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Terrorists kill Damascus University Students

My government never reported anything about "explosive phosphorous" shells. Thats ur own invention.

Actually its your ally Assad who use "explosive phosphorus" rounds:
my invention???
During the Gaza Operation, IDF forces used munitions containing white phosphorous,
which is in common use by militaries worldwide. In particular, IDF used two different
types of munitions containing white phosphorous – exploding munitions and smoke
500 > the images are obviously not phosporus bombs.
why are you obsessed about it. It is ok anyone can make a mistake. Why western media don't say about phosporus bomb if it was so?

White phosphorus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Israel-Lebanon conflict (2006)
During the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict, Israel claimed that it had used phosphorus shells "against military targets in open ground" in south Lebanon. Israel clarified that its use of the white phosphorus bombs was permitted under international conventions.[18] President of Lebanon Émile Lahoud claimed that phosphorus shells were used against civilians in Lebanon.[19] The first Lebanese official complaint about the use of phosphorus came from Information Minister Ghazi Aridi.[20]
and by the way you know Lahoud is very far from being in Hezbollah ;)
Dictator or not open ur eyes up Syria is totally fucked up. Fighting for freedom for 2 years and still cant topple the government? Bullshit. This stupid FSA is nothing but backed up mercenaries and without that its nothing. How long does it take to topple a government if the majority are against the President? It just doesnt make sense. So many people are dying. Infrastructure in the country is being destroyed. Theres no food no security anymore. Is this the freedom people wanted? give me a break.

So majority was not against Saddam thats why he could stay on top for decades? You pull the sectarian card but Asad is walking on the same path as Saddam. Saddam forcefully occupied the top spot when a majority o Shi'ites hated his guts, Asad is forcefully occupying the top spot when most of Sunnis hate him (not surprising considering his father military operations which killed thousand of Sunnis).

Its like a knee jerk reaction among you guys.
So majority was not against Saddam thats why he could stay on top for decades? You pull the sectarian card but Asad is walking on the same path as Saddam. Saddam forcefully occupied the top spot when a majority o Shi'ites hated his guts, Asad is forcefully occupying the top spot when most of Sunnis hate him (not surprising considering his father military operations which killed thousand of Sunnis).

Its like a knee jerk reaction among you guys.

I'm tired of repeating myself... so I will just copy a comment I made earlier...

Look I'm tired with you denying reality and facts... if F$A controlled 70% of Syria, explain to me outside "opposition" .... why don't they go to that part where they control? why are they outside??

look there would be no army if Syrians were against the government... the army would be dissolved, and perfect example was Iraqi Army that dissolved easily in 2003, because the people were against Saddam... you must not know Syrians... we do not fear anyone but God... if we wanted Alasad out, he would have been gone... NO POWER ON THIS EARTH CAN STOP US... do you ever ask yourself... if this was a true "Syrian" revolution.. why are there foreigners? why the west, Israel, gcc, and non Syrians are interfering? why does the F$A need NATO to invade Syria? don't they have the Syrian people support to fight with them?
Look at Libya for example... The whole city of Benghazi and every military in that city defected... unlike Syria... if you really claim that Syrians are against Alasad... then I don't know why Alasad is still in Damascus... do you think Russia and Iran have power over the Syrian people? if Syrians were with F$A... they would have killed anyone easily... they would have had airports and jets... just like Benghazi when defected...you are just denying facts... your hatred and racism, made you go blind... yes that is the reality... what can the minority do against the majority? if you claim that majority are against Alasad... the majority can easily win.. look at the Syrian population and army... 70% Syrian population would fall under the Sunnis category... and there are many Sunnis soldiers in the Syrian army... now you are going to say Alawaites are in control.. but that doesn't mean a Sunni can't take his gun and shoot his commander or anyone easily.. all it takes is one bullet... so why is the Syrian Army is sitll there? because the Syrian Army is the SYRIAN PEOPLE...

If you want war, then don't complain about bloodshed and destruction... I'm against bloodshed and war... I will do anything to end it... unlike the outside Opposition who ask for more weapons and bloodshed, and even ask for NATO invasion...

Source(I posted this comment in this thread): http://www.defence.pk/forums/arab-d...ecurity-along-syria-border.html#ixzz2PZndmg00

in addition... don't forget Bahrain :disagree:
my invention???
Why dont u bring a full quote:

A small number of exploding munitions containing white phosphorous were used by the IDF during the operation, as mortar shells fired by ground forces and as rounds from naval vessels. These munitions were fired only at open unpopulated areas and were used only for marking and signaling. No exploding munitions containing white phosphorous were used in built-up areas of the Gaza Strip or for anti-personnel purposes.
Therse are small marking mortar shells in open areas. Israel never used M110 type WP rounds.

Correction... USA and GCC invest billions...
Total US aid is only 1.5% of our GNP and it comes as military assistance.

you were killing innocent Palestinians, and till this day you still are... stealing houses... land and etc... Palestinans needed help.. and Syria helped them in name of Arabism... however Hamas betrayed Syria... and became Qatarael ally... I just don't understand...
Spare me of your nonsense. Palestinians in Israel live far better than in Syria, they live better than Syrian citizens themselves. And your regime slaughtered more Palestinians than anyone else (Tal Zaatar 1976, Tripoli 1983, War on Camps 1985-1987).

Hamas has no weapons supply line anymore.. Syria is busy.. why doesn't Israel just finish them? oh wait Hamas became an ally with an Israeli puppet...
We could finish Hamas in Gaza long time ago, but once we leave their place will take someone else, probably even worse. This is what happened in Lebanon when we destroyed PLO. We dont want to stay in Gaza forever. And dont want to repeat our old mistakes.
Why dont u bring a full quote:

Therse are small marking mortar shells in open areas. Israel never used M110 type WP rounds.

Total US aid is only 1.5% of our GNP and it comes as military assistance.

Spare me of your nonsense. Palestinians in Israel live far better than in Syria, they live better than Syrian citizens themselves. And your regime slaughtered more Palestinians than anyone else (Tal Zaatar 1976, Tripoli 1983, War on Camps 1985-1987).

We could finish Hamas in Gaza long time ago, but once we leave their place will take someone else, probably even worse. This is what happened in Lebanon when we destroyed PLO. We dont want to stay in Gaza forever. And dont want to repeat our old mistakes.

Palestinians are living in hell.. thanks to your oppression... stop spreading lies and propaganda about the democracy in Israel..

you must be really dumb.. Tal Zaatar was the Kataeb party, Syria was not involved.... and what the heck are those massacres... never heard of them... if you are talking about WAR.. yes there was War, and Syria did kill their enemies... now stop spreading lies...

now let me list the massacres... I can't even list the massacres Israel committed... to many to remember...

Deir Yassin massacre



















1948 Palestinian exodus from Lydda and Ramle

in Lebanon...



Qana Massacre #1 on Apr 18, 1996

Nabatiyeh Massacre on Apr 18, 1996

Mansouri Ambulance Massacre on Apr 13, 1996

Al-Zahrani Massacre in 1994

Aitaroun Massacre in 1989

Iqleem al-Toffah Massacre in 1985

Bier al-Abed Massacre in 1985

Sohmor Massacre in 1984

Sabra and Shatila Massacres in 1982 (2nd invasion)

Al-Abbasiyeh Massacre in 1978 (1st invasion)

Khiam Massacre in 1978 (1st invasion)

Adloun Massacre in 1978 (1st invasion)

Kawneen Massacre in 1978 (1st invasion)

Rashaya Massacre in 1978 (1st invasion)

Al-Ouzaii Massacre in 1978 (1st invasion)

Bint Jbeil Massacre in 1976

Aitaroun Massacre on May 17, 1975

Yareen Massacre in 1974

Hanin Massacre on Nov 26, 1967

Houla Massacre #2 in 1967

Houla Massacre #1 in 1949

Salha Mosque Massacre in 1948

Brital Massacre on Aug 14

Ali Nahri Village Massacre on Aug 13

Bourj Al-Shamali Massacre #2 on Aug 13

Jibsheet Massacre on Aug 13

Al-Tayri Massacre on Aug 13

Rwais Massacre in Aug 13

Rshaf Massacre on Aug 12

Kharaib Massacre on Aug 12

Marjeyoun Convoy Massacre on Aug 11

Akkar Massacre on Aug 11

Mashghara Massacre on Aug 9

Ghaziyi Massacre #2 on Aug 8

Shiah Massacre on Aug 7

Ghaziyi Massacre #1 on Aug 7

Houla Massacre on Aug 7

Ansar Massacre on Aug 6

Qaa Massacre on Aug 4

Taibeh Massacre on Aug 4

Maaroub Massacre on Aug 1

Harees Massacre on July 31

Qana Massacre #2 on July 30

Srifa Massacre on July 29

Yater Massacre #2 on July 28

Deir Qanoun Massacre on July 28

Nabatiyeh Massacre #2 on July 25

Silaa Massacre on July 19

Ainata Massacre on July 19

Sour/Tyre Massacre #2 on July 19

Nabatiyeh Massacre #1 on July 19

Nabi Sheet Massacre on July 19

Al-Hawsh Massacre on July 17

Al-Rmayleh Massacre on July 17

Ebba Massacre on July 16

Tyre Civil Defense Massacre #1 on July 16

Borj El-Shamali Massacre #1 on July 16

Aitaroun Massacre #2 on July 16

Marwaheen Massacre on July 15

Zebqeen Massacre on July 14

Baraasheet Massacre on July 14

Yater Massacre #1 on July 14

Dwair Massacre on July 13

Aitaroun Massacre #1 on July 12

and much more... also the Israeli F$A massacres in Syria...
Why dont u bring a full quote:

Therse are small marking mortar shells in open areas. Israel never used M110 type WP rounds.
Israel admitted use of exploding white phosphorous ammunition, where they hit, is some thing you can find from UN observers and videos.

being small doesn't change it's nature:
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Palestinians are living in hell.. thanks to your oppression... stop spreading lies and propaganda about the democracy in Israel..
Palestinians live very well in Israel. Thats fact. Much better than beggar Syrians.

you must be really dumb.. Tal Zaatar was the Kataeb party, Syria was not involved....
Yes, Syrian army was collecting flowers :lol: Christians were losing in Lebanon to Sunnis. That scared Alawi regime of Syria and they helped Christians. Later they also told their Amal militia to slaughter more Palestinians.

now let me list the massacres... I can't even list the massacres Israel committed... to many to remember...
This is a BS list. Every event when one guy is hurt is called a "massacre".

Israel admitted use of exploding white phosphorous ammunition, where they hit, is some thing you can find from UN observers and videos.
Israel admitted using smoke and screening rounds. There are hundreds of correspondents packed in tiny Gaza, live internet cameras whcih broadcasted 24 h a day and so on. And no one could see a SINGLE phosphorus round which is not smoke. Not a SINGLE. All rounds that were filmed are smoke M825.
so what if the rebels bomb damasscus with their $2 mortars. The rapist syrian army is bombing everywhere in Syria, they are turning Syria into stone age lol Assad gone rogue.
so what if the rebels bomb damasscus with their $2 mortars. The rapist syrian army is bombing everywhere in Syria, they are turning Syria into stone age lol Assad gone rogue.

You don't care that Damascus is being bombed because you are an Egyptian, but if Cairo was being bombed you would care. You are a hypocrite.
America rather have Assad than Saddam because he is a Shia and Saddam is not. Saddam was the leader that controlled the Shia, never let them opened their mouth and the Shia welcomed US intervention. Saddam was the only few leaders beside Mubarak and Ben Ali that kept the Shia quiet beceause they know who they are exactly.

The rebels controlled 85% of Aleppo, controled provisional capital Al Razzaq and 70% the whole Syria this shows that Assad is falling. Damascus is the only city that is surrounded by Assad rapist army, hezbollah, Iranian revolutionary guard and Iraqi Shia army. It's awkward that four army can't even wipe the rebels off. Oh, the majority of Assad army are Suuni and there are around 80,000 defectors so far, it's still counting now, in a few months the Syrian army will only be the Alawites and other Shia armies.

Everything seems to be fine in Bahrain, the Saudi managed to hold the Bahraini Shias. What do you think the Saudi will do? slaughter them all like Assad do? No, we are not slaughtering people and we are not turning cities into stone age like Assad is doing.

I care about Syria because the Suuni is being butchered by Assad. Egypt, the entire Middle East and the Islamic world is watching Syria idiot. Egypt is a Suuni country, they are not rogue like Shia Assad. It had been peaceful for many years. FOOOL
America rather have Assad than Saddam because he is a Shia and Saddam is not. Saddam was the leader that controlled the Shia, never let them opened their mouth and the Shia welcomed US intervention. Saddam was the only few leaders beside Mubarak and Ben Ali that kept the Shia quiet beceause they know who they are exactly.

The rebels controlled 85% of Aleppo, controled provisional capital Al Razzaq and 70% the whole Syria this shows that Assad is falling. Damascus is the only city that is surrounded by Assad rapist army, hezbollah, Iranian revolutionary guard and Iraqi Shia army. It's awkward that four army can't even wipe the rebels off. Oh, the majority of Assad army are Suuni and there are around 80,000 defectors so far, it's still counting now, in a few months the Syrian army will only be the Alawites and other Shia armies.

Everything seems to be fine in Bahrain, the Saudi managed to hold the Bahraini Shias. What do you think the Saudi will do? slaughter them all like Assad do? No, we are not slaughtering people and we are not turning cities into stone age like Assad is doing.

I care about Syria because the Suuni is being butchered by Assad. Egypt, the entire Middle East and the Islamic world is watching Syria idiot. Egypt is a Suuni country, they are not rogue like Shia Assad. It had been peaceful for many years. FOOOL
Saudi Arabia wanted Saddam out, i watched a video where the saudi king at an arab conference said he wanted saddam out.
No, the Gulf and the Arabs opposed the US intervention to Iraq. Now they have absolute no relationship with Iraq because they are Shia who gives no rights for Suuni
This so called "rain of fire" is harmless M825 smoke round. No one could see any other WP rounds used by Israel, although tiny Gaza is literally packed with correspondents and cameras.

In addition to M825 Israel used little number of marking mortars in open areas. But since they were in small numbers and in open areas no one could even see them.
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