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TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

I just got a ton stuff recently so I will try to upload as much as I can. Mostly stuff that it isn't repetitive.


Hey @Kaan... Bro please don't post them in a very short time... Take it easy, slow... Because when important news finishes i throw a fit... Don't hurry up... Maybe everyday just 1 post... :angel:

First we look at this...

View attachment 136631

Then we see Kaan's post and the possibly choosen alternative...

View attachment 136632

Single engined and no delta canard... So they chose Superior Lethality... Not Higher Speed or Greater Agility... Does it mean that ?.. If it's so is it good or bad when we compare with other alternatives and their charactheristics ???...

View attachment 136634
you are reading so wrong. The red painted specs are for every type. Those are the specs which are wanted by otorities since the begining. It says, with these specs, i made 3 planes. Choose one....
you are reading so wrong. The red painted specs are for every type. Those are the specs which are wanted by otorities since the begining. It says, with these specs, i made 3 planes. Choose one....

Really ?.. Thx... Now i feel far better... :tup:

I hope its just a joke,we need a double engined airsuperiority fighter.
What would we need the F-35 for when we build the ''same'' ?
Looks like you missed something very important : From the very beginning TFX project's main aim was to build a cheap to operate(aka single engine) multi role fighter to replace F16s in future.This air superiority idea invented by Turkish military forumers.
Looks like you missed something very important : From the very beginning TFX project's main aim was to build a cheap to operate(aka single engine) multi role fighter to replace F16s in future.This air superiority idea invented by Turkish military forumers.
So the aim is to have the same style of airforce like we have now?
Are you sure about that?
Is that how we want to become a real power?
Then why we use $80 billion for a so called indigenous one when we can have the 200 for $30 billion max?
So whats the latest news?

Did Turkey finalize its aircraft design?

Turkey must invest heavily on its military forces, their equipment, their training, innovative war concepts to defeat enemies and so on..

Strong Turkey is really important for stability and prosperity in the region.
So the aim is to have the same style of airforce like we have now?
Are you sure about that?
Is that how we want to become a real power?
Then why we use $80 billion for a so called indigenous one when we can have the 200 for $30 billion max?
Because it will be ours(except engine) thats the aim just like T-129 project.
May i ask you, against To who , do you want to use a high plane?Any neighbors' planes are multirole ones, except Russia.

I totally agree with the commanders, we need our multirole plane like "future f16", not a specialist one like f15 or f22.

We plan to have f35 for tactical ground bombing operations to change f4s, and plan to have future-multirole fighter to change f16s, because f16s will begin to be aged in 2030s.

It will be our plane and will have build-in national equipments like aselpod-ew systems-360° awareness-local armaments-flight and mission computers- acceptable and enough speed and the other specs- affordable lifetime maintanance and pairs like one engine in and maksimum 2 engines for life - and some stealthy, at least more stealth then f16s. Our goal must be and should be to have OUR "future-f16".

As i sad before, except russia there is no high planes in neighborhood. Don't account israils' f15s. Because obviously neither them nor us will or can attack to each other alone.

Beside if greece will buy a high plane someday, sure we will too.
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guys please ıf you tell us whıch model wıll be for TX and whıc ıs for FX there ıs 3 dıfferent model
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