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The Algerian Armed Forces.

What I think is Algeria should have at least 8 Submarines and also should have 4 Destroyers to carry out Cruise Missile attacks.
@Ceylal Is Algeria using any Cruise Missiles ?
What I think is Algeria should have at least 8 Submarines and also should have 4 Destroyers to carry out Cruise Missile attacks.
@Ceylal Is Algeria using any Cruise Missiles ?
hi brother

for the sbs , yes , actualy we are moving forwar we have six and we intend to reach ten (10), we are still wating for the final development of the LADA AMUR SUB CLASS
for the cruse missile , also yes , we are using CLUB CRUSE MISSILE 300Km range on bord our six sub.
What I think is Algeria should have at least 8 Submarines and also should have 4 Destroyers to carry out Cruise Missile attacks.
@Ceylal Is Algeria using any Cruise Missiles ?

International treaties prohibiting the sale ballistic weapon over 300km ,But the Klub-S remains a credible threat.
SF after the el quaida remnant
dzarmy 3 14 16 anp in op.jpg

Futur generation of Algerian officers..

dzarmy 3 14 16 cos and cubs.jpg

SU24 refuelling taken from an SU24 cockpit
dzarmy 3 14 16 su24 refueling.jpg
Algeria commissions second Chinese-built C28A corvette


The Algerian Navy's second Chinese-built C28A corvette during its sea trials earlier in the year. Source: Chinese internet via haohanfw.com
Key Points
  • Algeria has commissioned its second C28A guided missile corvette
  • Platform will strengthen the country's ability to deal with maritime threats in the western Mediterranean theatre
The Algerian Navy has commissioned a second China-built C28A guided missile corvette, according to a report carried by the semi-official Chinese newspaper PLA Daily on 15 March and corroborated by IHS Jane's with Algerian internet sources.

The vessel, which has been named El Fatih and given the pennant number 921, was commissioned in Algiers on 10 March in a ceremony attended by the Algerian People's National Army chief of staff, General Ahmed Gaid Salah, images of the ceremony retrieved from social media has confirmed.

El Fatih is part of a three-vessel contract signed between the Algerian Ministry of Defence and China Shipbuilding Trading Company (CSTC) in May 2012. First-of-classAdhafer (920) was commissioned in November 2015.

According to IHS Jane's Fighting Ships , the C28A platform features an overall length of 120 m, an overall beam of 14.4 m, and a hull draught of 3.87 m. Powered by four MTU 12V 1163 TB93 diesel engines, the vessel has a top speed of 28 kt and a standard range of 3,500 n miles at 16 kt.

The 2,800-tonne vessel is armed with an export variant of a 76 mm naval gun, the NG-16-1, as its primary weapon, and two Type 730B seven-barrelled 30 mm gun turrets as its close-in weapon system.

The platform has also been equipped with two quad launchers mounted transversely amid ships that can deploy the C-802 anti-ship missiles and one FM-90N point defence missile system behind its main gun. Submarine prosecution capability is provided for by six (two triple) 324 mm torpedo tubes that fire through an opening in the hull.

The vessel's suite of sensors includes the Thales Smart-S Mk 2 radar and command, control, and communication systems.

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Algeria commissions second Chinese-built C28A corvette | IHS Jane's 360
This article is a little bit out of date, since the second one was delivered and already incorporated in the QBJ. The third one is almost finished, will be delivered this summer.

The Mi28 UB for the Algeria finally unveiled

The famous Mi28N custom built for the Algerian air force was unveiled the last two days by the manufacturer Rosvertol Ulan Ude.

Algeria will soon receive 40 units

18/03/2016 - Secret Difa3
There are about 4 to 5 pages lost in this thread..:butcher:...Even the number of visit to the thread was downed by 10,000...
hi brother

for the sbs , yes , actualy we are moving forwar we have six and we intend to reach ten (10), we are still wating for the final development of the LADA AMUR SUB CLASS
for the cruse missile , also yes , we are using CLUB CRUSE MISSILE 300Km range on bord our six sub.

Algeria have only 4 Kilo Subs and 2 in orders (2018) I think that are intended to replace the now aging 877 project even with a recent revamp in Russia, that's gives Algeria a sub for each 3 maritime zone (400km wide) and the fourth in case of maintenance.
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Algeria has officially sign a contract for four frigates Meko

As announced by Secret Difa3 on October 12 , the Naval Forces Command has officially signed a contract to acquire four frigates type Meko A-200, with the consortium German "ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems' (TKMS) to a total of 2.176 billion euros (US $ 2.886 billion).

According to Jane's Defence Weekly and according to our sources, despite the fact that TKMS has not released details of the contract, which was signed on March 26, the relatively high price of the contract is for a complete package, 2 frigates manufactured in Germany + 6 Super Lynx and armament + a specific Western combat system + + crew training + building a shipyard in Algeria + building 2 frigates in Algeria and finally a maintenance center to service them.
The Algerian frigates will be similar to the South African" Valour Class" (MEKO A-200 SAN) 3600 tons displacement.
Although similar in design and propulsion system to its South African equivalent, except for the air defense system, Algerian Meko's, have a very different armement than Valour.

April10th, 2016

Three project 20380 corvettes(Tigr) are being built for the Algerian Navy

На Амурском судостроительном заводе в последние годы строятся первые корабли проекта 20380 для Тихоокеанского флота России – корвет«Совершенный»(спущен на воду в 2015 году, сейчас достраивается), корвет«Громкий»(передача флоту состоится в 2016 году). Кроме того, три таких вооруженных до зубов легких корабля, задачей которых является сопровождение авианосцев, защита береговой зоны(портов) или поддержка морского десанта, будут построены в Комсомольске-на-Амуре по контракту для военно-морских сил Алжира.


Three corvettes of project 20380 (Tigr) will be built in komsomolsk-Anna-Morey for the navy.
At Amurskom Vyborg Shipyard in recent years, the ships are built for the first draft of 20380 for the Pacific Fleet of Russia - corvette "perfect"( Down the slipway in the year 2015, now dostraivayetsya), Corvette "loud"( The transfer of the fleet will be held in 2016). In addition, three such armed to the teeth light ship, whose mission is to escort carriers, the protection of the coastal zone (Ports) or support marine amphibious assault, will be built in komsomolsk-on-Amur under the contract for the naval forces of Algeria.

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