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The accuracy of China's MLRS


Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
Bull's eye. :bounce:



The MLRS will be the one to wipe the Indian? The Indian said Agni tech was the transfer tech from the Russian and they have the MIRV tech transfer secret by US. Do you think you Chinese can kick their ***? I would like to see that happen.
The MLRS will be the one to wipe the Indian? The Indian said Agni tech was the transfer tech from the Russian and they have the MIRV tech transfer secret by US. Do you think you Chinese can kick their ***? I would like to see that happen.

Why would China needs to do that? China first priority shall be USA.
Indian missiles are years behind Chinese missiles.

It was decade behind few days ago. Decades have become years within few days. This was expected since India tested Agni V with few meters of accuracy. Chinese need a dosage of Viagra.

When K4 will be tested, Forum members shall see this kind of brain fart once again on PDF. Mark my words. Scarred chinese!!!!!!!
It was decade behind few days ago. Decades have become years within few days. This was expected since India tested Agni V with few meters of accuracy. Chinese need a dosage of Viagra.

When K4 will be tested, Forum members shall see this kind of brain fart once again on PDF. Mark my words. Scarred chinese!!!!!!!

Congrat to Indian missile test but Indian is still behind china when comes to missile technology. China DF-31A with MIRV and 11000km range is yet to be matched by anything India has. And China has demonstrated SLBM with JL-2. Another thing Indian yet to demonstrated. So the assessment is still correct.
Congrat to Indian missile test but Indian is still behind china when comes to missile technology. China DF-31A with MIRV and 11000km range is yet to be matched by anything India has. And China has demonstrated SLBM with JL-2. Another thing Indian yet to demonstrated. So the assessment is still correct.

Thanks for your Congrats.

Which way it behind except the range which we have understated.

Ring laser Gyro, Lings, Mings, double redundancy , Composite motors, single digit chip guidance system double digit accuracy. Wait K4 and K5 are coming. Much much more advance than your country can even think of developing it.

Hahahahaha everyone know your Agni Lady is a puppet for your MEDIA to BS, the true behind your Agni V is Russian make for you, your MIRV is US transfer come from the white guy OLDMAN1 and GIJOE.

Not every one but every Chinese who know only as much as CCP wants them to know. Poor guys. I pity them.
Da hell is K4 or K5? It is short for the word Curry 4 and Curry 5. Test it success first then talk, like your Agni tech are Russian given to you.

The K-4/5 are SLBM made by India. They are comparable to early JL-1 variant, but nothing to the advance JL-2 missile.

What's funny is that India doesn't have any thermonuclear weapons. Their ICBM are too big to be mobile, compare to the size of DF-31 and DF-41.

These Indian trolls don't know the technology of China's missiles and nuclear weapons.

India lags behind China. Also, we are out of topic. let's stop arguing.
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