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Terror attack at government office in Pakistan leaves seven dead


Apr 15, 2012
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ISLAMABAD: At least seven people, including five security personnel, were killed and seven injured on Monday in a terror attack at a government office in Pakistan's northwestern provincial capital of Peshawar, media and officials said.

The brazen attack took place when some militants opened fire and hurled hand grenades at security personnel deployed at the office located at the Bara road of Peshawar, the provincial capital of Pakistan's northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, reported Xinhua.

The militants, who were wearing security personnel uniforms, stormed the building when civil law enforcers were shifting some arrested anti-social elements to the Khyber House, an office of the civil administration of Pakistan's northwestern tribal region of Khyber Agency.

Eyewitnesses said that the attackers to free the prisoners and exchanged gunfire with the security personnel. The gunfight that followed the hand grenades attacks killed six people on the spot, including five security personnel and one attacker.

Some reports said that another militant exploded his explosive jacket when security personnel tried to arrest him.

Terror attack at government office in Pakistan leaves seven dead - The Times of India

At the time of the attack, the representatives of some main political parties of the country were holding a meeting in the Khyber House to devise a strategy for the upcoming general elections in the restive Khyber Agency.
Why there's a sudden rise in violence? Sectarian killings, terrorists killings, target killings... things are really messed up in that part of the world! Doesn't feel like a headline news anymore! Anyway... RIP to the departed souls.
It was all over the news today. These cowardly militants are the worst animals and butchers ever born.
so many news of killings over the past few days.

It was all over the news today. These cowardly militants are the worst animals and butchers ever born.

Can anyone bring government to accountability?

Insider attacks in Afghanistan are good, but bad in Pakistan - Talib is good in Afghanistan, but bad in Pakistan?? Where will Pakistanis stand? RAW, CIA, MOSSAD, MI6 or no Muslim could do this?

As long as these double policy goons are incharge nothing will change. ISI prepares Talibans for Afghanistan, they come back and backstab us. Dig a hole, fall into.

Time is not far when we will just be precivied as a law and order nuisance and crushed between Afghanistan, India and Iran!
Insider attacks in Afghanistan are good, but bad in Pakistan - Talib is good in Afghanistan, but bad in Pakistan?? Where will Pakistanis stand? RAW, CIA, MOSSAD, MI6 or no Muslim could do this?

Perfect post. What we don't want for ourselves how can we want it for the Afghans? Its exactly why we have sher malangs and others who hate us so vociferously. There is no hope and I doubt they will stop hating us.
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