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The Algerian Armed Forces.

in memory of Commander Malek Nacib , the father of the Algerian Navy submarine fleet..


Rare picture of the first Algerian romeo submarine under Kamel Nacib Command



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Algeria should talk with France on possible JV on Surface Combatants and Submarine production.
Algeria should talk with France on possible JV on Surface Combatants and Submarine production.
We have a mutual and an ongoing distrust. It will never happened.
We have a JV with the Germans, China, Italy and Russia, our main weaponry suppliers. France has no place in the Algerian arms programs.
We have a mutual and an ongoing distrust. It will never happened.
We have a JV with the Germans, China, Italy and Russia, our main weaponry suppliers. France has no place in the Algerian arms programs.

Then do with Germans.
The helicopter carrier Kalaat Beni Abbes Thursday in Algiers

The largest ship of the Algerian Navy will be officially delivered this weekend to the command of the naval forces. According to our sources, the Landing Ship and logistical support (BDSL) Kalaat Beni Abbes left Italy today towards the Bay of Algiers.

Built by Fincantieri in Italy, this helicopter carrier is a quantum leap for the Algerian Navy , thus entering the closed circle with a Marine aircraft carrier. It is also built on the basis of a design very similar to that of the Italian aircraft carrier Garibaldi, with slightly smaller dimensions and capacities, while having the most modern electronic equipment and improved capabilities.

The major and completely new innovation in the design of Kalaat Beni Abbes, has increased its self-defense capability, allowing it to perform alone, or with a very small escort, war operations away from its home port. Can provide radar coverage over 100 km radius, it can defend against aircraft in a 30km bubble. It can also carry up to five helicopters attacks that can engage both ships and submarines.

The ship is operated by 150 sailors, who have completed their training in Italy, including many women. It has the ability to transport, in addition 450 troops and have them land with barges with their equipment and vehicles, up to 30 heavy tanks, light armored or fifty can accompany the marines to land.

Also thought as an emergency logistics center to use in case of natural disasters, Kalaat Beni Abbes is a floating war hospital with fifty beds and six operating rooms, it can provide humanitarian assistance within 4000 km its home port.

143 meters long and 9000 tons displacement, it will be by far the largest ship of the Algerian navy and one of the largest in the region.

Small update: - The Algerian Navy schooner will not be built by Damen (Netherlands) , rather by the construction company Stocznia Gdańsk (Poland) who's engineers designed her. . It is same shipyards that built the three- square masted Russian "Mir", one of the finest sailing ships in the world.
If your are talking about a chinese DF23, I do not think so and it is not needed. The Bastion coastal defence system has been acquired, and it is sufficient to keep existing treat, if any, at bay...for the time being.

I am talking about these kind of beasts

I am talking about these kind of beasts
Interesting that brought that in, just last night, I was talking to a friend who is very active in the military affairs, about the future craft that Algeria may acquire from China, he cited a probable acquisition of something similar of what you pictured.

4 Cruise Missile destroyers should be the next goal to achieve by Algerian Navy

and finaly Algerian BDSL "KALAAT BANI ABASS" in Alger home port
its welcome , we are waiting for the second unit

4 Cruise Missile destroyers should be the next goal to achieve by Algerian Navy
I am almost sur it will be the next step
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