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Thailand Blasts Kills 8

Developreo, when you ''depends on the history'', do you have a rule of thumb governing how old history?

It's a matter between the participants. In US, Canada and Australia, the governments are giving concessions (and land) to native peoples, even though the matter is hundreds of years old.

Not trying to troll here, but Baluchis have the exact same grievances. So will Pakistan give them independence.

The Baluchi grievances are different in that they are mostly economic. But, regardless, as we have noted, most Pakistanis want to the government to address those concerns. The situation in Baluchistan is different from the above for two main reasons:

a) Only 3 out of 70 tribes are talking of secession.
b) The biggest problem, along with the federal government, is the local Baluchi feudal lords themselves who short-circuit any improvement schemes because they want to keep their subjects ignorant, impoverished and under control.
Entirely irrelevant. Most humans were little more than walking apes 50,000 years ago, so what?

The Malay's struggle is about more than just religion. It is about language and culture, as well. Moreover, the Malays are Muslim now and they wish to remain so. Their land has been under conquest by various invaders, which does not mean that they should be forced to abandon their identity just because the British divided the spoils of war with the Siamese.

But it is not about converting the Malays. It is about Thailand's southern territory where hundreds have lost lives over the years because of Jihad. This has little to do with Malays. If Thai government had been anything the way they are portrayed by Islamists, they would have ceased to exist.

I guess you guys always manage to find a reason to defend any acts vis a vis Jihad.

Pathetic attempt at trolling. Everyone condemns the terrorism. You are just upset that I pointed out that terrorism is an inevitable (and common) progression in most freedom movements throughout history.

Yes, freedom fight. Unfortunately, what is freedom fight to you is terrorism to other countries.

I would recommend you to try for comedy awards, if the subject matter were not so sad.

No thanks. I am not so good at jokes on your kind. But your posts are some of the most balanced ones among the posts of your countrymen.

Entirely. The issue, once again, is not the jihadis but the concerns of the Malay people.

I don't see how this could be a "Malay" cause considering that all the brutalities are done under the religious garb. Another excuse to defend them?

But, of course, we don't expect intellectual honesty from you guys.

You should be the last one to speak thus considering that the most wanted man on the planet was found just a stone's throw away from a respected government institution from your place.
The Baluchi grievances are different in that they are mostly economic. But, regardless, as we have noted, most Pakistanis want to the government to address those concerns. The situation in Baluchistan is different from the above for two main reasons:

a) Only 3 out of 70 tribes are talking of secession.
b) The biggest problem, along with the federal government, is the local Baluchi feudal lords themselves who short-circuit any improvement schemes because they want to keep their subjects ignorant, impoverished and under control.

I am saying as a whole, the reasons that you give for the justification of Islamic uprising in Thailand is the same as Baluchis giving for their uprising including in your own words:

But when your sons and brothers get whisked away in the middle of the night, when your language and culture are under attack by brutal authorities, and when poverty and education levels in your community are out of sync with the national average because of institutionalized discrimination, then things are not so simple.

Baluchis say that their natural resources are exploited by the Govt without giving them anything in return.As a result Baluchis are poorer and backward than the rest of Pakistan. When they protest, they are picked up Govt agents never to be seen again. Also their hold in the territory is under threat bcs of the migration of non-Baluchi Pakistanis under a Govt program to reduce them to a minority. Also there are many Baluchis who claim that they were duped into joining the Pakistan nation.

So I don't see any difference b/n their demand for freedom and that of Muslim Thais.
Guess you don't see how I followed your posts from the first before. Is that too much for you to read or you want me to quote everything for you?

Go for it. My comment was in response to Bhairava's question about Zionist media, not the terrorist blasts.

But I am not saying this. Ask any Israeli. They'd tell you better. I am not even using the term anti-Semitism here!

Absolutely! we know that Israelis are the first to use the anti-Semitism card. That is their favorite ploy, to being the word 'Jew' into every debate.

But if you had given your timelines, I'd have responded much more accurately. I am talking of a time-frame much older than the Anglo-Siamese treaty. Next time, please specify.

Already addressed. History stretches back for millenia; we have to focus on the salient events that have the most relevance to the current situation.

Oh but passing the buck on me won't change the ground reality that is reported in not news channels of US alone but the channels of all those countries that I have mentioned on the top. A simple search would really help you understand my post. Certainly, Jews can't be ruling all the media channels of so many countries. Otherwise Israel would have been the size of Russia today.

Sigh. Let me spell it out since perhaps I wasn't clear enough.

The favorite narrative of all repressive regimes is to dismiss all dissent as "terrorists". From the Middle East to the ex-Soviet republics to Africa to South America. The Zionist media has given these governments the needed cover to oppress their Muslim minorities and dismiss any push back as "terrorism".

That does not mean that there isn't actual terrorism. As I have mentioned several times, when peaceful dialog fails, terrorists take over. In Muslim and non-Muslim cases -- there is no religious monopoly here. I don't want to go into India's insurgencies, but I am sure you know what I am talking about.

Guess personal attacks are imbibed in your genes considering that there's nothing solid you can come up with to counter anything I put forward other than commenting on my intellect.

Happens... cornered ones always resort to that. You're not the first of your kind, believe me.

How rich!

YOU pepper your post with predictable accusations of anti-Semitism and then complain about personal attacks!
I am saying as a whole, the reasons that you give for the justification of Islamic uprising in Thailand is the same as Baluchis giving for their uprising including in your own words:

There is no comparison of what is happening in Yala, Pattani & Narathiwat to Balochistan; from a historical point of view, or the current situation. Even then, I do not support the separatist insurgency in Thailand. Neither does Developero, but he is giving the historical context of how the "behavior" of the Thai government brought the situation to where it is today, how the militants "filled in the gaps" & hijacked Muslim communities. The same is the case in other countries as well.
This has little to do with Malays. If Thai government had been anything the way they are portrayed by Islamists, they would have ceased to exist.

Isn't this the same argument some Pakistanis use that if the Mughals had been anything the way they are portrayed, the Hindus would have creased to exist?

By your logic, since the Malays have resisted the north's cultural imperialism, that must mean the north is benign.

I don't see how this could be a "Malay" cause considering that all the brutalities are done under the religious garb. Another excuse to defend them?

I don't know why you insist on conflating the two issues. In every post, I have made it clear I condemn the terrorism. What I am doing is explaining how militancy takes over when peaceful means appear futile.

Merely understanding and explaining a situation does not mean one is condoning it.
There is no comparison of what is happening in Yala, Pattani & Narathiwat to Balochistan; from a historical point of view, or the current situation. Even then, I do not support the separatist insurgency in Thailand. Neither does Developero, but he is giving the historical context of how the "behavior" of the Thai government brought the situation to where it is today, how the militants "filled in the gaps" & hijacked Muslim communities. The same is the case in other countries as well.

All I am saying is that you cannot have 2 sets of standards for 2 sets of people just bcs one is fighting Muslims and the other non-Muslims.
All I am saying is that you cannot have 2 sets of standards for 2 sets of people just bcs one is fighting Muslims and the other non-Muslims.

There are no two sets. We are urging the Pakistani government to address the complaints of the Baluchi people, and similarly to the Thai government to do likewise to their south. In both cases, heavy handedness is not justified by either side.
Vietnam is a key pillar for the "Look East Policy" of India
Relations with Vietnam is a key pillar and extremely important. It can be said in its relations with ASEAN countries, to identify the relationship as a result is not two. In the Indian context implementation "Look East Policy" and Vietnam spatial development to the west, both Vietnam and India was previously soul mate, this strategy needs to be increased each promote common interests to meet up, both determined by the bilateral relations angle completely new strategy. Especially in the Chinese context is constantly evolving, real power is constantly increasing, both countries have disputed territory or territorial waters has not been resolved with China, now formed a relationship to work closely, said that if the relationship is "united together Dependence" is also very normal.
Up to now, the two countries have jointly organized 6 times "Dialogue defense strategy," 2 times "strategic dialogue" and 5 times "diplomatic exchanges." Especially after the two countries signed the Memorandum on Defence Cooperation in November 2009, exchange of bilateral military cooperation increased significantly. 7/2010 from the Indian army command for the first time in 10 years to visit Vietnam in September and 7/2011, Vietnam invited amphibious assault ship "INS Airavat" to Vietnam. Support each other in politics, security rely on each other to become the most prominent features in the India-Vietnam generation. Vietnam is an important link to rope India to develop relations with ASEAN countries.

Vietnam is a key pillar for the "Look East Policy" of India
Relations with Vietnam is a key pillar and extremely important. It can be said in its relations with ASEAN countries, to identify the relationship as a result is not two. In the Indian context implementation "Look East Policy" and Vietnam spatial development to the west, both Vietnam and India was previously soul mate, this strategy needs to be increased each promote common interests to meet up, both determined by the bilateral relations angle completely new strategy. Especially in the Chinese context is constantly evolving, real power is constantly increasing, both countries have disputed territory or territorial waters has not been resolved with China, now formed a relationship to work closely, said that if the relationship is "united together Dependence" is also very normal.
Up to now, the two countries have jointly organized 6 times "Dialogue defense strategy," 2 times "strategic dialogue" and 5 times "diplomatic exchanges." Especially after the two countries signed the Memorandum on Defence Cooperation in November 2009, exchange of bilateral military cooperation increased significantly. 7/2010 from the Indian army command for the first time in 10 years to visit Vietnam in September and 7/2011, Vietnam invited amphibious assault ship "INS Airavat" to Vietnam. Support each other in politics, security rely on each other to become the most prominent features in the India-Vietnam generation. Vietnam is an important link to rope India to develop relations with ASEAN countries.


Dude what are you talking???
Vietnam is a key pillar for the "Look East Policy" of India
Relations with Vietnam is a key pillar and extremely important. It can be said in its relations with ASEAN countries, to identify the relationship as a result is not two. In the Indian context implementation "Look East Policy" and Vietnam spatial development to the west, both Vietnam and India was previously soul mate, this strategy needs to be increased each promote common interests to meet up, both determined by the bilateral relations angle completely new strategy. Especially in the Chinese context is constantly evolving, real power is constantly increasing, both countries have disputed territory or territorial waters has not been resolved with China, now formed a relationship to work closely, said that if the relationship is "united together Dependence" is also very normal.
Up to now, the two countries have jointly organized 6 times "Dialogue defense strategy," 2 times "strategic dialogue" and 5 times "diplomatic exchanges." Especially after the two countries signed the Memorandum on Defence Cooperation in November 2009, exchange of bilateral military cooperation increased significantly. 7/2010 from the Indian army command for the first time in 10 years to visit Vietnam in September and 7/2011, Vietnam invited amphibious assault ship "INS Airavat" to Vietnam. Support each other in politics, security rely on each other to become the most prominent features in the India-Vietnam generation. Vietnam is an important link to rope India to develop relations with ASEAN countries.


Thanks for the nice obvious situation there, but what has this got to do with terror attacks in Thailand?
What we have got here is that Lord Rama, the Islamophobic Hindu nationalist state of India, trying to stir up anti-Muslim and anti-Islam feeling among ASEAN buddhist nations and trying to solidify the position of India as a protector of ASEAN Buddhist or no-religion states against Muslims and Islam, using the excuse of "Islamic terror". The fact that there are legitimate grievances is lost in this narrative.

I do not support violence to achieve any end, by Muslims or followers of any other religion or by anyone for that matter. But Indians are trying to play divide and rule in this space. I am hoping that ASEAN nations can solve these irritants with their own initiatives and conflict management and not let outsiders play one against the other and diminish ASEAN unity.
^^^ And he was complaining about propaganda.
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