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Thar coal mining project in Pakistan | Updates & Discussions.

again the problem is corruption Nigeria is suppose to be a rich country with proven huge oil reserves than again against dollar its currency is 152.00 and UK is the daddy of these oil wells and exploration add us as well..
so is the case with Pakistan if a common man of these area star to become self sufficient and rich it'll panic govt so they want these ares to be as backward as they want..
the best example of success is China and South Korea..

I don't think corruption is a problem on the other hand it is a tool to get the work done where everything i stand still.

The problem is lack of will or committed leadership.

In Pakistan leadership is committed but not towards people's welfare but towards its own welfare.

There is also deep corruption in China but they are committed about their people and does not allow anyone from UN, US to human right activist to interfere. Hence, despite corruption they are developing.
Govt has the funds they are corrupt they don't want to spend on acquiring these tools look at Iran they've all for oil exploration! All projects feasibility reports are with the Govt it can't be the lack of interest when you know thse projects can pile up billions of dollars..
right you say there is corruption in China but over all look at the way they accelerated in many fields look at the structures there ambitions...
Govt has the funds they are corrupt they don't want to spend on acquiring these tools look at Iran they've all for oil exploration! All projects feasibility reports are with the Govt it can't be the lack of interest when you know thse projects can pile up billions of dollars..
right you say there is corruption in China but over all look at the way they accelerated in many fields look at the structures there ambitions...

Believe me or not there are many arab states who don't want a strong pakistan.

They don't want Gwadar port to become a success.

They don't want pakistan to extract oil.

They don't want pakistan to utilize its coal reserves.

Don't u think there are huge Oil Reserves in Pakistan being so close oil rich gulf and just next to Iran?

The Arabs don't help pakistan till the sufferings becomes extreme.

The Arab helps pakistan so that pakistan does not become desperate and start looking for oil and become a strategic port like Dubai. By their help Pakistan think they are its friend and does not work hard for utilizing its true resources.
yaar that is a universal open truth no arab state wants Gawadar development..at a max potential Gawadar is estimated to bring in $30 billion yearly at max full potential excluding deep sea oil...rest of the world know gadawar is the source of Pakistan getting rid of Debt that is trouble some for arab states and West equally.
yaar that is a universal open truth no arab state wants Gawadar development..at a max potential Gawadar is estimated to bring in $30 billion yearly at max full potential excluding deep sea oil...rest of the world know gadawar is the source of Pakistan getting rid of Debt that is trouble some for arab states and West equally.

Forget about arabs, there have been reports that some members of MQM are not happy about Gwadar Port because they think it will take business away from Karachi Port and Port Qasim. I was hoping Karachiites would help Gwadar as Karachi also used to be a fishing community before it became a big city thanks to its sea ports. Sad that we cant reach our full potential because of some selfish politicians :tdown:

I posted the reports on page 25 of the following thread:
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Thursday, February 25, 2010

By our correspondent


Had the agreement with Chinese firm to utilize Thar coal reserves not been cancelled, the country’s economy would have shown a turnaround as well as providing jobs to thousands of people and generating around 4000-5000MW electricity today, according to Secretary Mines and Mineral Development Department Aijaz Ali Khan.

Responding to a question by Sindh Assembly’s Public Accounts Committee Chairman Sardar Jam Tamachi, the Secretary Mines said that around 250 people of the Chinese company were involved in the utilization of Thar coal and they spent over one million dollars but Wapda suddenly changed tariff from 5.7 cents to 5.2 cents and then 5.5 cents, forcing the Chinese to end the agreement.

Jam Tamachi observed that Wapda did it deliberately because it was more interested in constructing Kala Bagh Dam than utilizing Thar coal. The Secretary Mines said that they recently visited China to persuade the said company to resume the agreement but they were reluctant to do so.

He said that by doing so the Wapda committed a criminal act. To a question, the Secretary Mines said that they had launched four to five projects to utilize Thar coal with local partners and foreign firms, including one from Britain, to whom they have promised high rate of return. He said that managing 400-feet deep coal reserves as per international standards was not an easy task.

KARACHI (APP) - Sindh Coal Authority (SCA) will offer Block-1 of Thar coal field for mining through open international bidding shortly. This was stated by the Director General SCA, A.B Narejo at a seminar on “Future of Power Generation” organised by Petroleum Institute of Pakistan (PIP) at a local hotel here Wednesday. “This will be followed by the auctioning of three more blocks of Thar coal field”, he added.

He said 8 blocks are ready in Thar and currently three parties namely M/s Engro Energy Ltd, Coujar Energy UK and Member Planning Commission Dr. Samar Mubarak Mand are working on three blocks.

Narejo said that Engro has Block-2 and working on 1000 MW coal power plant while Coujar Energy is working on coal gasification for 400 MW coal power plant.

Dr Mubarak Mand is also working on coal gasification and two power plants of 50 MW each based on coal, he added.

He pointed out that SCA has received various proposals for 5000 MW of power generation based on Thar coal.

Director project PPIB Asif Ali Abro said that the gas shortage will seriously hit power generation in near future as no gas is available for power projects after 2011. There are 11 power projects needing gas.

He said that PPIB currently has 48 projects for 12,000 MW but the suppressed demand for electricity would reach 36,217 MW by 2015, creating a gap of 22,891 MW. The generation capacity is 13,326 MW in the country, he added.

Abro said currently, PPIB has two power projects, based on imported coal for 1200 MW each by M/s AES, and Mitsui of Japan/Malakoof of Malaysia.

He said that PPIB is focussing on hydel and coal based projects as the cost of these projects tend to come down in long run compared to fuel fired power units.

CEO Engro Energy Khalid Mansoor said that the total cost of the entire project which included power plant and mining will be $ 3 billion.

We are currently working in the coal field and by June this year, we will find out whether we can do open cast mining in the field, he added.

He said that infrastructure development work is continued in Thar, but lot has to be done to take out coal from the field. He pointed out that there is a plan to lay an extra high tension line for the power project, connecting the power plant to national grid.

ISLAMABAD: The World Bank has scrapped its plan to finance the resource-rich Thar Coal Project by extending technical assistance (TA) worth $20 to $25 million.
The World Bank is now saying these financial resources, which were meant for the Thar Coal Project, would be diverted to other crucial projects such as extension of the Tarbela Hydropower Project.

The bank had intended to finance Thar Coal and Power Technical Assistance project worth $20 to $25 million. The stage has not come yet where the exact amount of the project was finalised. “While the project is at a preliminary stage, and the stage of appraisal has not yet come, the bank changed its plan to divert resources towards other crucial projects,” sources told our sources here on Sunday.

As a result of drilling over dune sand, a total of 175 billion tons of coal resource potential has been assessed.
Any one has some Info about methane Gas production from Thar coal project because it can be Transfered into LNG (Liquefied Natural gas)
Any one has some Info about methane Gas production from Thar coal project because it can be Transfered into LNG (Liquefied Natural gas)

Cathay Oil and Gas Ltd is part of a consortia of entities including Pakistan and U.S. Government organizations and academic groups that will conduct a multi-year countrywide aerial and land based exploration program. Pending funding

Sindh Government Coalbed Methane Agreement: Cathay has signed a six year exclusive right to explore for and develop the coal and associated coalbed methane (CBM) and water resources in the province of Sindh. With this contract, Cathay controls one of the largest known coal resources in the world containing over 10% of the world's total coal reserves, more than 175 billion tons as defined by the U.S.G.S. The Thar coals are known to be the western extension of the coals in the Cambay Basin in India, which have reserves of some 13 trillion cubic feet of coalbed methane gas. Cathay's area of interest covers some 135,000 square kilometers (roughly 50,000 square miles). The USGS has estimated that the Thar coal field, roughly 20% of Cathay's license, is comparable to the Powder River Basin of the western United States, and may contain up to 36 trillion cubic feet of coalbed methane with up to 21 trillion cubic feet potentially recoverable.

Cathay Oil & Gas Ltd. Acquires Rights to Pakistan Coal/Coalbed Methane and to Participate in Joint Countrywide Natural Resource Exploration Project

DAWN-Up to four years required to harness Thar coal
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I believe that there was another major screw up on the development of this thar coal project. I believe that originally it was discovered and worked upon by a german consortium---they wanted to develop it into coal gas---in comes china---with all kinds of p[romises---govt dumped germany and brought in chian---chinese company had minimal experience---germans were very upset with pakistan.

Another one of our brilliatn screwup. Now what is the level of stupidity required to reject german engineering and technology over chinese----only my bretheren pakistanis can do it---Qsaark need not reply---thanks.
As far as my knowledge goas, the coal in Thar is high in moisture and therefore not very suitable for conventional coal fired TPS. High moisture coal TPS have been developed but they are extremely costly, so companies tend to use a dehydrating mechanism before mining out the coal.

Anybody have info on this?

I believe that there was another major screw up on the development of this thar coal project. I believe that originally it was discovered and worked upon by a german consortium---they wanted to develop it into coal gas---in comes china---with all kinds of p[romises---govt dumped germany and brought in chian---chinese company had minimal experience---germans were very upset with pakistan.

Another one of our brilliatn screwup. Now what is the level of stupidity required to reject german engineering and technology over chinese----only my bretheren pakistanis can do it---Qsaark need not reply---thanks.

MastanKhan, I understand your frustration at the slow rate or lack of progress but you have to realize that the presence of CBM or hydrocarbons does not automatically translate to a commercially viable endeavor. There are unique economical, technical and operational challenges to producing CBM from any basin. Some basins such as the American San Juan basin can produce gas without stimulation at rates comparable to conventional gas wells. While others require special techniques like dewatering to lower the reservoir pressure and Z-Pinnate Horizontal Drilling and Completion and yet many others cannot economically produce methane from coal seams. Your accusation of mismanagement may not be completely unfounded but I’d like to reiterate once again that producing hydro carbons is complex and risky business and the lack of success in Thar may not entirely be your governments fault.
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