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That's what Indian politicians teaching young Indians

Hi Dear

Thanks for starting this thread. Actually it is part of documentary by Rakesh Sharma about Muslim’s genocide in India. It is a banned item in India also this guy has won many awards because of this documentary. Even Hindu organizations tried to stop it showing in different Universities in North America. It is real eye opener and elaborates the Islamophobic social laboratory working in the state, media and middle class of Gujarat striking similarities from Nazi Germany to modern day secular societies in the west.

The name of the documentary is “final solution” and it can be downloaded free from internet. Just Google final solution massacres in India you will find this. Total length is approximately two and a half hour.
I got it. Here is a Google Video link for Final Solution:


Its size is 660 MB.
A few nutjobs make not a nation.

Think you would have learned that from your own little issues in NWFP.
are you justifying it by comparing it with nwfp.
it is not even 5% comparable
shame on hinuds for this brutality
I disagree! It is 10 % comparable! :P Wonder where you got that little statistic...

A terrorist is a terrorist, no matter where he lives, or what he believes--Hindu, Muslim, Jew or Christian.
it was just an impression. there is no comparasion of gujrat roits.
unfortunately no terrorist outfit in pakistan or anywere else in the world are part of leading party of any government. i must say india is incredible.

in pakistan, when people, saw clip of floging girl, everyone went against taliban and miliitory trying to eleminate then but in india , thousands of muslime killed burnt and women raped, noboday has done nothing, dont your guys really feel anything. nothing has been done, the culprits been elected for assable and lok saba. its like nothing happened in india
it was just an impression. there is no comparasion of gujrat roits.
unfortunately no terrorist outfit in pakistan or anywere else in the world are part of leading party of any government. i must say india is incredible.

in pakistan, when people, saw clip of floging girl, everyone went against taliban and miliitory trying to eleminate then but in india , thousands of muslime killed burnt and women raped, noboday has done nothing, dont your guys really feel anything. nothing has been done, the culprits been elected for assable and lok saba. its like nothing happened in india

Its bad , You cannot comment about India's parliament system , You can comment about our leaders but not our country .India is suffering from terrorism in all forms, by Islamic terrorists, Christian terrorists and Hindu terrorists.We can handle our problems. You need to apologize.

You cannot comment about our electoral system or the way leaders elected by people.

During Gujarat riots many Hindus gave up their lives when saving Muslims' . We belong to rich culture and support all religions.Don't think Muslims are killed just like that in India. Gujarat riot had political background and thats all. Modi elected because of his good development works in his state (For the third term continuously) . Votes did not come only from Hindus but from Muslims too.
Thanks comrade for posting the link.
It is worth to watch specially when some one wants to understand the concept religious extremism and what happens when extreme oriented parties or politicians get power.

Not surprisingly our Indians friends came with defense with some strange arguments .
A few nutjobs make not a nation.

Think you would have learned that from your own little issues in NWFP.
It is the job few hardliners my, dear it is state sponsored genocide and a political party with very reasonable presence in centre was its architect. When something is wrong, it is wrong, what link this has with NWFP. Entirely different issue.
During Gujarat riots many Hindus gave up their lives when saving Muslims' . We belong to rich culture and support all religions. Don't think Muslims are killed just like that in India. Gujarat riot had political background and thats all. Modi elected because of his good development works in his state (For the third term continuously) . Votes did not come only from Hindus but from Muslims too..

You are right good and bad are every where, in every country and in every nation. When conclusion is drawn, it is drawn on average values. If one Hindu gave up his life while saving a Muslim but nine Hindus have taken lives of Muslims. It is simple math my dear, even a grade six student can calculate percentage.
A few nutjobs make not a nation.

Think you would have learned that from your own little issues in NWFP.

You are right we do have a minority living in Pakistan. We should let the TTP run for elections next time around.
Well, we never seen any video in which any Pakistani cult talk about breaking India into many pieces publicly.
cx9EoHNkPNM[/media] - Indian's hatred against Pakistan

These videos were extremist hindu reactions after 26/11 terror attacks in which 10 pakistani national came to mumbai in dead of night and sprayed bullets on hapeless civilans leaving more than 170 dead and over 300 injured.

we too have the grusome experiences of parliament attack and mumbai train blasts which too were handiwork of pak based LET and jaish.

I would like to see the reactions of pakistani ppl when karachi city is targeted say by a hindu terrorist named "Hari Lal"(thats what Zaid hamid called Ajmal kasab) killing scores of ur ppl.

I dont condone it ,but such anti pakistan slogans are on very expected lines when our cities face mayhem created by socalled "non state pakistani actors"...
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i only know their primary school textbooks picture china as a invader for india's own "forward policy", it's most important reason that indian hate china........ it is a joke to me,their politicians try to cover up india's misdeeds by shifting the blame on china
There is comparison galore. No subject on India is being discussed by the netizens, without China and Pakistan creeping through in the discussions. China in terms of developmental issues, mostly and Pakistan, terrorism related issues, mostly. China being admired, mostly and Pakistan being vilified, mostly. Not without reasons though

China has two decade of ‘super fast’ economic growth to show. The maximum number of people, who have moved from poverty to abundance, is such short time, in recorded human history. It has glittering cities, raising vertically each puncturing the sky. Highways crisscrossing the whole of the country. Trains, which run well above 350km/hour and tracks, being laid everyday and shrinking the country everyday, while wowing the whole world.

Pakistan, on the other hand, has the opposite to show. From once, being the Crowning glory of a promising Islamic state east of Bosphorus strait, to be counted amongst failed state and being grouped along with Afghanistan - AfPak.

Nothing could have been starker in comparison, if we compare China an atheist state and Pakistan a theist state. Both the states as in their current identity were bored around the same time. China floundered in the first few decades and the Pakistan was the promising raising star. And then, both these countries engaged the west and mostly USA. The results are there for everyone to see.

I never had the fortune to visit Pakistan, but was lucky enough to walk the streets of Shanghai and Beijing quite a few times.

India has managed to exist throughout these years with modest achievements to show. A state constituting many nations, secular, by constitution, where, more people are killed in the name of religion. The largest Muslim population for any Country in the world, yet constituting just twenty percent India’s population. Where one Hindu’s religious ritual directly contradicts another’s. A country, where, there is no common language in which every citizen of the country can communicate in.

We get patted for being the largest democracy in the world. We get patted to be the reservoir of the largest science educated human pool and the largest English speaking population, yet thirty percent of our population is illiterate. We get petted for a working (somewhat) legal and ‘law and order’ system yet the last person we would like to interact with, is a policeman.

We run down China, for being a non-democracy and we rundown Pakistan for being a theocracy. But, we vote for the politician of our cast, creed and religion, who promises temple or a mosque in addition to “Pani Kapda Makan”.

We rundown the USA and west, in general, for being an immoral society, where women show skin and yet, proudly flaunt Khajuraho and Kamasuta.

We proclaim at the top of our voice that we are a secular democracy, but overlook people dying of hunger, a country where almost fifty percent of the citizen officially lives in poverty.

A country where contradictions within contradictions keep us tied up in knots. For an outsider, it’s like Durian, either you love it or hate it. There is no middle path.

China today is a society that has moved away from distribution of poverty to equitable distribution of wealth.
An average Chinese, sound confident and non-apologetic. The have faith in their leaders and their administration that runs like a corporate. Leaders, move to national scene based on performance - their performance in provinces and cities. China is country which runs like a corporate. Decisions are taken and implemented. They are focused and have clear-cut goals and national interest in place.

We may not agree with their way, but their ways delivers. Delivers desirable results

We also do not agree with Pakistan’s ways, but it to delivers. Delivers undesirable results.

We need to let go holier than thou attitude. Develop an open attitude towards everything that is alien to us. We are not and NOT I MEAN the epitome of everything civilized, everything cultured and everything intellectual. Running down every country, society, systems and culture that is alien to us, and turning our backs to everything novel, would turn us into the proverbial ostrich with its head dug in sand.

The rich Indian civilization that we talk about came around, because we accepted ideas that were novel. We cultivated a culture of openness and discussion, which enriched the society. Today almost everything that we take pride in are centuries old. We have nothing to show that we have achieved in modern age and post modern age.

With the opening of the “windows” China is reaping what they have sown since 1980s. Pakistan is reaping what it had sown since the 80s.

One society is on its way to be the superpower in the next few decades and the other back to Stone Age.

We have to learn a lot.
There are enough haters on both sides. And a video doesn't prove anything. Its wise not to indulge in another what is called in America "A dick measuring contest".
see people like VARUN GANDHI win in INDIA....means that people do such ideology....no one in pakistan gets votes by saying we promise we will decapitate india into pieces!!

then people like L.K.ADVANI & NARINDAR SINGH MODI run for political posts in india when they have babri masjid & the whole massacres in gujrat against them respectively!!!

i really don't THINK indians don't hate pakistanis

THIS was more clear then ever during the stand off in DECEMBER 2008 when most of the indians kept saying PAKISTAN koo khatam kaar do bla bla bla!!!

so yes THE HATRED INDIA HAS AGAINST PAKISTAN & PAKISTANIS is WIDE SPREAD compared to PAKISTAN....in PAKISTAN only the MILITARY has issues against indian government but in india even the common man hates PAKISTAN!!

i know all indians would prefer to disagree..but guys i guess your media,politicians & the common man interviewed during december stand off shows the true face!!!

oh and not to forget they showed how INDIANS on the street shaved there HEAD when pakistan won the 20-20 worldcup!!!!
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