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TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

It seems like they are trying to reinvent the wheel with Hurjet. There are already a few advanced trainers or fighter jets with F404. In fact, Boeing T-7A is already in production with the company saying that they will offer different variants including an attacker. Australia and others will line up for T-7A to replace their existing fleets of advanced trainers. M-346 even though it is equipped with F404 is a competitive platform as well. It would have been more interesting if Turkey had chose EJ200 over F404 (though I still have my doubts over the US government of approving an export of F404).

It would be interesting to watch the development of Hurjet project - would it become a dud that only Turkey (and probably Azerbaijan) uses for the sake of the advanced trainer being "Turkish" or a new Saab Gripen A/B which delievers the high performance per cost along with the capability of advanced trainer.

Agreed, and as it seems, this was the plan:

"Following the signing of a Letter of Intent (LoI) between TUSAŞ and Eurojet Turbo GmbH for the delivery of EJ200 turbofan engines the design of the HÜRJET was modified (such as, the air intakes were revised and enlarged to accommodate the more powerful EJ200 engine) and further wind tunnel tests have been carried out to confirm revisions on the aircraft overall design. So currently HÜRJET has two separate designs in accordance with two different engine options. According to our sources the HÜRJET will be powered by the F404-GE-102 engine from GE. "

Would be interesting what came then?
Agreed, and as it seems, this was the plan:

"Following the signing of a Letter of Intent (LoI) between TUSAŞ and Eurojet Turbo GmbH for the delivery of EJ200 turbofan engines the design of the HÜRJET was modified (such as, the air intakes were revised and enlarged to accommodate the more powerful EJ200 engine) and further wind tunnel tests have been carried out to confirm revisions on the aircraft overall design. So currently HÜRJET has two separate designs in accordance with two different engine options. According to our sources the HÜRJET will be powered by the F404-GE-102 engine from GE. "

Would be interesting what came then?

I reckon EJ200-powered Hurjet was (and probably still is) a backup plan. I am pretty sure Turks (especially actual engineers) prefer GE F404 as the engine is proven with several single engine aircrafts and also it is much better for logistics & maintenance to use an engine from the same engine compnay for your main jet fighter (F-16). There is no point of gambling with EJ200 which is unproven as an engine for a single-engine fighter & advanced trainer and increasing the risk of your project when you are already late with your schedule.

However, if the US government doesn't approve an export of GE F404, Turkey will probably go along with the EJ200 option.

A take way here is that EJ200 is stated of being more powerful. Yes, EJ200 has higher max. thurst than F404, but F404-GE-IN20 is rated at 19,000lb and that's not much different to EJ200. The article claims that Turkey has decided to opt for F404-GE-102 which is rated at 17,000lb, but TAI's website says Hurjet's thurst is 19,200lb. Again, conflicting information with a lot of possibilities

X abbreviation removed.

Official identification is now MMU and TF
MMU (Milli Muharip Uçak/National Combat Aircraft) TF (Turkish Fighter)
Since when was the J-10 planned to use the F110? Any source for this?

Otherwise You are correct, but I don't think TAI or the TAF would even consider an AL-31 for their fifth generation type.

In the 1980s before Tiananmen square. After Tiananmen square J-10 fuselage was redesigned to accomodate AL-31 in the early 1990s after China Russia relation was restored. Early J-10 design designed to accomodate F110.

In the 1980s before Tiananmen square. After Tiananmen square J-10 fuselage was redesigned to accomodate AL-31 in the early 1990s after China Russia relation was restored. Early J-10 design designed to accomodate F110.


That's wrong, at least by my understanding never a F110 was considered and especially this model is from a period, when even more a turbojet called WP-15 was planned to power the J-10.
That's wrong, at least by my understanding never a F110 was considered and especially this model is from a period, when even more a turbojet called WP-15 was planned to power the J-10.

At the time China was cahoots with the US to counter Russia in the 1980s, supplying arms to mujahideen in Afghanistan, I figured F110 was to be J-10's engine considering J-10 drew its design from Lavi which with permission of the US was given to China.
Does Turkey plan to go to an all TFX fleet? It doesn’t look like the Turks maybe invited back into the be F-35 program and the F-16s are aging with only the TFX visible on the horizon. Recently, even the USAF moved away from an all 5th Generation force. Would Turkey be open to exploring a similar project for a lower end, less stealthy, less costly single engine 4++ Gen fighter to form the low-end of a high-low mix with the TFX. Pakistan also has a need to replace its F-16s sooner or later, and a joint project would also help share key technologies between the two.

There is a design from Saab called the FS2020, which was designed to be powered by a 170kn engine. With TRMotor working on an engine for the TFX, it could also work for this plane. In the interim, a Chinese engine could be acquired to get the prototype flying (or the F110 if Turkey is still allowed to produce them under license due to CAATSA).

The design has an internal weapons bay, but that could be deleted if costs are an issue, or added in a future design, so it could evolve into a true 5th generation fighter; akin to the road map of the KFX. If the price can be as low as $50-60 million it could find export success in a market where the USAF buys the F-35A at $80 million. Perhaps a 250 plane order split evenly: 125 for each the TuAF and the PAF could be an initial acquisition (more could be acquired down the line when the JF-17s start retiring), and fit in the outgoing PAF ACM plan for an all 5th Gen force by 2049. The two countries working on this would also make the transition to the PFX easier. Which could also be powered by the same engine for this fighter and the TFX.

Also, this design is very similar to what the PAF wants the PFX to look like

It would also be a product on par with the best 4++ Gen fighters in one variant and a basic 5th Gen fighter in another variant. So it could be an attractive option to “neutral nations”.

This design was discussed nearly a decade ago here on PDF, and it maybe a design to revisit, considering the geopolitics, and the advancements Turkey has made in aerospace.

A twin seat model could also be offered as a LIFT platform for 5th generation fighters.

There is also the possibility, the Qataris may want to go into a 5th Gen program to maintain parity with the Emirates if they acquire those 50 F-35s. So the Qataris could go for perhaps 35 themselves. The Azeris may also want to stay up to date if the Armenians acquire the Su-57, so the Azeris might order 15; rounding out an initial order for 300 between the four countries.

considering how far they have come with the Hurjet, and their production capabilities on the F-35 about to go idle in a year or two, this could really help them bridge the gap, until the fully capable TFX is ready.

WS-10B for now, but later the WS-15 Engines (which could meet the 170 kn requirement (when fully ready) in the original SAAB design) for 300 planes would also be a good way to strengthen Turkish-Chinese relations, get access to another stream of engine technology, keep out of CAATSA, as well as not get to deeply involved with Russia, which could so easily become a regional rival once again.

P.S. this plane could also be a way for Turkish weapons to be made for all four nations, and a way for all four nations to come to each other’s aid in the event of a way, sending planes to re-enforce each other’s air forces, especially when a Turkish engine is ready. There wouldn’t be any outside parts or weapons.
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It seems F110 engine is blocked by CAATSA which targets Turkey's domestic defense industry. They may go with Chinese WS-15 when it is ready in the next few years. WS-15 is superior to F110 in all aspects. WS-15 is on par with PW engines used in F-22 / 35.

Will China agree to provide WS-15 engines to Turkey for its future TF-X jet fighters ?
I was reading that turkey has stop making F-16 in its factories due to US restrictions. Now Turkey using those factories for manufacturing parts fot its future jet fighters and helicopters.
Will China agree to provide WS-15 engines to Turkey for its future TF-X jet fighters ?
I was reading that turkey has stop making F-16 in its factories due to US restrictions. Now Turkey using those factories for manufacturing parts fot its future jet fighters and helicopters.

The Ws-15 engine has nothing to do with the MMU program. There has not been any preliminary work on this. Those who have even little technical knowledge about MMU project and related logistical issues of TAF know that this is completely out of consideration and nothing more than a spamming tool by Chinese posters on such forums. Also, within the scope of the ongoing PDR preparations, and without knowing anything about target engine dry weight and diameter, target thrust and strength, and without reading anything about the temporary engine work for the ongoing prototype production within the scope of these preliminary studies, the things to be written here will be only speculative contents.

I don't know what you have read about the F-16, but all rights of this jet belong to the United States. (I could not follow the latest situation closely, the Indian company Tata may have some of production priviliages to selling this jet to 3rd party users.) So, in Korea, in Turkey, or in another country which had F-16 assembly line, the production of this aircrafts took place under license. Likewise, the production to third parties or MLU programs made by TAI to air forces such as Pakistan, Jordan and Egypt were carried out within this legal framework. Currently there is no demand for additional F-16 production.

However, there is another detail on these recent modernization studies. ÖZGÜR Project, which is basically the F-16 Block 30 Avionic Modernization, has been largely localized with comprehensive avionic innovations including the national mission computer and will lead to the end of the critical level of logistic dependence on the USA starting from Block-30. Therefore, technically, it can be described as the first successful feasibility study of the Hürjet project on basis of comphrensive integration activities about Turkish avionic packages to a combat proven fighter jet.
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Will China agree to provide WS-15 engines to Turkey for its future TF-X jet fighters ?
I was reading that turkey has stop making F-16 in its factories due to US restrictions. Now Turkey using those factories for manufacturing parts fot its future jet fighters and helicopters.

Plain and simple: NO! Why should the? ... the WS-15 is not even ready for their own fighter and even if, the same applies to China as to any other high-end engine maker: No-one will ever sell foll ToT - and nothing less is what Turkey demands - for their most advanced engine.

Forget it.
  • There will also be a Light Attack version of HÜRJET.
This is a pretty important statement. In past, some officials were saying "there would be such version", or "if demanded, we would make such armed version" etc.

Appereantly airforce demanded such a thing, thus armed version became an official project. Let's see what kind of product we will see.

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