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The 40 smartest countries in 1999? What are the rankings now?

To be Honest i have heard of Bullet train but not other plus i read alot , people who dnt even really read or care will only see whats on media not by researching if media dnt show they wont know
To be Honest i have heard of Bullet train but not other plus i read alot , people who dnt even really read or care will only see whats on media not by researching if media dnt show they wont know

I'm going to conduct an experiment. It seems that no matter what I post, you're going to say people don't know or care about China's technological accomplishments. If China drops a 3.3-megaton thermonuclear bomb (from Chinese 1967 technology) on their city, do you think people would care about China's modernization?


Only Clever Chinese can build atomic and thermonuclear weapons with abacus calculations

Any other country besides China would have been stopped cold in its nuclear weapons program due to a lack of computing power. Not so with China. An abacus is sufficient to calculate the data needed to design and successfully explode a 22-kiloton atomic bomb in 1964 and a 3.3-megaton thermonuclear bomb in 1967.

IQ Abacus Math and Language School - News

"The ancient calculator has also played an important role in China's scientific research. When China developed its first nuclear bomb more than 30 years ago, thousands of data were calculated with the abacus."

Here is a video of the 22-kiloton Chinese atomic explosion in 1964.



Here is a video of the 3.3-megaton Chinese thermonuclear explosion in 1967.


[Note: Thank you to TheMiddlePath for the abacus citation.]
Normal people usually don't care about such thing as technological accomplishments
I hate these IQ rankings,they show nothing
You should look what countries are doing with what they have,not with People's IQs.

Maybe in a 50 million country,30 millions of them are stupid (but hardworking),15 million of them are average and 5 million of them are smart,this country indeed has a low IQ average,but by use of those 5 million brains,with support of those 15 million and with the force of those 30 million stupids,this imaginary country can achieve the foremost point in all fields.So please stop these IQ ranking bs.
I hope i conveyed my point well. :)
You got it.

These lists of IQ by countries can only give convenient rhetorical ammunition to the racists from any country. If a list of tangible achievements is the ONLY criteria, then the US would be on top and will continue to be on top for a very long time. But since the US is an immigrant country whose institutions from political to economics encourages hard work with accompanying rewards regardless of racial origins the list compilers are faced with a dilemma: How to classify the US?

Think about what you said: '...what countries are doing with what they have,not with People's IQs.'

A people's mental (IQ) capacity is equally important a national resource as the soil that can be used for agriculture, the land that can mined for metals, or the waterways that can used for transport. A single person with mediocre IQ but is hard working can produce food or be productive as a blacksmith or become known as an explorer who discovered new treasures for country and people whereas a person with high innate intelligence but is unmotivated is nothing but a leech on society.

Humanity does what this list compilers seemingly have missed: That humanity's peoples of any racial and ethnic origins across continents and spanning time places greater values on TANGIBLE accomplishments than on potentials and that the list of tangible accomplishments continues to grow.

Normal people usually don't care about such thing as technological accomplishments
Wrong and right. People do care in the extent that they hope such grand accomplishments can produce offshoots that will benefit us in some ways to make our lives easier.
This is bad list cuz it divides popuation by nobel peace prizes, so of course China wouldn't be on there because of huge population
I hate these IQ rankings,they show nothing
You should look what countries are doing with what they have,not with People's IQs.

Maybe in a 50 million country,30 millions of them are stupid (but hardworking),15 million of them are average and 5 million of them are smart,this country indeed has a low IQ average,but by use of those 5 million brains,with support of those 15 million and with the force of those 30 million stupids,this imaginary country can achieve the foremost point in all fields.So please stop these IQ ranking bs.
I hope i conveyed my point well. :)

Well the idea (according to the researchers in this area) is that groups with higher average IQ's are better at working togther to develop the basic infastructure of a nation.

So in some societies we have constant civil wars, compared to others where peaceful existance is the norm.
You got it.

These lists of IQ by countries can only give convenient rhetorical ammunition to the racists from any country. If a list of tangible achievements is the ONLY criteria, then the US would be on top and will continue to be on top for a very long time. But since the US is an immigrant country whose institutions from political to economics encourages hard work with accompanying rewards regardless of racial origins the list compilers are faced with a dilemma: How to classify the US?

Think about what you said: '...what countries are doing with what they have,not with People's IQs.'

A people's mental (IQ) capacity is equally important a national resource as the soil that can be used for agriculture, the land that can mined for metals, or the waterways that can used for transport. A single person with mediocre IQ but is hard working can produce food or be productive as a blacksmith or become known as an explorer who discovered new treasures for country and people whereas a person with high innate intelligence but is unmotivated is nothing but a leech on society.

Humanity does what this list compilers seemingly have missed: That humanity's peoples of any racial and ethnic origins across continents and spanning time places greater values on TANGIBLE accomplishments than on potentials and that the list of tangible accomplishments continues to grow.

Wrong and right. People do care in the extent that they hope such grand accomplishments can produce offshoots that will benefit us in some ways to make our lives easier.

Do we all agree U.S. is #1 and China is a strong #2?

Don't make me "strong arm" you guys into agreeing with me (see below).


China's nuclear and conventional attack submarines


Type 093 Shang-class Nuclear Attack Submarine (SSN)


Type 039 Song-class diesel-electric attack submarine


Yuan-class SSKs represent the new generation of PLA Navy conventional attack submarines with AIP.
Do we all agree U.S. is #1 and China is a strong #2?
China can be and probably is a 'strong #2'. But a very distant one from #1. Kinda like the winner is 10 laps ahead of second place.
I hate these IQ rankings,they show nothing
You should look what countries are doing with what they have,not with People's IQs.

Maybe in a 50 million country,30 millions of them are stupid (but hardworking),15 million of them are average and 5 million of them are smart,this country indeed has a low IQ average,but by use of those 5 million brains,with support of those 15 million and with the force of those 30 million stupids,this imaginary country can achieve the foremost point in all fields.So please stop these IQ ranking bs.
I hope i conveyed my point well. :)

The thing you mentioned is very interesting.
It explains why this country is rich, while other countries are poor.

Countries with high advanced democratic, they take the positions of leadership for the group "5 million", the positions of production for hardworking group "30 million".

But in the totalitarian countries are exactly the opposite. They take the position of leaders for some in the group "30 million", because they "have contributed to the revolution", or "hereditary" ..., and push the heading "5 million" under the rule.
Example 1: The US success
Example 2: Comparing S.Korea and N. Korea (same level of smart).
Example 3: Compare Hong Kong, Taiwan with China (same level of smart).
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