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The Algerian Armed Forces.

I dont think this can be considered a proper English sentence...
The essential, you understood and you got my point

Might wanna respond to my latest comment, however i hardly doubt you have the neccesary brain cells and knowledge to do so. Good day, i hope my spanking sessions thought you to never claim BS without a proper source or proof. I enjoyed my time aswell :)
there is a saying here that goes well to your kind: you hit like a bi...tch...:omghaha:
The essential, you understood and you got my point

there is a saying here that goes well to your kind: you hit like a bi...tch...:omghaha:

Maybe, but its still a hit. As it stands right now you cant even lift your fingers to me :)
Oublious take to your bitch countrymen and fu...ck off!

Don't make me laugh...

But first lets finish this shit hole....


No one innovation in Defence industry, what a mess. Buying russian equipments and nothing more, they let you make some bolt and screw....

In the end your only reliable vehicle is your camel....
But first lets finish this shit hole....


No one innovation in Defence industry, what a mess. Buying russian equipments and nothing more, they let you make some bolt and screw....

In the end your only reliable vehicle is your camel....
At least we didn't get undressed by a country who's entire population is smaller than the one of Ankara...They killed 18 turks in international water, abused your foreign minister, and to top of that, you had to crawl back to them to get part for your F16 that the US herself refused you and that as a member of NATO...Hell they didn't even let you close or supplied you with their Patriot system while Israel, got supplied with them with a flick of a finger..
Let me school you a little bit about the Algerian-Russian arms cooperation
Algeria was the first to field the MIG 25 beside Russia at a time where even Warsaw member didn't have them..
All Algerian MIG29, SU are vecteurs..nothing you have in your arsenal is..
Algerian subs are missile capable against sea and land targets, your are not
Algeria is equipped with S300PMU2, Turkey has nothing to come close to our SAM6's..
That's the big difference between countries that respect and value each other....While Turkey is still use a dormat or a dish rag by the US and by NATO...Hell you have been trying for 20 years to join the EU and they slammed the door shut a each attempt..Latvia, a country of few goat didn't have to beg for it...it was served on a golden platter to her...
algerienne la reaction...jpg
At least we didn't get undressed by a country who's entire population is smaller than the one of Ankara...They killed 18 turks in international water, abused your foreign minister, and to top of that, you had to crawl back to them to get part for your F16 that the US herself refused you and that as a member of NATO...Hell they didn't even let you close or supplied you with their Patriot system while Israel, got supplied with them with a flick of a finger..
Let me school you a little bit about the Algerian-Russian arms cooperation
Algeria was the first to field the MIG 25 beside Russia at a time where even Warsaw member didn't have them..
All Algerian MIG29, SU are vecteurs..nothing you have in your arsenal is..
Algerian subs are missile capable against sea and land targets, your are not
Algeria is equipped with S300PMU2, Turkey has nothing to come close to our SAM6's..
That's the big difference between countries that respect and value each other....While Turkey is still use a dormat or a dish rag by the US and by NATO...Hell you have been trying for 20 years to join the EU and they slammed the door shut a each attempt..Latvia, a country of few goat didn't have to beg for it...it was served on a golden platter to her...
View attachment 237109

Cry me a river ahahaha... Algeria have s300 pmauueuhuf and second hand migs from russians. Comparing scrath with quality products, i aint going play childish games,

Pathetic camel rider, you are making it a political isseu, first go show your balls against france about the massacre your people.

Look to this man and shut up....

I assume you are talking about Tomyris, He is in a Pakistani forum,not a Turkish one! There are just you and the demented cat that complained about his google translation, the great majority that visits the thread haven't said a thing ....This is not a school and we are not here to feed your tiny brain with a spoon...English is not your mother tong, and if you had something in that brain of yours you should have understood what Tomyris is talking about! So fuc......k of!

There, it shows why "book for idiots" are having a huge success in Turkey...North Africa is a BERBER country, it has nothing ARAB, but a cultural trait , like we share with many Mediterranean countries due to our proximity and to our historical past...
For fail state, you are a Turkish, I assume, if you haven't forgotten your roots, and you need to sweep in front door before concerning yourself with ours...

After the mobile Kornet EM, Algeria is set to recieve the Buk-M2E, the contract was inked in 2013.

Algeria ordered Russia "Buk-M2E"
Interesting information about the implementation of contracts for Algeria self-propelled Kornet-em "(2014) and medium-range ANTI-AIRCRAFT MISSILE SYSTEM Buk-M2E" (contract year 2013). secret-difa3.net

View attachment 236495
How many batteries you have ordered and nay plans to get other Air Defence systems also ?
At least we didn't get undressed by a country who's entire population is smaller than the one of Ankara...They killed 18 turks in international water, abused your foreign minister, and to top of that, you had to crawl back to them to get part for your F16 that the US herself refused you and that as a member of NATO...Hell they didn't even let you close or supplied you with their Patriot system while Israel, got supplied with them with a flick of a finger..
Let me school you a little bit about the Algerian-Russian arms cooperation
Algeria was the first to field the MIG 25 beside Russia at a time where even Warsaw member didn't have them..
All Algerian MIG29, SU are vecteurs..nothing you have in your arsenal is..
Algerian subs are missile capable against sea and land targets, your are not
Algeria is equipped with S300PMU2, Turkey has nothing to come close to our SAM6's..
That's the big difference between countries that respect and value each other....While Turkey is still use a dormat or a dish rag by the US and by NATO...Hell you have been trying for 20 years to join the EU and they slammed the door shut a each attempt..Latvia, a country of few goat didn't have to beg for it...it was served on a golden platter to her...
View attachment 237109

You know what the difference between me and you is? I generally have an idea of what i am talking about, you dont.
You are still comparing Turkey to Algeria for whatever reason, even though i didnt say a single thing about your army in the entirity of the discussion. Are you high? Do really intend to Compare Turkey to Algeria for the better of the ladder? I still have yet to get a proper source for S-400, you dont have any so you try to chance the subject to something else in each comment. It seems you have an inferiority complex.

Ok lets see, where do i start...
- Israeli's apoligized for Gaza incident, so case closed.
Benjamin Netanyahu apologizes to Turkey over Gaza flotilla - International - Jerusalem Post
- The "part" of the F-16 was actually the source codes for the IFF, which they gave to us. This would allow us the mark the Israeli jets as "Hostile" or "Enemies". We actually developed our own so even if they didnt gave them, we would simply use our own.
Turkey to rewrite software source codes of 204 F-16 fighters
- There is no cooperation, get that to your head. You are just another small banana republic which Russia sells weapons to because they can't afford anything better.

- You mean those handfull dosen Sukhoi's and MiG's? Please you need them in more numbers to actualy have a relevant impact. Do you even have Modern BVR's Missiles in your inventory? Bet you dont even know that.

- Turkish Sub's have the same capabilty lol.

- No, we dont have anything comparable to S-300pmu YET. Whilst we already develop our own SPAAG and Short/Medium Range Air defence system, you are still on your knees begging some from Russia. Thats the difference between you and us. Turkey's T-LORAMID's tender is to determine what our long-range air defence system in the future would be. China was declared a winner with their FD-2000. You have to buy everything from abroad because your country is so underdeveloped that it cant even build the simplest weapon on their own. You are a lost cause so i have no intention of learning much about the artificial state Algeria.
Korkut SPAAG

Hisar-A (upto 15km range)

Hisar-O(Upto 40+km Range)

- I dont want to hear that from a desert Arab country which isnt relevant in the international community since the beginning of its existence. Turkey's economy is booming, defence industry is advancing at rapid speed, civilian industrial sectors are getting better and betters, education is available for everyone and etc.You have none of these. You are just another Arab desert country, nothing more. Your entire country is artifcially created by the west.
- Lol doormat? We actually refused to participate in the Iraqi War, refused to help them fighting ISIS, continuesly fight with our NATO neighbour and even invaded Cyprus in 1974 all on our own against the US and west wishes.
- Turkey trying to join EU has been halted for many years now, get with the news.
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