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Thackeray wants Hindu Sucide squad

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Bal Thackeray had expressed his desire of hindu suicide bombers in 2002.

In response, thousands of hindus volunteered to do his bidding. (NOT).

Osama Bin Laden expressed his desire for global Jehad.

Response: Muslims from all over the world are regularly signing up to serve the noble cause.

Actually, its not about Thackrey or Osama. These kind of people exist in every religion. If you see the article i posted above, and many other articles on the internet shows that extremist people will do whatever they want to do regardless of who is telling them to do it. Therefore, i dont see much difference in extremist Hindus and Muslims who are both politically motivated into a religious motivation. Of course, extremist Muslim has more balls to do it.. and that too in killing its oppressor. On the other hand Hindu Suicide squad is more based on finishing off the innocent.

The Jaish-e-Mohammad has owned responsibility for the blast and said the suicide bomber was Wajahat Hussain, a resident of Suba Sarhad Pakistan. The spokesman of the outfit, who rang up a local news agency, CNS, did not divulge the number of other militants or their identity.

The Hindu : Suicide bomber targets J&K Assembly

How cool,

Jaish-e-Muhammed (Army of Muhammed). Now if this isn't religious motivation then what is?

P.S. It was founded in Pakistan.
Actually, its not about Thackrey or Osama. These kind of people exist in every religion

Yes, but their influence varies. Islam is far more prone to extremism.

. If you see the article i posted above, and many other articles on the internet shows that extremist people will do whatever they want to do regardless of who is telling them to do it. Therefore, i dont see much difference in extremist Hindus and Muslims who are both politically motivated into a religious motivation.

Firstly, LTTE diesn't claim hinduism to be its motivation, so your theory doesn't apply to them.

Secondly, obviously you don't' see the difference in their actions since they both do the same thing- suicide bombings.

Thirdly, there haven't been hindu suicide bombers till date who claim to be fighting a holy war for Hinduism.

Of course, extremist Muslim has more balls to do it.. and that too in killing its oppressor. On the other hand Hindu Suicide squad is more based on finishing off the innocent.

Really? AFAIK, Muslim suicide bombers do nothing BUT kill innocent people.

Oh and that's not Balls, its expert brainwashing.
Actually, its not about Thackrey or Osama. These kind of people exist in every religion. If you see the article i posted above, and many other articles on the internet shows that extremist people will do whatever they want to do regardless of who is telling them to do it. Therefore, i dont see much difference in extremist Hindus and Muslims who are both politically motivated into a religious motivation. Of course, extremist Muslim has more balls to do it.. and that too in killing its oppressor. On the other hand Hindu Suicide squad is more based on finishing off the innocent.

Dude, why so much prejudice?
Nothing is common except an ideology which is powerful enough to motivate them.

In Palestine, the ideology is an interpretation of Islam. In Sri Lanka, it is probably an extreme form of ethnic patriotism..

19-year old Lola (Loula) Abboud , a dark curl kissing her forehead and a golden cross around her neck. A Lebanese Christian, she was one of the first women to earn the title of istishhadiyah when she blew herself up in 1985 as Israeli troops moved in to capture her guerilla group near the town of Aoun in southern Lebanon.

You genuis.........Elias Harb,Lola Abboud and Norma Hassan where all Christian suicide bombers who blew up israeli army terrorists.
Why would christians blow themself's up attacking israelis..?

You are forgetting some differences.

the LTTE isn't extending the suicide bombings to the major cities of the world. It is confined to the area of conflict.

On the other hand, muslims are not being mistreated in the US or Britain or Spain yet they are bombing these cities...

No...i think "You are forgetting some differences"
US,Britain and Spain have not invaded sri lanka......bit of a difference.

Also, Tamils from India are not rallying in the streets in support of the LTTE.
Neither are Hindu religious leaders in India doing so....

I think you forget....you where great supporters of the LTTE until they blew up your prime minister.

Name one muslim religious leader today who is both Hamza Yusuf Hanson.

I can name you plenty that are famous and moderate......Hamza Yusuf Hanson being one,.......
But let me guess,for them to be famous and moderate they have to be anti jihad and pro western and you must have heard of him......maybe he has to have a few music videos on MTV and a role in a bollywood film and then you will class him as famous and moderate.

I think you forget....you where great supporters of the LTTE until they blew up your prime minister.


Its the other way around:

When India stopped supporting LTTE, they got pissed and blew up the PM.

Not that it adds much to the discussion.
This thread has gone completely off track; which is sad really, given that the original topic (Bal Thackeray's pathological "vision") has now been replaced by a mêlée of poor comparisons between dissimilar entities (eg. BT and OBL) and nonsensical "but Muslims have the concept of Jihad" diatribes.

Just to clear a few things up:
Bal Thackeray is NOT a religious, political or a social leader. In fact, his numerous attempts to assume these roles have failed miserably. The influence he publicly garners in both these fields primarily comes from his control of key economic bottlenecks.
  • BT's Shiv Sena controls BMC (Mumbai Municipal Corporation) and many important unions, particularly those supplying human resources for the docks (Mumbai's greatest economic lifeline), some industries, and many civil organizations. It is his control over these bodies that gives him the ability to close down Mumbai or institute a "bandh" that subsequently gives him sway with governmental authorities. As a side note, it is interesting to see how the state and city government in order to counter the influence of the BMC have come up with the MMRDA (mumbai metropolitan regional developmental authority) giving the city two redundant parallel developmental bodies.
  • Shiv Sena through the BMC controls most governmental lands which are prime real estate for illegal businesses and residential occupation. This is where he makes most of his money.Ironically almost all of this money comes from his supposed enemies given that the organized crime syndicates are overwhelmingly Muslim owned and operated and the illegal housing market is predominantly occupied by Biharis and other North Indians. His second greatest source of income are the docks, that his union muscle runs.
  • Through the unions and the civil organizations he controls virtually all the bureaucratic operations i.e the license raj. This is his main source of "public support", particularly among the business community and the middle class whose day to day existence depends upon the bureaucratic machine.
  • On the street, he runs half the muscle because of his vast reaches into the blue collar unions. This is what he publicly uses as a foil to the Muslim run crime syndicates (who run the other half of the muscle) thereby making himself the "balancing factor" in eyes of the common non Muslim man (behind the scenes he makes a hefty income from the very Muslim run crime syndicates who use his land and dock facilities to run their businesses).
As you can see, most of his influence and "following" is either bought or usurped under threat/pressure. Unlike most of the people he is erroneously being compared to in this thread, he has failed to inspire a following. He lost most of his direct support in the mid-late 90s when it was clear that he didn't really give a hoot about any of the causes he is publicly vociferous about. Also, he hasn't done anything for his primary protectorate, the local Mararashtrians or the Marathi Manus which served as the initial rallying cause when he entered public life in full force back in the 60s. One has only to look at the rapidly eroding civil services and the cultural associations in the Shivaji Park district of Mumbai, which has historically been the stronghold of the Maharashtrian community and also home to the Shiv Sena Bhavan (headquarters) itself to see his complete disregard for the people he's supposed to represent. On my recent trip to Mumbai, I started a photo journal which includes a few shots of the area. I have this really great one of the swanky new multi million dollar Shiv Sena Bhavan right next to the decrepit Shivaji Mandir with an increasingly deteriorating Shivaji Park in the background. This picture perfectly symbolizes the farce that is Bal Thackeray because the dilapidated structures are actually of a lot more cultural significance than the Shiv Sena Bhavan. The Shivaji Mandir playhouse and performance center is famous for producing some of the region's (and perhaps even India's) greatest playwrights, actors, folk singers etc (including the recently deceased Vijay Tendulkar) and has also served as a performance venue for great classical musics such as Bhimsen Joshi, Kumar Gandharva, Kishori Amonkar etc who are all indigenous to the region. Shivaji Park which is now a dustbed often used for Shiv Sena's comical "rallies" until the late 80s produced practically all of India's Maharashtrian cricketing greats (such as Sunil Gavaskar, Chandu Borde, Tendulkar, Kambli, Sandeep Patil, Ravi Shastri, Ajit Wadekar etc etc). Needless to say these places are of great cultural importance and pride to the Maharashtrians who clearly see that BT isn't doing anything for them and is instead using all the local funds to further his own cause. Of course nobody says anything because it's not worth risking getting your electricity cut, your drivers license suspended, having your daughter harassed by goons at the local college or having thugs vandalize your home and car. But rest assured the general public don't feel inspired by him, don't consider him a religious icon of any sort and certainly won't ever vote him into public office.

If anybody is interested in this topic, I suggest starting out with Suketu Mehta's "Maximum City" (2005 Pulitzer finalist for non-fiction) which does a very good job of explaining the inner workings of Thackeray and Shiv Sena. Or wait a few years until I finally organize all of my material and publish a book:devil: (the way I'm going chances are slim)
Thackery is an idiot and anyone who wastes his time debating over him is also an idiot!
Dude, why so much prejudice?

Come on Vish,

If you must raise the issue of prejudice, raise it first with some of the Indians on this thread who have done nothing but fingered out Islam specifically.

This entire thread has turned into arguing against a bigoted view that somehow Islam is, more than anything else, inherently violent.

While I disagree with Webby's point, I must also disagree with you for raising the issue of prejudice now after reading everything else that has been posted by the Indians.
Really? AFAIK, Muslim suicide bombers do nothing BUT kill innocent people.

A bomb blast on a crowded bus near Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, has killed 21 and injured more than 50 people in what is thought to be the latest in a string of recent attacks by the separatist Tamil Tiger movement.

"Twenty-one people have been killed, eight of them are women," a police spokesman said. The attack was the third targeting civilians in and around Colombo in less than two weeks.
Bus bombing kills 21, injures 50 in Sri Lanka - Times Online
Its the other way around:

When India stopped supporting LTTE, they got pissed and blew up the PM.

I wish you indians would make your minds up.........one minute "hindu india" does not support its fellow hindu brothers in sri lanka and the next you do..?

Indians on this forum keep telling us that no muslims around the world are helping the kashmiris in there struggle for freedom and the next minute your telling us that there only all foreign fighters in kashmir.

Well Pakistan Daily reported last week about Hindu extremist militants attacking Christians in India. I dont see how it is any different to what Al-Qaida is doing.. except hindus killing people in its own country.
Thackery is an idiot and anyone who wastes his time debating over him is also an idiot!

This socalled "idiot" has support of millions in India, he's worth debating.
I'm learning more and more every day.
This socalled "idiot" has support of millions in India, he's worth debating.
I'm learning more and more every day.
He is certainly worth debating. But in regards to his support base, please refer to my earlier post.
He is certainly worth debating. But in regards to his support base, please refer to my earlier post.

He definetly worth debating, he has support of many radical Hindu organizations such as RSS, Bajrang Dal, VHP etc. Thier number is some where 5+ million.
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