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Thailand's Dark Side ....

We don't have problem with India-bashing articles or threads as long as the sources are verified and also the debates are constructive.

Yes, but these types of "country-bashing" threads, almost always turn into massive flame-wars, and end up causing ill-will on both sides.

(And yes, I do realise that Molawchai started this particular flame-war. We should contact a mod to shut down both threads before any trolls appear to cause more problems).
Motives of posting this thread aside, I don't find the article Thai bashing. Infact what is illustrated can be the case in any other countries. The article shows quite well the dark side of prositiution, and it is an activity and a business in which no one wins.

Doing things you know are bad will have negative influences on your subconsciousness.

Buddhism is actually quite a nice and deep religion.
Buddhism is actually quite a nice and deep religion.

I do like the reference regarding Buddhism made in the movie matrix.

But i do not find it fit for the current times,rather its more appropriate for a utopian era.
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I think it is relevant. Actually should be more relevant in a more turbulent world.

Likes attract likes, utopia too is made through the common effort of people.
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All the countries have prostitutes. In countries like India, they are sold at 30 Rupee (less than $1), but, in Thailand, the cost may be $30 or more. Better not to spit to the sky, because it will drop down on your own face.

I do not think, it is a good topic for a discussion, because it tries to insult a country and its women folk. Moderator may be requested to close this deragatory thread. Indian posters may start a new thread that deals with how unhygenic and cheap Indian prostitutes are.
I have been here in Thailand for more then 2 years now and I feel its more cultural connection to India then with any other country. The Thai language has evolved from Pali and Sanskrit which are Indian languaes, perhaps MOLAWCHAI is not aware. Thais, I would say they are more Hindu in practise than Buddhist, they also worship Ganesh(Phra P Kanesh), Brahma(Phra Phrom), Shiva and most all major Hindu Dieties ( I can name a whole lot of them). They have a city Ayudhaya(after Indian city Ayodhya).City Phitsanulok, which actually is deformed name of Vishnulok, I can provide a great deal of information about similarities with India than dissimilarities because I have studied Thai language and Thai culture. The monks when they pray they pray in Sanskrit( ofcourse pronunciations sound phnetically little different). MOLAWCHAI is most welcome to know more about how Thailand is culturally connected to India if he is willing to get some education. And Thais who are aware about it always appreciate India unlike our close neighbours who illusioned they are ARABs!!.

The entire walls of the royal temples r painted with stories from RAMAYANA, the name of the king itself is an Indian name, for the matter of fact most Thai names are Indian names just phonetically different.

Ofcourse Chinese culture too has a great influence here and its a harmonious amalgamation of Chinese and Indian culture. And I admire it.

And as for what MOLAWCHAI said "(True, no deny on that, but not the reason as you said, who will appreciate foreigners coming to your country through legal and illegal way doing organize crime like "under ground gambling, child **** tour, selling illegal drugs to locals and tourist"?)" It makes me laugh, either he is not Thai or he never went out of his home, or maybe he is staying in different country. Most of these businesses are run by Thais themselves, ask him has he ever heard about places like PATPONG an SOI COWBOY, these are places only of their kind in the world , not where else in world , no where else such places exist, at Ban mo, Phantip plaza, its all Thais selling ****,its the relatives of the girls in north pushing their girls into prostitution out of poverty. Any one can research and find. If he does not know I can provide him more information.

But just because of one person we should not start hitting at an country.Like I made point Thailand has more commonality with India then with any other country. Thai people are self contained and that's why they are not much aware about outside world. I have good friends here in Thailand and they only know things they see through movies, not well educated about reality about outside world. Ignorance rules here too like elsewhere in the world.

Islamic terrorism is bothering them in their south same as we are being bothered with Islamic terrorism in India. Political and administrative system is same as India, life of common man is same like common man in India, I can tell about things more common between India and Thailand than things dissimilar.

My Indian brothers I hope we don't get infuriated by some ignorant person and react unreasonably. Same applies about China. ur relationship with China is ancient and friendly, it only soured after communism started there. To know about India and China connection you can read books by Hu shih, who was a scholar in sanskrit and Chinese Ambassdor to America in 1932. He translated Ramayana in chinese!. After china became communist in 1949.

I have been here in Thailand for more then 2 years now and I feel its more cultural connection to India then with any other country. The Thai language has evolved from Pali and Sanskrit which are Indian languaes, perhaps MOLAWCHAI is not aware. Thais, I would say they are more Hindu in practise than Buddhist, they also worship Ganesh(Phra P Kanesh), Brahma(Phra Phrom), Shiva and most all major Hindu Dieties ( I can name a whole lot of them). They have a city Ayudhaya(after Indian city Ayodhya).City Phitsanulok, which actually is deformed name of Vishnulok, I can provide a great deal of information about similarities with India than dissimilarities because I have studied Thai language and Thai culture. The monks when they pray they pray in Sanskrit( ofcourse pronunciations sound phnetically little different). MOLAWCHAI is most welcome to know more about how Thailand is culturally connected to India if he is willing to get some education. And Thais who are aware about it always appreciate India unlike our close neighbours who illusioned they are ARABs!!.

The entire walls of the royal temples r painted with stories from RAMAYANA, the name of the king itself is an Indian name, for the matter of fact most Thai names are Indian names just phonetically different.

Ofcourse Chinese culture too has a great influence here and its a harmonious amalgamation of Chinese and Indian culture. And I admire it.

And as for what MOLAWCHAI said "(True, no deny on that, but not the reason as you said, who will appreciate foreigners coming to your country through legal and illegal way doing organize crime like "under ground gambling, child **** tour, selling illegal drugs to locals and tourist"?)" It makes me laugh, either he is not Thai or he never went out of his home, or maybe he is staying in different country. Most of these businesses are run by Thais themselves, ask him has he ever heard about places like PATPONG an SOI COWBOY, these are places only of their kind in the world , not where else in world , no where else such places exist, at Ban mo, Phantip plaza, its all Thais selling ****,its the relatives of the girls in north pushing their girls into prostitution out of poverty. Any one can research and find. If he does not know I can provide him more information.

But just because of one person we should not start hitting at an country.Like I made point Thailand has more commonality with India then with any other country. Thai people are self contained and that's why they are not much aware about outside world. I have good friends here in Thailand and they only know things they see through movies, not well educated about reality about outside world. Ignorance rules here too like elsewhere in the world.

Islamic terrorism is bothering them in their south same as we are being bothered with Islamic terrorism in India. Political and administrative system is same as India, life of common man is same like common man in India, I can tell about things more common between India and Thailand than things dissimilar.

My Indian brothers I hope we don't get infuriated by some ignorant person and react unreasonably. Same applies about China. ur relationship with China is ancient and friendly, it only soured after communism started there. To know about India and China connection you can read books by Hu shih, who was a scholar in sanskrit and Chinese Ambassdor to America in 1932. He translated Ramayana in chinese!. After china became communist in 1949.


Good to know ....
Should Thais now come here start crying and complaining like the indians?
But sir beware when u go so low and cheap... u get a similiar reaction... the other guy can post the DARK SIDE of india also.

So dont go so low.

Instead of crying would you mind sticking to the topic. comment on the message not on messanger.
Hez is actually right about the drugs and illegal gambling part.

Even if some indians are involved in it then what it has to do with India. The crime are happening in Thailland and they should have proper law enforcement to stop these. Why blame othere for your own incapability Mr Mallowchai??
All the countries have prostitutes. In countries like India, they are sold at 30 Rupee (less than $1), but, in Thailand, the cost may be $30 or more. Better not to spit to the sky, because it will drop down on your own face.

I do not think, it is a good topic for a discussion, because it tries to insult a country and its women folk. Moderator may be requested to close this deragatory thread. Indian posters may start a new thread that deals with how unhygenic and cheap Indian prostitutes are.

Yes true, Indian prostitues maybe cheap, but in Bangladeshi prostitutes are free, do you remember how many of Bangladeshi women were ravaged by Pakistani soldiers in 1971? I am sure you were born after 1971, that's why you don't know the history.
Instead of crying would you mind sticking to the topic. comment on the message not on messanger.

Crying is the fav pass time of indians... i was asking ur indian troll to stick to topic ... u might wanna check out his trolling in other threads if u want proof!

Yeah and how can you figure out that he is a Thai. he can very well be a pakistani showing his frustation here.

Coz Pakistanis dont hide behind foriegn flags! indians do..
Want example?
etc etc
Yes true, Indian prostitues maybe cheap, but in Bangladeshi prostitutes are free, do you remember how many of Bangladeshi women were ravaged by Pakistani soldiers in 1971? I am sure you were born after 1971, that's why you don't know the history.

Thanks for trolling.

Mods take notice of the troll.
BD brother dont apply to this low class troll.
Poor Molawchai, one against a whole gang, wonder how thread like
this will still be alive and not being lock up.

The most amazing of all, personal attacks and insults were tolerate.
If incase anyone doubt about his nationality and location, you should contact the mod will be more appropriate instead of doing your pointless speculation, afterall, "New to the internet"?

The person claiming know more about Thailand that Molawchai cos he been there for "two" yrs dosn't sound too convincing either, all the things you been mention could pretty much found on the net with some modification add of cos to match your claim, i will love for the mod to give you and Molawchai both a location check, since anybody could be anyone on the internet, but location could be easier to identify.

I myself been to Thailand many times since i am from HK, i got relatives living there, i won't claim i knew much about Thailand, but one thing i am positive is there are very little Indians in Thailand, last time i check is something like 50000-70000 there, so i really doubt the infleunce as someone claimed.

If there is a real influence to thais, it should be the Chinese, even the PM of Thailand is Chinese origin. Check this out.
Culture of Thailand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Poor Molawchai, one against a whole gang, wonder how thread like
this will still be alive and not being lock up.

The most amazing of all, personal attacks and insults were tolerate.
If incase anyone doubt about his nationality and location, you should contact the mod will be more appropriate instead of doing your pointless speculation, afterall, "New to the internet"?

The person claiming know more about Thailand that Molawchai cos he been there for "two" yrs dosn't sound too convincing either, all the things you been mention could pretty much found on the net with some modification add of cos to match your claim, i will love for the mod to give you and Molawchai both a location check, since anybody could be anyone on the internet, but location could be easier to identify.

I myself been to Thailand many times since i am from HK, i got relatives living there, i won't claim i knew much about Thailand, but one thing i am positive is there are very little Indians in Thailand, last time i check is something like 50000-70000 there, so i really doubt the infleunce as someone claimed.

If there is a real influence to thais, it should be the Chinese, even the PM of Thailand is Chinese origin. Check this out.
Culture of Thailand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fair enough,

I didnt deny Chinese influence on Thai culture,please read carefully, and its not about 50,000-70,000 Indians, its about Indian culture which has been around as long as chinese culture maybe even before, to have a read
HU SHIH - The Chinese Renaissance - RELIGION IN CHINESE LIFE. And Why just Thailand Angkor Wat in Combodia, Vietnam(read about Cham people

Please take time to read about Chakri Dynasty of Thailand and their symbol
Chakri Dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For Thai LanuageThai script - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And If you have only taken time to read about Chinese influence on Thai culture then I am sorry to say you didn't do much research. Please care to read Ayutthaya Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and everything related.

You have just visited here, and I m living here, I don't just visit tourist places, but I see the normal life of people here. I have never seen chinese people use red chilli powder but here in Thailand its the main ingredient of meals. Same as in India.not common for Chinese to drink tea with milk, but her in Thailand can see them selling everywhere along street..tea with milk and lot of ice(Indians drink hot tea with milk). Oh yea chinese drink hot tea(no milk), Thais use lot of ice. Ofcourse because its tropical country not cold like China.

I respect Chinese culture and I have good chinese friends in Taiwan and China. I dont believe in supremacy of Indian culture over Chinese or viseversa, because both have existed in Harmony.

As for Thailand, its a pleasant country. Mix of Indian and chinese culture, weather you accept it or not. It will always remain that way . Where we Indians and Chinese egoistically try to prove each others culture to be more ancient or superior over the other, Thais have accepted best of both and made a wonderful example of harmony And thats the best about Thais and Thailand.

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