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The Abottabad Drama

how can you plant WMDs? you can't just stick WMDs in the desert and pull it out saying, look we found WMDs. :cheesy:

people will say that's been planted. you could probably if you found it with the other bits of equipment needed for storage. but the weapons inspectors would just say, we searched there, you're making this up.
The places where weapon inspector searched is public knowledge, agreed by iraqi. There is no way weapon inspector refute your claim if you plant it deliberately.
But anyway, as you will agree such an effort will come out in the open in the end.
But if you are waiting for some whistleblowing about moon landing or twin tower, you will have to wait really long.
The places where weapon inspector searched is public knowledge, agreed by iraqi. There is no way weapon inspector refute your claim if you plant it deliberately.

what do you mean? the weapons inspectors can easily refute it if a building suddenly appears that wasnt there before 2003. they'll just say that structure was not there.
Lol..PNS Mehran attack was also a drama right? :rofl: how many threads needed on the same drama conspiracies btw?

Ah my Ignorant friend!!! :no: I can just laugh at your simplicity!!! Don't you know about "Operation Northwoods"............. oh wait dun run along to wiki I'll post it here:
"Operation Northwoods was a series of false-flag operation proposals that originated within the United States government in 1962. The proposals called for Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other operatives to commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities and elsewhere. These acts of terrorism were to be blamed on Cuba in order to create public support for a war against that nation, which had recently become communist under Fidel Castro.[2] One part of Operation Northwoods was to "develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington.""

Ah dun go crying home to mommy now!!!!:rofl:
This technique also has been used by Indians. Remember the all bloody "26/11" (tadadadan)!!!! Yeah I said it and I will prove it unlike you guys.
WTF what the hell is going on here? i mean are you guys seriously saying that osama was not killed and the us is to blame for all your problems?

man you do live on this planet right? even if for a moment we are to accept that the US is doing things to destabilize Pakistan, the the hell are you guys doing ? playing the fiddle while your country burns ? get up stop blaming everyone and look within , change your mindset , your was a great nation once , i doubt all is lost..

Just listen closely to this, especially at 3:07. and he is a "Muslim Terrorist"????!!!!! We Muslims don't ask for forgiveness from Bhagwan, we ask forgiveness from Allah!! He doesn't even know the first thing about Jihad!!!This guy was in extreme pain after being shot at and the truth came out. It was told to these guys that they will be taken out of this alive but the media got too much involved then these guys made a stand for it and resisted as the Indian forces now tried to kill them. Now the list of terrorists that India gave to Pakistan about the terrorists that are involved in the Mumbai incident are coming out of its own jail!!!Just embarrassing!!!:rofl:

This is your Indian media's report that would jump on the word if he said Allah, but when he said Bhagwan they so casually just dubbed it as God so that foreign people think he is saying just "Khuda"!!! Bottles of alcohol were found in tier backpacks!!! A true Muslim never even touches such stuff especially the one who was going on Jihad!!! Just look at their faces they don't even look Pakistanis, they don't even talk like us whoever has been to Pakistan will know this.:triniti:

P.S I think I am gonna start a thread on this too!!;)
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WTF what the hell is going on here? i mean are you guys seriously saying that osama was not killed and the us is to blame for all your problems?

man you do live on this planet right? even if for a moment we are to accept that the US is doing things to destabilize Pakistan, the the hell are you guys doing ? playing the fiddle while your country burns ? get up stop blaming everyone and look within , change your mindset , your was a great nation once , i doubt all is lost..

Totally agree with the second paragraph!!!! We ourselves are to blame!!! Bhai jan masla kiya hai na hum 60 salon say so rahain hain to uthnay bohat mushkill hai !!!!
I appreciate your reply my friend.. but I don't see any reason for GoP and ISI who are not denying this. Lets go with your thinking for a while and say that western media is lying but what about AQ itself? And like I said what about GoP and ISI? Moreover there are more reasons to believe that he was killed in that mansion. Does anyone have any proof that everyone is lying by the way.?

I am sorry bhai could you verse it a little better I could not understand the statment. Thank you
if US faked it then why government is not saying about their "FAKE STORY"? Why they are saying that yes it did happen? And what government have anything to do with obama election? Just because of US election they are ready to go in this critical and shameless situation? Just accept the fact bro.. Bitter but still a fact.

Because, they are with the Americans, they agreed in advance to pretend ignorance and USA should take all the plaudits for their domestic audience and to show to the world how good they are. What was the deal to accept this responsibility and what the Pakistanis got in return, I can not tell you. There are lots of people in Pakistani establishment like President Zardari, who are in the Government because of the help and planning of USA to negotiate NRO with Musharaf. You have to understand the nature of the politics and power structure in Pakistan to make the right analysis.

Even General Kiyani is involved from the start with General Musharaf, "the traitor". Kiyani conducted the whole NRO as DG ISI during the period NRO was negotiated.
Contradictions in USA account of events continuing. Americans are attributing it to “fog of combat” and that they have tried to pass the information to the media as quickly as possible.

1-Brennan told media on Monday, OBL son Khalid died in the in counter. It is change to Hamza on Tuesday.

2-The news circulating that OBL bodyguard shot him close up to deny Americans capturing him alive, according to the pre-arranged strategy. The story by Americans is he was shot by the Marines who entered the room. They admit that he was unarmed. Why they didn’t capture him alive? Worried they have to show him to the world?

This raises the suspicion of a fake encounter and gives fuel to conspiracy theories. It is easy to make a fake photo of a dead man, then to fake a living one in front of TV cameras from around the world. It makes perfect sense. Therefore, OBL have to be killed. Proves first statement that they tried to capture him alive was a blatant lie.

3- It was said the helicopter was crashed because of technical fault. Now the story is changed by another spokesperson, he said, we didn’t say it was technical fault. Who downed the helicopter? Or the pilot crashed it by mistake in landing?

4- Senator Feinstein has given it another angle altogether. She says the temperature inside the compound was hotter than expected and helicopter was too heavy to stay aloft in such conditions.

5- Ok BB whatever, but please tell us, was it piloted or pilot less? According to the reports 70 marines took part in the raid, two were Chinooks helicopters, the troops carrier, more chances are the two Chinooks helicopter had more marines than smaller helicopters. Even if we split the number of 70 by 4, it makes 17 or 18 marines in each helicopter.

BB, What do you make of the statement of President Osama no casualties or injured amongst Americans? Or it would have been embarrassing for the superpower to loose 17 or 18 marines (or whatever number it could be) against unarmed Osama?

By the way, Administration is still not sure to release the photograph(s) of dead OBL. They fear backlash against the Americans.

Ops, only the picture would create a backlash, his actual death didn’t?

Or is it taking too long for the CIA media facilities to…………. the image?

Please fill the blank on last sentence.
The helicopter was downed because of pilot error and not due to technical problem or any ground activity. This pictures proves it, the tail is against the wall, which means that the Pilot made a mistake when it tries to land the troops on the ground.

Now the questions should be asked how many people were in this helicopter and what happened to them?

The question what happened to the people who were in the Helicopter was answered by an eye witness in this video.

He said many people saw the bodies of the Americans scattered around the compound, but they are not speaking to the Press due to the fear.
It is also reported that hundreds of people were gathered and taken away by Pakistani army on the morning of the incident. Including the nephew of the man in the video. He said, he has not spoken to his nephew, he is not allowed to talk to any one.

If there was nothing to hide, why round up so many people in the neighborhood who witnessed the operation? They were taken away, briefed not to release the information to the media or anyone or face the consequences.

The question is if Pakistanis were not involved why they rounded up these people and why they don't want the people of Pakistan to know the truth?

Unless they were part of the whole drama, and are plugging holes for the Americans to save their reputation all around the world.

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First of all in the article published in W Post on 3rd May on the morning of the operation President Zardari wrote;

Although the events of Sunday were not a joint operation, a decade of cooperation and partnership between the United States and Pakistan led up to the elimination of Osama bin Laden as a continuing threat to the civilized world. And we in Pakistan take some satisfaction that our early assistance in identifying an al-Qaeda courier ultimately led to this day.

It is reported that Segal who is acting as media advisor for Pakistani Government wrote the article and its contents were approved by Zardari.

Many people are suspicious that this article was written well before the operation and was ready to be published by the Post on the morning of the operation.

Now; lets go to another article on the details of the operation, written on Army times website.

First the article accept that no independent verification is forthcoming of the operation. The writer Colin Woodward admits that the controlled details were coming from the Americans.

But there remains no independent or competing account to the administration’s story as yet. The reconstruction comes largely from Panetta, White House spokesman Jay Carney and Obama’s counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan. Some of their early details proved unreliable.

I have already analysied some of the abusridities in American accounts of the operation.

Secondly, analysis and admission that the operation bears the hallmark of a kill operation, i.e. there were no intentions to capture OBL alive.

Still, to some in government and intelligence circles, the operation bore the hallmarks of a pure kill mission despite statements from officials that bin Laden would have been taken alive if he had surrendered.

Americans discounted the possibility of blowing the place up with a B52. Well, it would have been difficult to convince the world that OBL was in the house. Why do that when Pakistanis are there to help you cover up? Covert operation?

Other options, including the idea of “just blowing the place up” from a B-2 bomber, had been discarded, he said. The president’s order soon followed. Obama directed Panetta to proceed under Title 50, meaning this would be a covert operation.

The articles mentions that when two black hawks helicopters left Bagram and reach Abbotabad, via Jalalabad, there was a chance of Pakistanis picking them and firing at them.

Both of these are not accurate details. First of all there are reports in Pakistani press including eye witnessed account that the helicopters first stopped in "Kala Dhaka" a rural area of Mansehra District before heading towards Abbotabad (shortcut of the source at the end). I will analyse this point further later in the thread. The witnesses said, the helicopters spend 40 mins (according to the report) in Mansehra. Why wait for 40 minutes and what they were waiting for? Especially when time was of essence?

When two Black Hawk helicopters carrying the commandos left Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, stopping in Jalalabad before crossing over into Pakistan on their way to Abbottabad, the operation invited its first risk. Pakistani authorities, kept in the dark about the U.S. mission in their territory, might spot the choppers and engage them.

Then the writer says, both helicopters landed in the ground outside the compound. First of all Pakistani eyewitnesses said only one helicopter landed and dropped the seals in the court yard. It went away and came back to pick up the seals later on. On its return after picking the seals and probably the dead body of OBL, the helicopter went down. Killing the Americans, as per the witness (who said there were many neighbours at the compound after the operation who saw the bodies of the dead seals) in the video, the bodies of Americans were scattered in the compound. What happened to the body of OBL? Like the man in the video asked, who picked him up, when no helicopter landed or came back after the accident?

Reaching their target, the raiders suddenly had to improvise.
Their plan to place a rappelling team on the roof with a second team dropping into the courtyard was jettisoned when one of the helicopters, its blades clawing at hot, too-thin air, had to put down hard. Both choppers landed in the courtyard, behind one ring of walls with more to go.

Then the writer made another blunder, he wrote two points which can easily be refuted and could raise more questions than answer them. First he said the 25 commandos were on the ground. This is in line with his above sentence that both choppers landed in the courtyard, and they jettisoned the plan to drop the troops on the roof.

He said improvisation not to lend on the roof came after one helicopter had to be put down hard. This is before the seals were dropped, so what happened to the seals in that helicopter? If that helicopter was crashed before the landing of the Seals, what happened to the seals and who took part in the operation? But when the helicopter had to be put down hard, how two helicopters landed? It could be only one, the second one was destroyed in landing.

That was just one of the split-second decisions the SEALs had to make in the lair of al-Qaida’s leader. Gunfire erupted, as the 25 commandos on the ground surely had expected and might even have started.

So what happened to all the stories about seals landing on the roof from hanging ropes?

Secondly, the Black Hawk has capacity to carry 11 troops with their equipment. The simple math, there were 25 seals, plus the body of OBL which alone could take up the space of 2 or 3 seals. How these 25 seals boarded on remaining one Blackhawk?

I will go through the lies that Pakistanis were unaware in later posts.

Source: Inside bin Laden’s lair with SEAL Team 6 - Army News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Army Times

Report in Pakistani media, Helicopters landed in “Kala Dhaka” and were there for 40 minutes.

OBL operation: Helicopters landed in Kala Dhaka before proceeding to Abbottabad – The Express Tribune
Those who doubt my analysis despite the picture of he tail of he helicopter resting against the compound wall, should see the attached video. This video is of a black hawk hitting the wall of the compound during an operation in Iraq in 2004. The video was captured by a helmet mounted camera of a Marine of US Delta Force trying to rescue Italian and Polish contractors.

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