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Terrorist and killer Narendra Modi on TIME 2012 list is a shame

I feel so bad that you have to live such a pity full life.

Go walk in the time square area with a green **** and shout allah-ho-akbar and come home safe... then u can talk about Modi

Allah hu Akbar means God is Great! :D

Praise God :agree: And I seriously doubt shouting it will do anything
You have learnt Stoned to death from your religion or region ?

I reached at the conclusion after looking at his black,ugly face revealing how much dark and cruel heart he has...STONE HIM TO DEATH AS SOON AS POSSIBLE...
There's a lot you don't seem to know about.



I dont know what secular section you are talking about?

The sections that don't want the bellicose posturing of the Sangh Parivar and want to lead peaceful lives without the injection of religion into politics. The ones who have voted for non-communal agendas, based on development, rather than on divisive issues related to religion.

Pro muslim or pro minority is the only criteria of these secular section ....

You are entitled to your opinion. That is all that it is, your personal opinion. I might happen to define it as those who want nothing to do with religion in public life.

Again we are dividing ourself on the line of minority majority which is basically nothing but relegion wise.. Is religion matter so much to us that its above the Law or constitution of India ? i think no.

It is you and your fellows of the Sangh Parivar who are dividing India on the lines of minority or majority. Your turning the situation around is ironic. If religion was not so much to you that it was above the law or the Constitution of India, neither would the leaders of the BJP, the VHP and other front organisations have agitated for the destruction of the Babri Masjid, and, contrary to their commitments, demolished it, nor would Narendra Modi have violated his oath of loyalty to the constitution and egged on majority community hoodlums to assault the minority.

True meaning of secular will be no division on basis race cast relegion or etc.......

True. That you know it and you don't practise it points to your outstanding hypocrisy.

But those So called Secular people are only creating division.

Are you making sense? Those who talk about teaching the minority a lesson so that they will never make the same mistake again, those who hold public rallies inciting violence and hatred, those who doctor textbooks in states ruled by them, exactly as Pakistan does, rather than acknowledge that these are the villains, you actually say 'secular' people are creating divisions?

When secularism means opposition to any expression of religion in public life, how is this possible?

if at all I have to say on minority, muslim are not in minority anymore the real minorities are sikhs bhuddhist, christians, jain & many other ...

How are Muslims not a minority? Are they more than 50% of the population?

Do you even understand what you are writing?

So did you ever check that as per your Secular sections has anything to say about real minority issues or issues of majority?

Can you define real minority issues, or issues of majority?

Then the truth will be clear for every one to see.

This has become a trend in this country If anyone says anything against muslim then he will be declared anti minority

Is that not literally true?

It is sad to see someone from a vulnerable identity group put his faith on those who will betray him the moment the interests of caste Hindus come up ahead of your interests.

Another secularist bluff. Don't you guys get tired of this media tomfoolery?

The truth cannot ever be told too many times. A lesson that you would do well to learn.

Wrong. Muslims and you secularists believe this conspiracy to be correct but the vote shows otherwise.

The vote shows clearly that the BJP's share has been dropping from year to year. Gujarat is the exception that proves the rule. Yet that too will change, once people get fed up of posturing and start looking for the real results, not for media stories (your expression) put out by the government media management people.

Keep dwelling in your Nehru-Gandhi nonsense world until you'd get overrun by radical lunatics who got a lesson taught by the police.

If you had taken the trouble to read my posts, you would have learnt that I am neither a Nehru supporter, nor a Gandhi supporter, and in fact an opponent of the Congress.

Unfortunately, for two-dimensional people like you, the only game in town is the BJP vs. Congress game.

Look up and take note of the reality. Both these foul and corrupt organisations are doomed.

Only secularist cowards who owe their bread and butter to funds from outside want him tried. IT is evident.

Really? How?
I am secularist.
I want him tried.
I don't owe my bread and butter to funds from outside.

How silly can you get?

Secularism is the new terrorism today against Hindus and sister faiths like Sikhs and Buddhists.

It is a shame that you don't bother to think but imagine that your prejudices, repeated often enough, and loudly enough, will substitute for it.

Secularism is for the exclusion of religion from all public affairs.

It is not against Hindus, Sikhs or Buddhists. A secularist refuses to judge or to divide people according to religion.

How quickly your inner thinking comes out the moment you are not reading from a script.

And secularists are going down in the coming polls. Nothing can stop Modi from becoming the PM.

Dude get this;

First, don't call me dude. I am neither your friend nor your peer. Have the minimal courtesy to address me as I address you.

Secularism = anti-Hindu/Buddhist/Sikh.

As I have mentioned before, repeating a formula again and again does not make it true.
This technique was first used by Goebbels when spreading Nazi propaganda against their enemies. This adoption of Goebbelsian methods is why the Sangh Parivar, their front organisations and their lackeys are called fascist.

This is the real face of secularism. I was once a staunch secularist myself and opposed the Hindu conservatives but when I realized the ploy these anti-dharmic people have, I came to my senses.

I doubt it.

If that riot had not taken place, riots would still be taking place. Gujarat was a crazy place before Modi came to power. Today it leads the nation.

A pretty sad admission. If you knew the statistics, Gujarat was in the forefront before; it continues on the basis of the petrochemical boom thanks to the discovery and exploitation of offshore oil - long before your poster boy came to power. Unfortunately, it was probably before some of those making these bizarre unfounded allegations were born.

And the reason why Pakistanis are worried is because they fear Modi coming to power and their sleeper cells would be purged clean in India. That's the only reason.

Perhaps. What has that to do with me, and with Indians who want him brought to justice?

What do Modi and Israel have in common? They don't take the trash atrocities of Jihad against their people and give back in the same kind.

And here we come to the justification. It is always the last atrocity against them that religious bigots count, not the one they committed before that.

Think about the trash atrocities committed along with the destruction of the Babri Mosque illegally, and contrary to the assurances given. You might find a different perspective emerge.

you can only do it with his efigu in your real life, he can not be touched and we will not abandon a leader like him we are not like you guys who celebrate killing your own good leaders like Salman Tashir, Gadaffi, etc.

Gaddafi was a good leader? Since when?
I reached at the conclusion after looking at his black,ugly face revealing how much dark and cruel heart he has...STONE HIM TO DEATH AS SOON AS POSSIBLE...

Stone to death might be in ur practice not our so we still vote for him until he burns ur hearts to death..............
A very poor impression of what 'us' stands for. Do you think anyone will be impressed by this?

dear joe unfortunately everybody isnt here like you and many of yr countrymen to impress others and collect thanks somepeople are here only to state facts and pursue a healthy discussion..But I forgot truth is always hard to admit..keep going we are in times of realizations and you will realize soon where yu guys stand..
dear joe unfortunately everybody isnt here like you and many of yr countrymen to impress others and collect thanks somepeople are here only to state facts and pursue a healthy discussion..But I forgot truth is always hard to admit..keep going we are in times of realizations and you will realize soon where yu guys stand..

I don't see how calling for somebody you don't like to be stoned has anything to do with what you wrote above. I also can't see which part of your contribution you think is part of a healthy discussion. What is healthy about what you have posted?
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