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Terrorist attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore

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I have not much knowledge about the different sects of muslim. The way the Ahmedis are treated in Pakistan props a question in my mind.

Is Ahmedis like the Dalits in India ?

That also gives rise to the question

Are Sunnis like the upper caste in India ?

How do you define this ?

Just a curiosity.


Use google and do not ask such nonsense here, Ahmadies are one of the richest, if not the richest and most prosperous, litetrate minority in Pakistan.

Dalits are poor low caste, Ahmadies just have a different beleif.

What a stupid question to ask.
its not just TTP its their type mentality and the mind frame is real enemy call any one who disagree with you declare them kafir and start murdering their unarmed worshipers. I really wonder who call such a$$5*i3s hero.

As I said before, it is hard to change the mentality of grown ups. Change the mentality of youngsters who are being brainwashed by our own people. The long term solution is not to kill people but to kill the elderly terrorists who are firm and are not accepting the rule of law. However, educating younger people will surely bring a change.
I have not much knowledge about the different sects of muslim. The way the Ahmedis are treated in Pakistan props a question in my mind.

Is Ahmedis like the Dalits in India ?

That also gives rise to the question

Are Sunnis like the upper caste in India ?

How do you define this ?

Just a curiosity.


No wrong thought .. nothing like that here, Ahmedis are equal Pakistanis just like all minorities , its some of these rats who call themselves muslims they are fed by their foreign fundo masters, in return they declare kafir or murder any one who disagree with their version of Islam.
I have not much knowledge about the different sects of muslim. The way the Ahmedis are treated in Pakistan props a question in my mind.

Is Ahmedis like the Dalits in India ?

That also gives rise to the question

Are Sunnis like the upper caste in India ?

How do you define this ?

Just a curiosity.


why dont you use google, nothing is like dalits and shudra and brahmin from india..

so which part from ram are you from, the mouth part, the brain part, or the bottom hole part??
It is a very shamless act which done by these bunch of losers n demoralized people. They are nothing but a trouble.
Benny: If you will thank any of my post from now on, I will report it to the administration. Hope you got the message!
it was russians who killed him, russian who see eye to eye with US cannot tolerate some third world country like Pakistan tearing them apart into many pieces.
btw some US high ranking officials were also killed with Zia.. if it was an inside job. then the case would have been solved within months by our Uncle Sam.

So, the unchecked case of mangoes that went in to the plane were sent by the russians.

Great logic, did you know that Zia went into isolation after the ojhri camp blast, he was not seen in months and was asked to come by the some other top ranking official, he declined becase his life was in danger.

He wanted everyone to travel with him in the plane, when the americans agreed, he jumped into the plane.

General Mirza Aslam Beg flew past him and went his way rather than looking at what happened.

If the russiand wanted to kill him, why wait till its all over and anot earlier. Zia was very well protected.
Use google and do not ask such nonsense here, Ahmadies are one of the richest, if not the richest and most prosperous, litetrate minorities in Pakistan.

Dalits are poor low caste, Ahmadies just have a different beleif.

What a stupid question to ask.

According to some sources, the owner of Shahnawaz motors Pakistan is an Ahmadi.
^^ Mercedes
The word 'bigotry' has been very fashionable on the forum these days.

their quaid e tehreek musharraf ali jinnah used this word in his bible "in the line of hell fire", they are bound to follow him even they have to follow him to hell. presently he resides in london. all wisdoms come from london now. self proclaimed master of pakistan and his bunch of followers
I have not much knowledge about the different sects of muslim. The way the Ahmedis are treated in Pakistan props a question in my mind.

Is Ahmedis like the Dalits in India ?

That also gives rise to the question

Are Sunnis like the upper caste in India ?

How do you define this ?

Just a curiosity.


What is the problem with you Indians ?? Can't you people atleast do some basic research bfore launching such stupid, idiotic questions.

How hard is for you guys to open google and give a search and see that are Ahmadis a sect of the religion or a caste ??

And for Indian members, Ahmadis are working at very good jobs, they have been inducted to the armed forces, they are in the security apparatus, civil bureaucracy and many other places.

One of my ex boss from this very same sect, is now a foreign country head of a certain Pakistani private bank operating abroad. I have myself worked with many from this sect in the banking industry and with very good positions.

We had generals, brigadiers as well as airforce and naval officers from this sect.

So get this thing in your mind, that they have not been treated like how you guys treat your dalits.

Anymore stupid and idiotic questions of such nature, you guys would be out. Do some basic research and then come on the forum and post questions.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

No one is a terrorist. You are calling them terrorists because they are standing on the other side of the fence. However, there is a way to tackle problems. One should not take law in his own hands and start to kill people. If you have problem than protest peacefully. TTP crossed the line from being a protestor to kill innocent people. As T-Faz said, "An eye for an eye and a hand for a hand."[/quote]

An eye for an eye, A hand for a hand and a life for a life. This is the core principle and we must stick to it.

The Bold Part
Unfortunately this is the same basic shariah principle that western democracy supporters dont like..

According to them.. An eye will land you in Jail for approx 6 months
A Hand will Land you in Jail for approx 6 months.

(These are estimates just to make a point.. you can never have an aye for an eye in west)

When you want it you agree to it, when u dont u bash em.
twist and turn the beliefs according to ones need. Hypocracy at its best.
Fuckin ttp. These cunning, shrewd bastards. They know how to play with people's lives and emotions. They know their existence is in trouble by not only from Pakistan Army but Pakistani people too, for the way they carried out their assaults indiscriminatly. Now without any social support they begin to target the minorties who are unpopular in mainstream Pakistani society to create not only a breathing room for themselves but also sympathy and even acceptence.
I hope this time around we are smart enough to see that beacuse ttp hates us all equally. Today they have attacked Ahmedis but in the past they have attacked Shias, too and didn't let go Sunnis either.
These terrorist bastards are in the buisness of taking lives, they are not fighting a religious war, they are just invoking religious sentiments to further their violent agenda.

RIP to the innocent people of today's terrorist act.
Is something up there so thick that you can't get the idea what is being talked about or what ??

In last 1 decade of this violence, not a single attack happened on this sect people, but all of a sudden such a massive attack, speaks something else.

Especially after the incidents which i just mentioned. If you don't have any idea what i am talking about, then understand it and then comment.

There is no conspiracy theory, this act is something which has been done to convey a message and the motivation behind it is linked to what i just said in the earlier post.

If you don't know about what incidents happened, then plz keep it closed and know about it first and then comment.


Your attention is drawn to the bolded parts of your statement.

In above post you have claimed

"In last 1 decade of this violence, not a single attack happened on this sect people"

I have to submitted the following:

Several examples of police bias have been given above. On 26 August 1998 several hundred armed people led by local clerics attacked the Ahmadi mosque in Naukot, district Mirpurkhas, Sindh. Several Ahmadis were injured and their religious books, the mosque and adjacent shops of Ahmadis set on fire

Document - Pakistan: Insufficient protection of religious minorities | Amnesty International

a. The above stated attack "On 26 August 1998" but you have said that not a single attack have occurred on Ahmadi or their /Mosque in last 1 decade.

And i think 1998 falls into the definition of last decade.

Now, you statements does not look correct in light of above facts.

b. The link of above is given and is a well respected NGO, Amnesty International whose drum was beaten by Pakistan every now or then.
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

No one is a terrorist. You are calling them terrorists because they are standing on the other side of the fence. However, there is a way to tackle problems. One should not take law in his own hands and start to kill people. If you have problem than protest peacefully. TTP crossed the line from being a protestor to kill innocent people. As T-Faz said, "An eye for an eye and a hand for a hand."[/quote]

The Bold Part
Unfortunately this is the same basic shariah principle that western democracy supporters dont like..

According to them.. An eye will land you in Jail for approx 6 months
A Hand will Land you in Jail for approx 6 months.

(These are estimates just to make a point.. you can never have an aye for an eye in west)

When you want it you agree to it, when u dont u bash em.
twist and turn the beliefs according to ones need. Hypocracy at its best.

Whatever the case might be, I love Canada because I live freely here. Make yourself strong or listen to our orders.
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