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Terrorists will start withdrawing from Turkey on May 8, PKK says

I'm happy and in a weird kind of way a little jealous.

Ocalan has made the right decision. Hopefully this will lead to an end to the seperatist rebellion against the state, and this will set good precedent for other countries too.

terrorism is a failed policy and doesnt bring results

maybe they will negotiate to have him removed from prison and placed under some kind of a house arrest....

congratulations to Turkiye, her zaman sizinliyiz
This is just the beginning of the end of the Turkish Republik as we know it.
The next step is autonomy and after that an independent state,there is nothing to be happy about.
Why do you feel that way arkadash? Compared to 1970s and 80s PKK attacks are much less now. Politically and militarily a solution would be met. Why else would ocalan be talking
Why do you feel that way arkadash? Compared to 1970s and 80s PKK attacks are much less now. Politically and militarily a solution would be met. Why else would ocalan be talking

If you get prommised something that big,you stop to.
Its not like they just stop for peace.
Why Taliban dont stop for peace sake?
From outside it looks like peace coming,but at what cost?
This government will go to history(at least Erdogan).
We will see in the coming months.
Why do you feel that way arkadash? Compared to 1970s and 80s PKK attacks are much less now. Politically and militarily a solution would be met. Why else would ocalan be talking

Giving what terrorists wants is not a solution, what do sincere Kurds wants ? some socio-cultural rights, give them and you will get them to your side, PKK can eat sh.t than.

But we're just talking anyway, everyday people was complaining why Ocalan was not executed, normally recent events should have outrage them, but our people proved it again that we're just a sheep herd, they're gonna vote AKP again, despite complaining.
Iraq rejects offering shelter to PKK fighters

BAGHDAD -- Iraq is rejecting a key element in an accord to bring an end to a long Kurdish rebellion in Turkey - offering refuge to Kurdish fighters.

In March, the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, announced a deal to end a nearly three-decade conflict that has killed tens of thousands of people. As part of the accord, the rebels agreed to a gradual retreat from Turkish territory to the Iraq's northern self-ruled Kurdish region.

Thursday's statement said the Iraqi government "does not accept" such armed groups that "could be used to damage" Iraq's security and stability.

The statement came a day after PKK rebels started withdrawing to bases in Iraqi mountains. It was not clear if the Baghdad government would try to stop the process, expected to take several months.
Iraq rejects offering shelter to PKK fighters

BAGHDAD -- Iraq is rejecting a key element in an accord to bring an end to a long Kurdish rebellion in Turkey - offering refuge to Kurdish fighters.

In March, the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, announced a deal to end a nearly three-decade conflict that has killed tens of thousands of people. As part of the accord, the rebels agreed to a gradual retreat from Turkish territory to the Iraq's northern self-ruled Kurdish region.

Thursday's statement said the Iraqi government "does not accept" such armed groups that "could be used to damage" Iraq's security and stability.

The statement came a day after PKK rebels started withdrawing to bases in Iraqi mountains. It was not clear if the Baghdad government would try to stop the process, expected to take several months.

Iraqi central government has no word to say in this issue. PKK is withdrawing from Turkish soil to their Camps in North Iraq, mainly in Kandil region. Those areas jurisdiction fall under KRG.

If central government is sincere in their thoughts, they should start with clearing these camps.

This decleration of Iraq will be seen as an attempt to sabotage the ongoing withdrawal proceess by Turkish Government, You can expect a harsh decleration from Turkish Government in the following days.
Iraqi central government has no word to say in this issue. PKK is withdrawing from Turkish soil to their Camps in North Iraq, mainly in Kandil region. Those areas jurisdiction fall under KRG.

If central government is sincere in their thoughts, they should start with clearing these camps.

This decleration of Iraq will be seen as an attempt to sabotage the ongoing withdrawal proceess by Turkish Government, You can expect a harsh decleration from Turkish Government in the following days.

Yes its in KRG, but officially it is against the constitution thats why the central government is interfering, KRG has no rights to deal with Turkey on this level without the permission of the central government but obviously it is breaking all the rules.
Yes its in KRG, but officially it is against the constitution thats why the central government is interfering, KRG has no rights to deal with Turkey on this level without the permission of the central government but obviously it is breaking all the rules.

I understand but when we talk about the PKK camps in North Iraq, Central Government says " We can't do anything ". When we try to do something about PKK, be it land operations, aerial operations or negotiations, Iraqi Government opposes us, don't collabrate with us. So in return Turkey began to disregard Iraqi Central Gov. and began to collabrate with KRG in return offering protection.

Maliki has to see that opposing Turkey will not benefit his country.
I understand but when we talk about the PKK camps in North Iraq, Central Government says " We can't do anything ". When we try to do something about PKK, be it land operations, aerial operations or negotiations, Iraqi Government opposes us, don't collabrate with us. So in return Turkey began to disregard Iraqi Central Gov. and began to collabrate with KRG in return offering protection.

Maliki has to see that opposing Turkey will not benefit his country.

Maliki does not want to oppose Turkey, these problems started when Turkey started to deal with KRG bringing in oil and gas without dealing with the central government which is the way it should be according to the constitution.
KRG is selling it for a cheap price that is why Turkey accepts it and ignores the rest
Iraq rejects offering shelter to PKK fighters

BAGHDAD -- Iraq is rejecting a key element in an accord to bring an end to a long Kurdish rebellion in Turkey - offering refuge to Kurdish fighters.

In March, the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK, announced a deal to end a nearly three-decade conflict that has killed tens of thousands of people. As part of the accord, the rebels agreed to a gradual retreat from Turkish territory to the Iraq's northern self-ruled Kurdish region.

Thursday's statement said the Iraqi government "does not accept" such armed groups that "could be used to damage" Iraq's security and stability.

The statement came a day after PKK rebels started withdrawing to bases in Iraqi mountains. It was not clear if the Baghdad government would try to stop the process, expected to take several months.

Iraq does not accept? :D

Few hundred terrorists are on their way back to their MAIN BASE IN IRAQ where thousands of them living, training, planing their attacks on Turkish Republic. Iraq has been a safe haven for these terrorists for more than two decades, and NOW they say, Iraq will not accept such armed groups? :D

I really don't know what the central government of Iraq aim to gain by annoying Turkey further. They should kindly STFU, because the point they are trying to make by this nonsense will probably encourage Turkey even more to ignore them during its future deals with KRG.
Iraq does not accept? :D

Few hundred terrorists are on their way back to their MAIN BASE IN IRAQ where thousands of them living, training, planing their attacks on Turkish Republic. Iraq has been a safe haven for these terrorists for more than two decades, and NOW they say, Iraq will not accept such armed groups? :D

I really don't know what the central government of Iraq aim to gain by annoying Turkey further. They should kindly STFU, because the point they are trying to make by this nonsense will probably encourage Turkey even more to ignore them during its future deals with KRG.

Iraqs government has never given Kurdish guerillas a safe heaven, today KRG controlls it and who protects KRG ? Turkey.
Actually Iraq should not stfu, there are problems with Turkey and this Kurdish seperatism issue cannot be solved by 1 country alone, it has to be solved by all neighbours and they need to work together to solve it.
PKK retreating to Iraq solves nothing, these mountains know no borders, these are no geographical borders.
if it was up to me I would cut the budget share to KRG and watch them cry, all exports to Turkey cannot cover that budget.
Iraqs government has never given Kurdish guerillas a safe heaven, today KRG controlls it and who protects KRG ? Turkey.

Yet, they have been in Iraq for decades, used it as a safe haven long before this 'good' relations between Turkey and KRG has started. What did Iraq do other than bitching and moaning after every operation Turkey has done against that threat?

Actually Iraq should not stfu, there are problems with Turkey and this Kurdish seperatism issue cannot be solved by 1 country alone, it has to be solved by all neighbours and they need to work together to solve it.

Well my friend, that is what Turkey was saying from the beginning. But for some reason we left alone. Now it is your turn to be alone.

PKK retreating to Iraq solves nothing, these mountains know no borders, these are no geographical borders.
if it was up to me I would cut the budget share to KRG and watch them cry, all exports to Turkey cannot cover that budget.

It solves the biggest problem Turkey currently has. As for Iraq, yeah, it won't solve anything but become your pain in the ***.
Yet, they have been in Iraq for decades, used it as a safe haven long before this 'good' relations between Turkey and KRG has started. What did Iraq do other than bitching and moaning after every operation Turkey has done against that threat?

Well my friend, that is what Turkey was saying from the beginning. But for some reason we left alone. Now it is your turn to be alone.

It solves the biggest problem Turkey currently has. As for Iraq, yeah, it won't solve anything but become your pain in the ***.

Iraq has been fighting the Kurdish guerillas since the 70s when Iran supported them, all during the 80s in the Iran-Iraq war and in the 90s "The kurdish uprising".
After 1991 Iraqs military was weakened because of the gulf war, there were no fly zones established thus Iraq could not engage the Kurdish guerillas, Saddam decided to pass a law allowing Turkey to operate in Northern Iraq and fight the Kurdish guerillas.
After 2003 Iraq is not in direct control of KRG region, the KRG government is which is dealing with Turkey.
They are allowing them a safe heaven and you protect them against Iraq.

"It solves the biggest problem Turkey currently has. As for Iraq, yeah, it won't solve anything but become your pain in the ***.".

PKK could jump over the border into Turkey anyday, you do realize they are going to the other side of the mountain ? on paper it says Iraq but the mountain does not say Iraq, and it will be hard to have security forces watching over that mountain 24/7, so what does it solve ?

Besides I do not see how you think Iraq is the agressor or rejecting relations with Turkey, after 2003 Iraq has not done anything against Turkey, but Turkey has made oil/gas deals ignoring the constitution of another country and lets not forget the water problem in Iraq, Turkish dams. so what made you typ the bs that Iraq has been allowing a safe heaven for the PKK ?

Actually way before 1970.. Iraq was fighting the Kurdish militias in 1958 and before.., though this would go offtopic cause it is not PKK.
PKK could jump over the border into Turkey anyday, you do realize they are going to the other side of the mountain ?

Would you like to be in a place where your life expectancy is only 4 year? Of course you wouldn't, nor those terrorists... Perhaps that is one of the reason why they have decided to leave Turkey so once again they can enjoy the safety of Iraq.

Besides I do not see how you think Iraq is the agressor or rejecting relations with Turkey, after 2003 Iraq has not done anything against Turkey, but Turkey has made oil/gas deals ignoring the constitution of another country and lets not forget the water problem in Iraq, Turkish dams. so what made you typ the bs that Iraq has been allowing a safe heaven for the PKK ?

Despite its responsibility, Iraq hasn't showed any efforts to solve this problem so far. Let alone that, now it is trying to become an obstacle. If you are unable to control your lands or not willing to do so, don't cry if your neighbour doesn't take you serious.
Would you like to be in a place where your life expectancy is only 4 year? Of course you wouldn't, nor those terrorists... Perhaps that is one of the reason why they have decided to leave Turkey so once again they can enjoy the safety of Iraq.

Despite its responsibility, Iraq hasn't showed any efforts to solve this problem so far. Let alone that, now it is trying to become an obstacle. If you are unable to control your lands or not willing to do so, don't cry if your neighbour doesn't take you serious.

So you just responded to 1 part..

Resistance fighters could not give a fk about the life expectancy, they come from safe countries, they are not there for comfort and a good life they are there to fight and die if needed..

Iraq has actually taken a lot of action, just look at history it says it all.
read my previous comment again cause I just answered everything.

I am not crying, you should put the ultranationalism aside and look at the facts and history before making up more stories.
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