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Terrorists kill Damascus University Students

They are no foriegn rebels! We saw they started protesting in syrian streets against Assad forces and when Assad started action on them they turned rebels and started asking for support!

Protesting was done by Syrian people yes. Do we not have protests in Pakistan too? You're moving away from the point. There is proof and so much of it. There are foreign fighters fighting on Syrian soil killing Syrians that is supported by GCC and USA. It has nothing to do with Syria. because of this support its caused a big mess in Syria that we see today. Seriously you talk like the whole country of Syria wanted their leader to step down. If that was the case why do we still see him? You should know better everyone has haters and some people want him out yes. Elections should be done he should be ousted by the Syrian people them selves. This is a sorverign countries matter. No other country in this world has a right to interfere let alone SUPPORT and FUND a group to do the deed. Look what it has accomplished? People are dying. No one feels Safe. Country is completely destroyed. You'd like that too? No you'd want it to stop. Have a normal life. A life everyone here deserves.
@Syrian Lion Whats the status of the civil war right now? Are the rebels so close to damascus now? Hearing half the country is under their control. True?
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@Syrian Lion Whats the status of the civil war right now? Are the rebels so close to damascus now? Hearing half the country is under their control. True?
we have been the same news that the terrorists took Damascus, but its nothing but propaganda and lies...
you saw their coward attack on the university, they hit and run then hide like rats... they can't fight...
and those terrorists only rule villages and towns...
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That is horrible. Targeting mosques and killing Islamic scholars was not enough for FSA I guess...
the mere pencil scares the crap out of them...Scorched earth, another of their motto, just like Beni Hillal before them.
we have been the same news that the terrorists took Damascus, but its nothing but propaganda and lies...
you saw their coward attack on the university, they hit and run then hide like rats... they can't fight...
and those terrorists only rule villages and towns...

No offence, but still cant imagine, they crawling so close to the city and launching an attack. Even if it was villages, i hope they are secured. The rebels have clearly losing support. This time the west should listen to Russia for an good transition.
The regime has destroyed whole cities and have been always blaming it on FSA although they barley had AKs, the regime use Scud missiles, artillery and MRLS in lveling cities to the ground
From, where we see it, it is the other way around...With you, hypocrisy is the norm.
No offence, but still cant imagine, they crawling so close to the city and launching an attack. Even if it was villages, i hope they are secured. The rebels have clearly losing support. This time the west should listen to Russia for an good transition.

well those rats, hide between people, which slows down the Syrian army job... F$A use humans as shields, they fight between people and in cities... but then they hide and run like rats... the problem is the weapons and terrorists flow into Syria.. the west and gcc are giving full support to those terrorists

From, where we see it, it is the other way around...With you, hypocrisy is the norm.

he forgot the suicide bombings the F$A terrorists done...
Blindly firing mortars into a packed city is itself cowardice

What was the intended target anyways?

It's unacceptable that religious and education facilities are being struck and ordinary lives being affected. Every day something negative and depressing there
Blindly firing mortars into a packed city is itself cowardice

What was the intended target anyways?

It's unacceptable that religious and education facilities are being struck and ordinary lives being affected. Every day something negative and depressing there
the target was the university.... those terrorists made a statement banning people from going to school to receive education... those terrorists want to scare people from attending schools, they are against education...
No, dont kid yourself. This insurgency is not about democracy. It is about destroying Syria, the nation state and neutralize their role in the resistance axis (Iran-Syria-Hezbollah).

Under what just said, it is a brutal confessional war between Sunism and Shiism. The sad thing that even the purveyors of men, arms and funds[KSA/Qatar] are using Syria, in their respective ideology chicken fight,to even score.
From, where we see it, it is the other way around...With you, hypocrisy is the norm.

Blackeagle is not the one who is blinded on everything and he is able to criticize any side
Having a strong opinion still makes this forum exist ... if everyone having the same perception of events, this forum would not be as much interesting

Anyway sicky attack . disgusting. i am sad for Syrians such monsters exist
Under what just said, it is a brutal confessional war between Sunism and Shiism. The sad thing that even the purveyors of men, arms and funds[KSA/Qatar] are using Syria, in their respective ideology chicken fight,to even score.

I dont agree with that. Its a war between an anti-Zionist secular state and Salafism.
If it was between Sunnism and Shiism, it would be a full scale civil war, where the FSA would have enjoyed majority of populations support (as they are Sunni).
But they dont have that, and its not a civil war as it is now. You dont see masses of different sects pitted against each other, as have would have been the case in a sectarian civil war.

What we have here is a foreign backed insurgency against a sovereign state.
Horrible! Hope someone knocks some sense in these idiot terrorists.
If Assad is so peace loving, Why dont he stop his military fighting and help pave way for a peace deal? or peacefully step down and end the chaos!

Do you think by stepping down, it will stop the chaos...To get a realistic answer...Look at Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia and Libya. This is the plan drawn by the Bush administration to redraw and reshape the Middle East that will be favorable to the policies of the US and their cronies..
look at this...

The GCC [Qatar and KSA], they play the role of a doormat bankers and meat fodder providers...to keep their respective hides white and shiney...But the laquais of the two is played by Jordan...and of course by the magnificient Souleyman's islamist government. Attaturk must be restless...All his effort to give a dignity to a country and its citizen, was washed away, by an brother Islamist...:butcher:
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He tried that after massacring 80000 of Syrian citizens , Do you have any new logical argument my friend .

Same story, same accusations ran in the nineties, while absolving radical Islamist from any wrongdoings. The western media was so enamored with them that an incensed mother Teresa rose from her grave.
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