BVR missile, imagine what can the up-to-date better trained Algerian pilots do with the Mig-25's ! and they are more advanced than Iraqi Mig-25's, since Algerian military knows very well how to maintain the health and fighting capability of their equipment and upgrading it, while the Iraqi's didn't even know how to refuel their jets or the basic maintenance stuff, or even know how to fly the jets, however, they did succeed to shoot down an advanced American fighter jet with an out-dated Mig-25 !
You must have came down from an LSD trip...Couple of weeks ago, the Algerian air force is an outdated force equipped with old craft fit to the junkyard, piloted by bus drivers and today, the AAF is very capable....Glad you came to your senses, but your credibility is shot....I will give you a thank, you past your first AAA meeting test.

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