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The Algerian Armed Forces.


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China launches second Algerian corvette


The Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding company has launched the second of three C28A corvettes for the Algerian Navy, which will take delivery of the vessels later this year.

The vessel (921) was launched on February 6 from the company’s shipyard near Shanghai. The first vessel (920) was launched in August 16 last year for delivery in May 2015 and is currently being outfitted by the shipyard, a subsidiary of the China Shipbuilding Trading Company (CSSC).

Algeria in March 2012 signed a contract for the three corvettes, after ordering two Meko A-200N frigates from Germany’s ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems.

The C28A corvettes are around 120 metres long, 14.4 metres wide and have a draft of 3.87 metres. They displace about 2 880 tons fully loaded, and are powered by MTU diesel engines.

They are receiving a combination of Western and Chinese systems, including a Chinese hull-mounted sonar, Thales Smart-S Mk II air and surface surveillance radar and Kelvin Hughes navigation radar.

Armament will include a NORINCO single barrel 76 mm main gun, eight C802 anti-ship missiles, a single FM90N launcher with eight surface to air missiles and two Type 730 seven-barrel 30 mm close-in weapon systems (CIWS) located on top of the helicopter hangar.

The corvettes feature some stealth in their design, including the placement of the exhausts towards their waterline to reduce infrared signature.

The launching of the corvettes follows the undocking and floating out of the first Meko A200 from a dockyard in Kiel, Germany, on December 5 last year, and in September last year Italian shipyard Fincantieri delivered the Algerian Navy’s flagship amphibious warfare vessel Kalaat Beni-Abbes at its Muggiano Shipyard.

As part of its naval modernisation programme, Algeria will in 2018 take delivery of two Project 636 Varshavyanka (Kilo class) diesel electric submarines from Admiralty Shipyards in Russia. Algeria has also ordered two new Tiger class corvettes from Russia.
Algeria and the Algerian Navy laid one of her son and a great visionary that made the QBJ what it is today. RIP General Nacib

Niger President Mahmadou Issoufou visit the Algerian armed forces Military Industrial Complex BCI
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When was this contract signed ? @Ceylal ?
It was in the second contract with Russia. This will be located at the military complex of Beni Merad, where all the T72's , BTR's are modified. This new contract will be for the T90 MS. Previous T90's and T72's will be brought up the T90MS specs.

Фото: Д. Абрамов/Ведомости

Эта публикация основана на статье «Танк алжирской сборки» из газеты «Ведомости» от 20.02.2015, №30 (3776).
«Рособоронэкспорт» заключил в прошлом году контракт о лицензионном производстве в Алжире примерно 200 основных боевых танков Т-90, сообщили«Ведомостям» два человека из российского оборонно-промышленного комплекса. По их словам, сборка танков из российских машинокомплектов будет развернута на мощностях танкоремонтного завода алжирских вооруженных сил, который ранее занимался ремонтом бронетехники. Представитель«Рособоронэкспорта» от комментариев отказался.

По словам редактора журнала Moscow Defense Brief Михаила Барабанова, стоимость лицензионной сборки 200 танков типа Т-90 может оцениваться примерно в $1 млрд. По количеству поставляемых танков такой контракт, по оценке Барабанова, является на данный момент одним из самых крупных, а возможно, и самым крупным в мире экспортным контрактом на основные боевые танки.

В 2010 г. Алжир заключил с«Рособоронэкспортом» контракт на поставку 185 готовых танков Т-90, исполнение которого к настоящему времени завершено. Кроме того, в 2013 г. Алжир заказал у России комплекты для модернизации поставленных еще в советское время примерно 300 танков Т-72. Политика Алжира по переходу от прямых закупок танков в России к их сборке по лицензии на собственном заводе сравнима с индийским подходом к военно-техническому сотрудничеству с Россией. В 2001 г. Индия заключила свой первый контракт на поставку 124 готовых танков Т-90 и 186 комплектов для сборки этих танков в Индии. После выполнения этих соглашений в 2004 г. был подписан контракт по лицензионному производству в Индии примерно 1000 танков Т-90, но, поскольку лицензионное производство осваивалось с задержками, в 2007 г. были заключены дополнительные контракты по поставке еще 124 готовых танков и машинокомплектов для сборки еще 223 машин.

Кроме того, танки Т-90 экспортировались в Азербайджан(100 единиц, поставки завершились в 2014 г.), Уганду(44 машины, поставки завершились несколько лет назад) и Туркмению(6 танков было поставлено в 2009 г.). Поставки танков Т-90 Вооруженным силам России были завершены еще в 2011 г. В разное время рассматривались, но по разным причинам не были реализованы планы по поставкам танков Т-90 в Саудовскую Аравию, Ливию, Сирию, а сейчас, по словам человека, близкого к«Рособоронэкспорту», ведутся переговоры о возможных поставках танков Т-90 в Ирак.

Алжир — один из крупнейших партнеров России в области военно-технического сотрудничества. В 2006 г. в ответ на списание долга Алжира перед СССР на сумму $4,6 млрд был подписан первый пакет контрактов на поставку в эту страну российских вооружений на сумму около $7,5 млрд, а суммарная стоимость контрактов России с Алжиром с того времени достигла $10 млрд.
" Rosoboronexport "signed last year a contract for the licensed production in Algeria about 200 main battle tanks T-90, told " Vedomosti "two people of the Russian military-industrial complex. According to them, the assembly of Russian tanks kits will be running at the tank repair plant Algerian armed forces who had previously engaged in repair of armored vehicles. The representative of " Rosoboronexport "declined to comment.

According to the editor of Moscow Defense Brief Mikhail Barabanov , the value of the licensed assembly of 200 tanks T-90 can be estimated at approximately $ 1 billion. According to the number of supplied tanks such a contract, according to Barabanova is currently one of the largest, and possibly the world's largest export contract for main battle tanks.

In 2010, Algeria has concluded with " Rosoboronexport "contract for the supply of 185 ready-made T-90 tanks, the execution of which has so far been completed. In addition, in 2013, Algeria has ordered from Russia kits for modernization set in Soviet times about 300 T-72 tanks. Politics of Algeria to move from direct purchases of tanks in Russia to their assembly under license at its own plant is comparable with the Indian approach to military-technical cooperation with Russia. In 2001, India signed its first contract for the supply of 124 ready-made T-90 tanks and 186 kits for the assembly of these tanks in India. After the implementation of these agreements in 2004, a contract was signed for the licensed production in India about 1,000 T-90 tanks, but since licensed production was mastered with delays in 2007 were entered into additional contracts for the supply of another 124 tanks and kits ready for assembly 223 still machines.

In addition, the T-90 tanks were exported to Azerbaijan ( 100 units, deliveries were completed in 2014), Uganda ( 44 machines, supplies ended a few years ago) and Turkmenistan ( 6 tanks were delivered in 2009). Deliveries of the T-90 Russian Armed Forces has been completed in 2011. At various times, been considered, but for various reasons have not been implemented plans for the supply of T-90 tanks to Saudi Arabia, Libya, Syria, and now, according to a person close to the " Rosoboronexport ", negotiating the possible supply T-90 tanks in Iraq.

Algeria - one of the largest partners of Russia in the field of military-technical cooperation. In 2006, in response to the cancellation of debt of Algeria to the USSR in the amount of $ 4.6 billion was signed on the first package of contracts for delivery in the country of Russian weapons worth about $ 7.5 billion, and the total value of contracts with Algeria, Russia has since reached $ 10 billion.

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