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The Afghanistan exit will humiliate The United States worse than Vietnam

America never fight wars to with an intent to win there.. they always had an objective to destroy National Fiber and polarize a country and their wars do that. But no doubt, American never saw sun of victory shining upon them.
wrong comparison.

Because the history of the Vietnam war and Afghan war are totally different. There are two main points.

1. Vietnam never posed "direct" threat to US homeland, Afghanistan does
2. US army was based on draft during Vietnam war, it now is all volunteer army like Pakistani army.

Afghanistan is like a mini version of Nazi Germany posing long term threat to Americans. Therefore American troops are there to stay. And Pakistanis must come to terms with that.

The numbers will decrease to Bush era strength. Surge in Afghanistan by Prez Obama wasn't as effective as the surge by Prez Bush in Iraq.

Afghanistan is a different country where you need small footprint on the ground with strong Air support.

Commies used the same technique and they succeeded in 1985. The only thing that beat them was supply of stingers that brought down Commie air support.

This however is no longer the case. No one including Ruskies have a stomach to supply things like stingers to the Talibobs.

Americans are decreasing troop strength in Europe and bumping it up in Asia, so there is little "economic" impact on USA troop strength of 6-12000 in Afghanistan.

today in morning time 4 NATO men are killed in an bomb blast. .
Wrong, Gen. Giap is Lenient general, he didn't want to sacrifice his soldiers to unify VietNam at All cost, but General Secretary Le Duan thought in diffrent way .He thought 'No Pain, no Gain', so he decided to launch a full scale attack in 1968.

We couldn't unify VN in 1968, but The Tet Offensiv was a strong warning to US's army that:"VN's army can attack them any time, any where we want, even their safest place like US's embassy in SaiGon".

History proved that: if we try to reduce casualties when fighting with supper power like US, we never can defeat them bcz US has lots of powerful weapon like CBU-55, that can kill 2,500 troop in single blast, and US's weak point is just The fear inside US's soldier mind when fighting in long and hard war.

it is my first post.
you must be from south vietnam or america vietnamese!!! do you???? shame to you. you coward
CBU55 is only a Fuel Air Explosive not a nuclear bomb.
We won the war, because we were good soldier , and we had strong support from USSR and China.

In the summer of 1962, Mao Zedong agreed to supply Hanoi with 90,000 rifles and guns free of charge. Starting in 1965, China sent anti-aircraft units and engineering battalions to North Vietnam to repair the damage caused by American bombing, rebuild roads and railroads, and to perform other engineering works. This freed North Vietnamese army units for combat in the South. and more than 1500 chinese soldiers losed their lifes for defending vietnam...

the only problem is: the chinese Help is never "free".....actually none Help from foreign Countries are "Free"
not even Help from USSR to vietnam was really " free".
but chinese is more dangerous to vietnam than USSR. because traditionally the chinese is always thirsty of new territory
Yes, Pakistan will face USA's fury when USA is forced to withdraw from Afghanistan in humiliation. They will probably arm india and encourage india to attack Pakistan. That's when SCO becomes a formal military alliance and Pakistan joins but india is excluded. It will also spell the final split between arms dealer / consumer india and Russia (already began when Russia admonished india for trying to meddle in the South China Sea).
Wow did the Afgan Government is again run by the taliban? like how the South was taken out by the North? again with the propaganda?
it is my first post.
you must be from south vietnam or america vietnamese!!! do you???? shame to you. you coward
CBU55 is only a Fuel Air Explosive not a nuclear bomb.
We won the war, because we were good soldier , and we had strong support from USSR and China.

In the summer of 1962, Mao Zedong agreed to supply Hanoi with 90,000 rifles and guns free of charge. Starting in 1965, China sent anti-aircraft units and engineering battalions to North Vietnam to repair the damage caused by American bombing, rebuild roads and railroads, and to perform other engineering works. This freed North Vietnamese army units for combat in the South. and more than 1500 chinese soldiers losed their lifes for defending vietnam...

the only problem is: the chinese Help is never "free".....actually none Help from foreign Countries are "Free"
not even Help from USSR to vietnam was really " free".
but chinese is more dangerous to vietnam than USSR. because traditionally the chinese is always thirsty of new territory
Oh, wellcome back, idiot Khmer tiger. You should know that VietNam never highly appreciate China support in Vn war, got it, troll ??:coffee:
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