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Thailand 'sick man of Asia'?

Just made me remember, until now, there is no countries with strong economic performances and stable political situations is one of China allies. Heck even Pakistan fared better when under titular patronage of USA than with China right now, the rest is Sudan? Angola? Zimbabwe? North Korea (seriously you got this lot since Korean war and what their status right now? compare with SK), Myanmar? you supporting their rebels and halting their economic growth with allowing corruption going rampant here. Ckck, China is just good at sucking blood from another country, not to build them and made them growing strong.

BS, angola is one of the richest african countries. Sudan is normal african country, i can count various us african allies like kenya and liberia who are worse of than sudan since all african nation are rather poor so whats your point? NK is self to blaim for not oppening up and simbabwe just confiscated all white farm land.

It just happens that the most failed states are isolated by the west while china moves in to make money.
I just hope that US doesn't invade Thailand now since there is no democracy.

Honestly, if there could a Singapore like model where elected representatives could work for 10 year-terms authoritatively to open Thailand to FDI then it could be so much better.
Just made me remember, until now, there is no countries with strong economic performances and stable political situations is one of China allies. Heck even Pakistan fared better when under titular patronage of USA than with China right now, the rest is Sudan? Angola? Zimbabwe? North Korea (seriously you got this lot since Korean war and what their status right now? compare with SK), Myanmar? you supporting their rebels and halting their economic growth with allowing corruption going rampant here. Ckck, China is just good at sucking blood from another country, not to build them and made them growing strong.
at least you know how the chinese are good at.

you know your foreign minister expressed support for Vietnam over the chinese triggered escalation of the oil rig.
have you read the report how the chinese foreign minister called your minister and scolded on him?

Indonesia 'Disappointed' With China Over South China Sea Oil Rigs: Marty | The Jakarta Globe
Just made me remember, until now, there is no countries with strong economic performances and stable political situations is one of China allies. Heck even Pakistan fared better when under titular patronage of USA than with China right now, the rest is Sudan? Angola? Zimbabwe? North Korea (seriously you got this lot since Korean war and what their status right now? compare with SK), Myanmar? you supporting their rebels and halting their economic growth with allowing corruption going rampant here. Ckck, China is just good at sucking blood from another country, not to build them and made them growing strong.
So many nonsense.
1. There is no treaty saying China is ally of any your mentioned country, except North Korea. North Korea lives a better life than most of the countries in the world in USSR times, and they do not accept our persuade and follow our policies of reform and opening to the outside, so who to blame?
2. The Pakistan problem is most due to the terrorism, while the origin of Pakistan Taliban derived from the 1970s anti-USSR compaign which majorly supported by US, so now things become bad you blame China? What China have to do with the terrorists?
3. Angola is the rising star of poor African, and Sudan is not bad in Africa
4 If we are supporter of Myanmar rebels, how could KIA prevent our hydro-electric project? Is corruption of Myanmar our fault? Do you think China is the public prosecutor and judge of Myanmar?
5. Since most of you mentioned countries are not our ally, so I think you mean countries have a good relation with us, then let us take a look at the countries who we have a good relation with:
France: except Srkozy times,we always have a good relationship with France, and we are the largest importer of France weapons.
Denmark: China is the only country Queen Margrethe II visiting twice except some north Europe country, and their Foreign Secretary said China deserves the right to speak in the Arctic Ocean issue
Russia: big three in the world, not need to add anymore
Algeria: the country who have a friendship with China ever since 1950s, one of the richest countries in Africa.
Saudi Arabia: we sold them DF-3, no more to add, if you can't understand what it means, you can count how many times this kind of trading have happened in the world
the 1980s USA: yes, we are their first level "ally" outside NATO, do you thing the 1980s USA without a strong economics?
Japan before 1994: We have very good relationship with Japan after WWII before 1994. Japan is one of the few countries who did not sanction China because of 1989 issue. Actually, Japan have best relationship with China when they are strong and US thought them as threat, but anti-China when they declined after US forced them to sign Plaza Accord.
Need more evidences?
The idea of foreign supports & investments should be FREE, it's sick ! Or too lazy !

If a developing country did not have many mines and cheaper labors, why foreign investors must go here ? There'r hundreds of developing nations in this world, not just u.
I just hope that US doesn't invade Thailand now since there is no democracy.

Honestly, if there could a Singapore like model where elected representatives could work for 10 year-terms authoritatively to open Thailand to FDI then it could be so much better.
The Thai king is a follower of US for many years, so this may not happen. Of course there are exception, such as US's old friends, like Bin Laden, Saddam, et al
Just made me remember, until now, there is no countries with strong economic performances and stable political situations is one of China allies. Heck even Pakistan fared better when under titular patronage of USA than with China right now, the rest is Sudan? Angola? Zimbabwe? North Korea (seriously you got this lot since Korean war and what their status right now? compare with SK), Myanmar? you supporting their rebels and halting their economic growth with allowing corruption going rampant here. Ckck, China is just good at sucking blood from another country, not to build them and made them growing strong.

Do some research before spilling rubbish & maligning us. Here, I do you a favor:

America’s Conquest of Africa: The Penetration of AFRICOM on the Continent
America’s Conquest of Africa: The Penetration of AFRICOM on the Continent | Global Research

The Globalization of NATO in Africa: From Angola and Libya to Somalia
The Globalization of NATO in Africa: From Angola and Libya to Somalia | Global Research

Understanding the Crisis in Zimbabwe

Western Media Celebrates Faux Progress in Myanmar

UN Report on North Korea Targets Both Pyongyang and Beijing
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is it a smart move if we accept your bullying?
is it stupid if we stand up to fight for our survival?
is it a bad choice if we look for support from Japan and America against your aggression?

NO, you are the last nation on earth which can educate others.

Americans are far away.

China is building up for a show down with the US not Vietnam. We have more people and a rich culture, which matters if you look at the present and now. The expulsion of US from Asia will happen, even you must know that.

When it's all said and done, we will still be next to each other.

south Vietnamese should know this best, as soon as the US pulled out, well, the red flag flys high.

Vietnam achieving a understanding is important, and that is exactly what the government of Vietnam is doing.

Going to war is stupid, ideas of stupid youth who have too much time on their hands.
Well,at least Thailand is still considered a “man”。

The same can't be said about a certain country which is nowadays known as the Whore of ASEAN。

If you get my drift。。。:laugh:
Just made me remember, until now, there is no countries with strong economic performances and stable political situations is one of China allies. Heck even Pakistan fared better when under titular patronage of USA than with China right now, the rest is Sudan? Angola? Zimbabwe? North Korea (seriously you got this lot since Korean war and what their status right now? compare with SK), Myanmar? you supporting their rebels and halting their economic growth with allowing corruption going rampant here. Ckck, China is just good at sucking blood from another country, not to build them and made them growing strong.

Stop your bullshit as a retard. China adopts a policy of no-ally and non-interference. there is no allies of China except good relationship. As for North Korea, becuse of our non-interference policy, they choose their own way and not our fault. we also have no say bw Pakistan and US relationship, which they have their judgement about the result of such relationship.

As for sucking blood? you must be brainwashed by your western masters. Did we force them to sell resourecs? No. Did we pay unfair price? No. It is their decision to do business with us, what is wrong with that. If you think it is unfair, let your government stop exporting minerals to us, we will not santion you or set up a non-flying zone to you. We don't colonize the developing conturies and get things free like your western masters did.

In fact, most developing countries are happy to do business with us, and as a result, the progress in Africa in recent 10 years exceed the change over past 100 years. What your western masters did to Africa except exploiting? The same can apply to your country.
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BS, angola is one of the richest african countries. Sudan is normal african country, i can count various us african allies like kenya and liberia who are worse of than sudan since all african nation are rather poor so whats your point? NK is self to blaim for not oppening up and simbabwe just confiscated all white farm land.

It just happens that the most failed states are isolated by the west while china moves in to make money.

Huahahaha, pouring them money is not give them peace, is just give them more resources to continue their conflict elsewhere, that's why boycotting and sanctioning corrupt regime is one of effective reminder how mindless these state and their regime are. Look at Sudan, you dare to say a country who has been split into two parts and both of them in the brink of civil wars is a normal country? Well from your statement i can see a point view of a Russian about their standard of a normal country.

Blame them all you want, but it is the China who support dictatorial regime with their investment and give them more resources to prolonged conflict elsewhere. I want to ask, what is your point about China support over Wa and Kachin rebel in Myanmar?

One thing, not all of Sub-saharan African countries is poor to begin with, some is even richer than South Korea back in 70's.

BS, angola is one of the richest african countries. Sudan is normal african country, i can count various us african allies like kenya and liberia who are worse of than sudan since all african nation are rather poor so whats your point? NK is self to blaim for not oppening up and simbabwe just confiscated all white farm land.

It just happens that the most failed states are isolated by the west while china moves in to make money.

Huahahaha, pouring them money is not give them peace, is just give them more resources to continue their conflict elsewhere, that's why boycotting and sanctioning corrupt regime is one of effective reminder how mindless these state and their regime are. Look at Sudan, you dare to say a country who has been split into two parts and both of them in the brink of civil wars is a normal country? Well from your statement i can see a point view of a Russian about their standard of a normal country.

Blame them all you want, but it is the China who support dictatorial regime with their investment and give them more resources to prolonged conflict elsewhere. I want to ask, what is your point about China support over Wa and Kachin rebel in Myanmar?

One thing, not all of Sub-saharan African countries is poor to begin with, some is even richer than South Korea back in 70's.
Blame them all you want, but it is the China who support dictatorial regime with their investment and give them more resources to prolonged conflict elsewhere. I want to ask, what is your point about China support over Wa and Kachin rebel in Myanmar?
Haha, We just do busiess with those dictatorial regime. Unlike your US daddy, who is fully committed to suport dictatorial regime like Saudi arabia,Qatar, Barhin, Mubarak, and your Suharto , to name a few. Then ditich them like an used underwear.
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Thai policy is, ally with whom stronger. In ww II thai did nothing to harm Viet. But in Vietnam war, answer is YES.
You are being dishonest. Thailand was neutral during world war 2
Look who's the terror here...

Obama in Jakarta. Secret Files: Indonesia’s US Backed Special Forces Engaged in “Murder and Abduction”

Documents Leak from Notorious US-Backed Unit as Obama Lands in Indonesia Secret Files Show Kopassus, Indonesia’s Special Forces, Targets Papuan Churches, Civilians.

JAKARTA – Secret documents have leaked from inside Kopassus, Indonesia’s red berets, which say that Indonesia’s US-backed security forces engage in “murder [and] abduction” and show that Kopassus targets churches in West Papua and defines civilian dissidents as the “enemy.” The documents include a Kopassus enemies list headed by Papua’s top Baptist minister and describe a covert network of surveillance, infiltration and disruption of Papuan institutions

Secret documents have leaked from inside Kopassus, Indonesia’s red berets, which say that Indonesia’s US-backed security forces engage in “murder [andThe disclosure comes as US President Barack Obama is touching down in Indonesia. His administration recently announced the restoration of US aid to Kopassus.

Kopassus is the most notorious unit of Indonesia’s armed forces, TNI, which along with POLRI, the national police, have killed civilians by the hundreds of thousands.

The leaked cache of secret Kopassus documents includes operational, intelligence and field reports as well as personnel records which list the names and details of Kopassus “agents.”

The documents are classified “SECRET” (“RAHASIA”) and include extensive background reports on Kopassus civilian targets — reports that are apparently of uneven accuracy.

The authenticity of the documents has been verified by Kopassus personnel who have seen them and by external evidence regarding the authors and the internal characteristics of the documents.

Some of the Kopassus documents will be released in the days to come, in part via this website.

Those being released with this article are about West Papua, where tens of thousands of civilians have been murdered and where Kopassus is most active. Jakarta has attempted to largely seal off Papua to visits by non-approved outsiders.

When the US restored Kopassus aid last July the rationale was fighting terrorism, but the documents show that Kopassus in fact systematically targets civilians.

A detailed 25-page secret report by a Kopassus task force in Kotaraja, Papua defines Kopassus’ number-one “enemy” as unarmed civilians. It calls them the “separatist political movement” “GSP/P, ” lists what they say are the top 15 leaders and discusses the “enemy order of battle.”

All of those listed are civilians, starting with the head of the Baptist Synod of Papua. The others include evangelical ministers, activists, traditional leaders, legislators, students and intellectuals as well as local establishment figures and the head of the Papua Muslim Youth organization.

The secret Kopassus study says that in their 400,000 – person area of operations the civilians they target as being political are “much more dangerous than” any armed opposition since the armed groups “hardly do anything” but the civilians — with popular support — have “reached the outside world” with their “obsession” with “merdeka” (independence/ freedom) and persist in “propagating the issue of severe human rights violations in Papua,” ie. “murders and abductions that are done by the security forces.”


Satgas Ban - 5 Kopassus Triw

Given that the Kopassus report states as settled fact that security forces do “murder, abduction,” those who they define as being the enemy can be presumed to be in some danger.

In its’ discussion of “State of the enemy” Kopassus identifies the enemy with two kinds of actions: “the holding of press conferences” where they “always criticize the government and the work being done by the security forces” and the holding of private meetings where they engage in the same kind of prohibited speech. (LAPORAN TRIWULAN p. 9)

The Kopassus “enemies” list — the “leaders” of the “separatist political movement” includes fifteen civic leaders. In the order listed by Kopassus they are:

Reverend Socrates Sofyan Yoman, chair of the Papua Baptist Synod Markus Haluk head of the Association of Indonesian Middle Mountains Students (AMPTI) and an outspoken critic of the security forces and the US mining giant Freeport McMoRan Buchtar Tabuni, an activist who, after appearing on the Kopassus list, was sentenced to three years prison for speech and for waving Papuan flags and was beaten bloody by three soldiers, a guard, and a policeman because he had a cell phone Aloysius Renwarin, a lawyer who heads a local human rights foundation Dr. Willy Mandowen, Mediator of PDP, the Papua Presidium Council, a broad group including local business people, former politcal prisoners, women’s and youth organizations, and Papuan traditional leaders. His most prominent predecessor, Theys Eluay, had his throat slit by Kopassus in 2001. Yance Kayame, a committee chair in the Papuan provincial legislature Lodewyk Betawi Drs. Don Agustinus Lamaech Flassy of the Papua Presidium Council staff Drs. Agustinus Alue Alua, head of the MRP, the Papuan People’s Council, which formally represents Papuan traditional leaders and was convened and recognized by the Jakarta government Thaha Al Hamid, Secretary General of the Papua Presidium Council Sayid Fadal Al Hamid, head of the Papua Muslim Youth Drs. Frans Kapisa, head of Papua National Student Solidarity Leonard Jery Imbiri, public secretary of DAP, the Papuan Customary Council, which organizes an annual plenary of indigenous groups, has staged Papua’s largest peaceful demonstrations, and has seen its offices targeted for clandestine arson attacks Reverend Dr. Beny Giay, minister of the Protestant evangelical KINGMI Tent of Scripture church of Papua Selfius Bobby, student at the Fajar Timur School of Philosophy and Theology (LAPORAN TRIWULAN p. 6) Reached for comment, Reverend Socrates Sofyan Yoman of the Baptist Synod laughed when told he headed the Kopassus list. He said that churches were targeted by TNI/ Kopassus because “We can’t condone torture, kidnapping or killing.” He said that he has received anonymous death threats “all the time, everywhere,” but that as a church leader he must endure it . He said the real problem was for Papua’s poor who “live daily in pressure and fear.”

Markus Haluk said that he is constantly followed on foot and by motorcycle, has been the subject of apparent attempts to kill him, and receives so many sms text death threats that he has difficulty keeping current with the death-threat archive he tries to maintain for historical and safety purposes.

One threat, written months after his name appeared as a target in the Kopassus documents promised to decapitate him and bury his head — 200 meters deep, while another imagined his head as a succulent fruit to be devoured and swallowed by security forces.

But as a famous figure in Papua, Haluk enjoys, he thinks, a certain kind of protection since when security forces have actually arrested him it has at times touched off street uprisings.

Village Papuans, he said, enjoy no such advantage. For them, being targeted by Kopassus “can get you killed. If there’s a report against you, you can die.”

Contacted in prison, Buctar Tabuni, the number three enemy on the Kopassus list, told of getting a death threat with a rat cadaver, described living with round-the-clock surveillance, and said the threats to him repeatedly stated that “you will be killed unless you stop your human rights activities.”

Three days ago, writing from his prison cell, Buctar Tabuni called on President Obama to cut off aid to TNI and back a democratic vote on Papuan independence. He told me that Indonesia follows the US lead and that the US was complicit since, as he wrote Obama, US-trained “troops in cities and villages all over West Papua treat the people like terrorists that must be exterminated.”

Anti-terrorism was indeed Obama’s main argument for restoring US aid to Kopassus, but the documents make clear that Kopassus mainly targets unarmed civilians, not killers.

In fact, the main unit that wrote the secret documents, SATGAS BAN – 5 KOPASSUS, is ostensibly doing anti-terrorism, with the Kopassus Unit 81, Gultor.

Obama justified the Kopassus aid restoration to Congress by saying that the initial US training would be given not to Kopassus as a whole but only to its’ anti-terror forces. The White House and Pentagon suggested that these forces were less criminal than the rest of Kopassus and of TNI/POLRI, but the documents establish that they, like the rest, go after civilians like the Papuan reverends and activists.

Reverend Giay said, when reached for comment that TNI, Kopassus and POLRI were making the case that “it’s OK to kill pastors and burn churches since the churches are separatist.”

Among Giay’s collection of anonymous sms death threats was a political missive demanding that “the reverend stop using the platform of the church to spread the ideology of free Papua.”

Giay said that “they need ideological and moral support from the Indonesian majority and the media” so they use Kopassus and others to attack the churches as constituting security threats.

He compared TNI/Kopassus actions in Papua now to those earlier in East Timor and the Malukus where “they created this conflict between Muslims and Christians” to expand their presence and get more money and power.

Reverend Giay said that “local pastors have been targeted. They kill them off and report them as separatists.”

The Kopassus documents boast that “in carrying out the operational mission of intelligence in the kotaraja area, we apportion work in order to cover all places and avenues of kotaraja society…” (LAPORAN TRIWULAN p. 11).

The files show that Kopassus indeed penetrates most every part of popular life. In addition to plainclothes Kopassus officers who go undercover in multiple roles, Kopassus fields a small army of non-TNI “agents” — real people with real lives and identities, who are bought, coerced or recruited into working covertly.

Kopassus Kotaraja area agents discussed in the secret personnel files include reporters for a local newspaper and for a national TV news channel, students, hotel staff, a court employee, a senior civil servant who works on art and culture, a 14 year old child, a broke, “emotional, drunken” farmer who needs money and “believes” that Kopassus will “take care of his safety,” a “hardworking” “emotionally stable” farmer who also is a need of funds, a worker who “likes to drink hard liquor,” is poor and “likes to believe things,” a motorcycle taxi driver, a cellphone kiosk clerk who watches people who buy SIM card numbers, and a driver for a car rental company who “frequently informs on whether there are elements from the Separatist Political Movement who hire rental cars and speak regarding independence/freedom (merdeka)” (SATGAS BAN – 5 KOPASSUS, POS I KOTARAJA, BIODATA AGEN, RAHASIA).

In the file, though, the word “merdeka” is not spelled out. In accord with Kopassus practice, only an initial is written, in quotation marks: “‘M’”, the unwritable, unspeakable M-word.

The documents support the longtime word on the street: you rarely know who is Kopassus. So best watch what you say if you care for safety, especially if what you say is “freedom.”

Obama in Jakarta. Secret Files: Indonesia’s US Backed Special Forces Engaged in “Murder and Abduction” | Global Research
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