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Terrorist attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore

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LAHORE: Gunmen attacked worshippers from the Ahmadi community in two worship places of Lahore on Friday, taking hostages and killing at least 70 people, officials said.

The gunmen opened fire shortly after Friday prayers and threw what could have been grenades at two Ahmadi worship places in residential neighbourhoods in Pakistan's cultural capital.

Sajjad Bhutta, deputy commissioner of Lahore, said at least 70 people had been killed in the twin attacks on worship places in Garhi Shahu and Model Town. A total of 78 were injured.

The death toll at Garhi Shahu was higher, Bhutta said, because three attackers blew themselves up with suicide vests packed with explosives when police tried to enter the building.

Police are still searching the area as two attackers were still at large.

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani strongly condemned the attacks, expressing “deep sorrow and grief over the loss of precious lives”.

Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif said the incidents would generate greater resolve to combat extremism.

“It's a reminder to the nation that Pakistan will achieve its destiny only after we get rid of the worst type of extremism and fundamentalism,” he told a news conference. “The entire nation will fight this evil.”

He said one attacker had been arrested. Police in Model Town confirmed one gunmen had been arrested and another killed.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but suspicion quickly fell on the Pakistani Taliban.

“It's too early to say who is behind these attacks,” said a Lahore-based security official. “But my guess is that like most other attacks, there would be some link to the Taliban or their associated militants.”

Punjab's Law Minister Rana Sanaullah said the arrested attacker was a teenage Pashtun. This, he said, indicated a link to the tribal area of Waziristan and strongly hinted at a Taliban link.

“The prayer leader was giving a sermon when we heard firing and blasts. Everybody stood up and then two gunmen barged into the place of worship and sprayed bullets,” Fateh Sharif, a 19-year-old student, told Reuters from Model Town.

“They had long beards. They were carrying rucksacks.” Bhutta said a suicide vest laden with explosives was recovered from the Model Town worship place, where some attackers escaped. One fired at a television van before the area was made safe.

“He was young, clean-shaven. He sprayed bullets at our van while fleeing the scene,” Rabia Mehmood, a reporter told Reuters.

Witnesses said the assaults were launched shortly after prayers.

“I saw some gunmen run towards the Ahmadis' place of worship and then I heard blasts and gunfire,” Mohammad Nawaz, a resident, told Reuters.

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) said it had warned of threats against the Ahmadi community centre in Lahore for more than a year and demanded “foolproof security and protection” from the government.

It expressed concern over “the increasing sectarian dimension” of militancy in Pakistan, which it called “a big security threat to the entire society”.

Friday's shootings were the worst attacks in Pakistan since March 12 suicide attacks seconds apart killed 57 people in Lahore while targeting the Pakistani military.

Nine attacks have now killed more than 220 people in Lahore over the past year, a historical city, playground for the elite and home to many top brass in Pakistan military and intelligence establishment.—Agencies
What shamless people, how would you feel if your own dies and you were debating their belonging to something or not.

Let me tell you this, the Saudi Money is behind all this, those gay weak minded fools pay people to further their goals and get away scot free.

We need to destroy the root becuase otherwise they will continue to haunt us.
What shamless people, how would you feel if your own dies and you were debating their belonging to something or not.

Let me tell you this, the Saudi Money is behind all this, those gay weak minded fools pay people to further their goals and get away scot free.

We need to destroy the root becuase otherwise they will continue to haunt us.

For the first time i agree with you... Terrorists get all their money from the Saudi's.
Another day, another reason for all to criticise and feel pity at all muslims, read the comments of others and wake up. We have destroyed oursleves with this use of force to bring about Sharia Law and what not. This garbage is harming us the most, shameless incident by people who should be killed on sight.
all these musharraf clan pakistani be banished from pakistan, they are worse then yazids, all these zerdaris should be kicked out who collaborate with enemies to kill our own people..

the most shameful being these musharrafs, smelly beings, they even dont deserve to live, look at the banished pro shahi iranians, these spread disease else where, where as iranians dont want them to do that.

i am dissappointed how these shameless people can point all fingers at other innocent pakistanis when americans are sitting in their backyard giving them girections, they dont feel shame in drone attacks, what shameless beings these people are really.. cant identify their enemies..

in lahore attacks, the terrorists were let go easily and then all was blamed on taliban now seriously
WHAT THE FCUKING HELL????????????????

benazir was killed and all was blamed on taliban, talibs are just used as scape goats to make safe passage for these reall criminal sc.ums

Please do not go near any pools of water. You will sink like a rock. I think a lot of Pakistani's will like it if you concentrate on your studying for a while. Hopefully you will pass and bring your great mind back to the country. Wishful thinking.
Those pathetic sharif brothers did not listen to the warnings and feel a sense of brotherhood to these monsters, someone get rid of them first. I hope they burn in hell for all the BS they have put us through.
but the problem is most of ppl calling them selves Pakistani's are not living in Pakistan. They live in west and say alot of stuf west wants from us. If it was that ez why dont they come back and do sm thing abt it. Start a political campaign with west's backing
Start an NGO :angel:
btw all it needs is a few days a year in Pakistan (to show patriotism) to run a sucessfull NGO.

How about you sir? .. when are you moving back to our country and giving me a hand in these plans?
Well, I do not want to get killed as other politicians in the past did. I am stating my point of view and the west is not backing me. The reason I consider myself a Canadian is THE PEACE AND FREEDOM we have here. There are no suicide attacks or terrorist attacks in Canada. I know that when I go to my friend's house I will be in a single peace i.e. skeleton. In Pakistan, you are not sure about it. That is the difference..
Make yourself strong enough and kick our (west) ***.

Sir Ji be brave man...

In Pakistan
when going out with friends.. i dont think i will be get shot at by terrorist...

i go to mosque to pray.. i dont think sm one will blow me there.

i go to crowded places.. i dont think sm suicide attack gona kill me...

i hv a family i care for them
i take my family to parks, markets.. every where they want.. we dont think what could or what will happen there... i dont live in fear.. i counter it.

chickening out is not the solution my friend.
i believe i will die when my time is decided.. if i hv to die i can die in us or canada...switching places will do me no good.

Emaan ko taza kero meray dost.. Allah pay bherosa rekho. Pakistan sudhray gay. Insha Allah

ager Majority apki terha sochay to Pakistan khali ho jaye qasam say.

i live in lahore there is a reason ppl there are called zinda dilan e lahore.

My life and death is for Pakistan, In Pakistan.
This mosque was a plane where they pray for a guy.. that said he was a prophet in the 19th century..
thats why they attacked them...
Now i feel less sorry for them

Completely unacceptable.

Join Jolly on his break and contemplate why such prejudice and callousness is unacceptable and likely plays into the sort of extremist mindset that carries out these terrorist attacks on innocents.
Sir Ji be brave man...

In Pakistan
when going out with friends.. i dont think i will be get shot at by terrorist...

i go to mosque to pray.. i dont think sm one will blow me there.

i go to markets, crowded places.. i dont think sm suicide attack gona kill me...

chickening out is not the solution my friend.
i believe i will die when my time is decided.. if i hv to die i can die in us or canada...switching places will do me no good.

Emaan ko taza kero meray dost.. Allah pay bherosa rekho. Pakista sudhray gay.

ager Majority apki terha sochay to Pakistan khali ho jaye qasam say.

i live in lahore there is a reason ppl there are called zinda dilan e lahore.

My life and death is for Pakistan, In Pakistan.

I was KIDNAPPED by the scums when I was 14.
You want to listen more?
You are right! We should kill everyone. One day you will not see a single human being in your country.

I dont know what is your problem mate..you need some medication ASAP ..
How about you sir? .. when are you moving back to our country and giving me a hand in these plans?

Sir Ji i am already here.. Dont confuse the flag please.. Its supports my avatar message. GHQ of Islam.. got it ?

i have to study, so you dont have to worry, what do you do btw??, selling shewing gum in a small shop and the street punks come and tease you while you type on 486 computer like a nurd??

You got it .. Now I believe you when you say Indian Raw and Ajamal or Amar Singh is really who you make them out to be. I think you should post more often if not always. Here I will try and open a forum just for people like you. www.retardedtrollers.com. enjoy
You are plain wrong, Ahmedi are not Muslim hence their place of worship cant not be called a Mosque. You can do whatever you want and get away with it because you are a SuperMod, but your SiperModship does not make your wrong a right. Allah, Quran, Rasool and Sharia are superior, not your SuperMod words or opinion. There has been a long debate on this and Quran clearly favors those who consider Qadyanis non-Muslim. End of discussion.

They are free to call themselves whatever they wish and call their places of worship whatever they wish, and the 'long debate' we had only illustrated the insecurities and lack of faith of those who wish to discriminate against the Ahmadis by denying them certain basic rights.

Quran, Rasool and Shariah cannot be used to justify prejudice, bigotry, intolerance and open discrimination against a community as many who support the black laws against Ahmadis do.
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