So the identity of suicide bombers are never released? again making yourself a true joker and representative of your community. The key different between your community/baloch vs other communities in Pak is the following
1. If terrorism/suicide bombing was widespread in punjab and committed by punjabis we would interospect and call out members of our own community for the greater good of pakistan. Infact every single punjabi member would 150% agree with me here that if it was disproportional we would take extremely strict action against member of our families let alone overall community. You pashtuns/baloch are so tribal that even if your brother goes and murders 1000s you will protect him.
2. Once MQM was doing their wave of crime in the later 2000s most members of the sindhi/mujahir community called them out and favored ranger/army action against terrorist. Actively supporting the army rather than supporting leftist/terrorist forces as is widespread in your regions
3. Most tax revenue is taken from karachi/punjab yet you will never see a ethnocentric punjabi party complaining of their tax funds being wasted in provinces were a mosque is built 1 day then blown up the next. Neither balochistan nor KPK contribute any signicant source of funds/tax revenue to pak yet they have nationalistic ethnocentric parties? for what?
4. Pashtuns/baloch are absolutely unwilling to interospect in their own communities, whether educated/uneducated. whether left wing or right wing. Whether in afghanistan or pakistan...It appears that pashtuns/baloch always blame other ethnic groups for their problems/miseries
5. Punjabis/mujahirs/kashmiris/hazaras/kalash never supported foreign agencies or militaries against their own country. Time and time again whether PTM/TTP/BLA have taken aid and weapons from foreign governments. In afghanistan the situation is such that pashtuns such as Najibullah/Karzai/Ghani went as far as inviting foreign armies such as Soviets/Nato to invade and pillage their countries. Punjabis/Kashmirirs/Sindhis hold a close affinity with groups across the border in India yet they never took aid to engage in terror activities....
I am sorry to say, but the general reputation of pashtuns in afghanistan amongst other ethnic groups is that pashtuns are sell outs and will do anything for money. Their loyalty can be bought for dollars. Please dont lead other pakistani ethnic groups to have the same opinion of pashtuns in pak because my thoughts will become majority thoughts one day if this continues for next 20 years as it has the last 20 years.
Again I wont respond or comment to a fool like you as ive spent enough time trying to make you understand for the better of pakistan and its security. Some people cannot ever change...