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Tenth Crusade?

Looks like muslim invaders from west made permanent scar on every native hindu soul! I am going to agree with Kalu Miah about their pathogenic hatred towards muslims!
We never heard of any mass murder by muslim generals in east Bengal, although East bengal became muslim....

Sir a permanent mark was not left in our soul, but in your mind. Ours was but a temporary low from which we got back and still practising the faith of our forefathers the way they did and before that their forefathers.

Think about you, unless you were one of those Turk,Afghan,Arab invaders you are permanently bound to them,identify with them, have to glorify them inspite of the carnage they unleashed on yourself. Think where the scar is present : in our soul or in your mind.

Regarding the absence of any killings in Bengal, even if there were any you would be made to celebrate that killings as a victory of the Islamic ghazis over infidels irrespective of the fact the Ghazis were foreigners and the infidels were your own stock, the native population. Can there be any more shame than praising the killers of one's own ancestors ? I think not.
Note the irritation of Indian Hindu nationalists whenever we Muslims try to utter some word of unity among Muslims. Of course Muslims have no "unity" in the sense that we have a Muslim super state like Khilafa, the whole world including us Muslims know that more than Indian Hindu's, but at least we have OIC, which the Indian nationalists are again nervous about, even though OIC is nothing but a joke.

OIC much like your "Ummah" grandeur is a joke ..we know it ..so do you ..no one here is nervous about it.
The whole concept of countries grouping with each other because, majority of their population shares the same faith is ten centuries too late...people of no other faith, hope to form such obsolete military blocs, members of which have such divergent interests.
Some Hindu's cannot get it into their thick heads that many Muslims in South Asia, I would say a good 20-30% carry the invader gene's in varying degree's. Some like the Ashraf Muslims carry it much more than other groups. But if Hindu's like to generalize all Muslims and label them as "converts" they are entitled to their opinion. Like someone pointed out, all Muslims were "converts", the conversion being started by the prophet (SAWS). But it does not change the fact that a large number of Muslims from other regions did migrate to South Asia and contributed to the gene pool of today's Muslims in these lands. So many Muslims in South Asia may have Turkic, Afghan, Arab, Mongol, Brahmin/Aryan, Dravidian and Adivasi (indigenous first nation aboriginal) ancestors.

And it is hard for many to realize that there were fewer population around 1000 to 1400 years ago in all parts of the worlds. In 1000 AD, the total world population was around 400 million and South Asia's share was probably around 50-80 million:
World Population Growth History Chart
Comparing Population Growth: China, India, Africa, Latin America, Western Europe, United States

So during the Muslim rule of the region, the migrations that took place from other Muslim regions did have their off springs intermixed with local populations and they became not insignificant numbers after many generations and at least 16 fold rise in population in India and the rest of the world. Now all Muslims in South Asia cannot be just called "converts" without any ancestral links with other Muslim regions of the world. It is just another fantasy promoted by Big Liars, the Hindu Nationalists, who are working hard to revise history of this region and also Muslim history of the rest of the world, to fit their political scheme, together with Zionists in their shared campaign of Islamophobia.

This is expected from you converts. You get down to personal attacks pretty quick.

Your identity crisis still shows. You can't make a post without referring to "Indian Hindus" and that tells us your mental state.

You are just an insecure little convert who has to prove himself every living second.

Naya naya mullah jyada jor se bang deta hai...

You have had to do it for hundreds of years and the need is only increasing ever more.

To the extent that you need to abuse those who saved your mothers from getting raped and your fathers from being killed as a race!

Gratitude is a natural human emotion. For you it is just haram or halal that counts, not human morality.
In 1193, the Nalanda University was sacked by[10] the fanatic Bakhtiyar Khilji, a Turk;[11] this event is seen by scholars as a late milestone in the decline of Buddhism in India. The Persian historian Minhaj-i-Siraj, in his chronicle the Tabaquat-I-Nasiri, reported that thousands of monks were burned alive and thousands beheaded as Khilji tried his best to uproot Buddhism and plant Islam by the sword[12] the burning of the library continued for several months and "smoke from the burning manuscripts hung for days like a dark pall over the low hills."

This is what that barbarian did in a monastery. What happened to common people and how they were converted was no different from everywhere else.

Again note the selective quoting and using of "revised" history to fit the political agenda of Hindu nationalist campaign of Islamophobia.
Some Hindu's cannot get it into their thick heads that many Muslims in South Asia, I would say a good 20-30% carry the invader gene's in varying degree's. Some like the Ashraf Muslims carry it much more than other groups. But if Hindu's like to generalize all Muslims and label them as "converts" they are entitled to their opinion. Like someone pointed out, all Muslims were "converts", the conversion being started by the prophet (SAWS). But it does not change the fact that a large number of Muslims from other regions did migrate to South Asia and contributed to the gene pool of today's Muslims in these lands. So many Muslims in South Asia may have Turkic, Afghan, Arab, Mongol, Brahmin/Aryan, Dravidian and Adivasi (indigenous first nation aboriginal) ancestors.

Thats nice to know ,congratulations . Care to explain how you got these invader genes ??:coffee:

That can't be because of conversion as doing conversion religion the genes transfer doesn't take place.

And also these invaders didn't bring their families while taking part in the conquest that you could say its due to migration.
This is expected from you converts. You get down to personal attacks pretty quick.

Your identity crisis still shows. You can't make a post without referring to "Indian Hindus" and that tells us your mental state.

You are just an insecure little convert who has to prove himself every living second.

Naya naya mullah jyada jor se bang deta hai...

You have had to do it for hundreds of years and the need is only increasing ever more.

To the extent that you need to abuse those who saved your mothers from getting raped and your fathers from being killed as a race!

Gratitude is a natural human emotion. For you it is just haram or halal that counts, not human morality.

Note the Hindu nationalist insulting our migrant Muslim and local indigenous ancestors, who I am sure were happily married, but to them it is RAPE.
Again note the selective quoting and using of "revised" history to fit the political agenda of Hindu nationalist campaign of Islamophobia.

The Persian historian Minhaj-i-Siraj, in his chronicle the Tabaquat-I-Nasiri, reported this. ;)

Must have been some time back I guess.

Note the Hindu nationalist insulting our migrant Muslim and local indigenous ancestors, who I am sure were happily married, but to them it is RAPE.

Yes, you are sure. We are too. ;)

But still, no anser to this? I am sure you are not so thick headed as not to understand that this was about 1971 events.

To the extent that you need to abuse those who saved your mothers from getting raped and your fathers from being killed as a race!

Gratitude is a natural human emotion. For you it is just haram or halal that counts, not human morality.
And please note the high lighting of inter-Muslim problems to fan the fire of division and Fitna.

You can keep on noting as if highlighting facts takes away from their reality.

And also note how the West is pulled in to be included in the team of Islamophobia campaigners. As far as I can see, it is the Zionist shooting themselves at their foot with this campaign of Islamophobia and Hindu Nationalists joining in as they share the hatred and fear of Muslims and Islam. The West actually fought Muslims since the advent of Islam, but I never see this vile campaign of Islamophobia in history, if anything it was a feeling of mutual respect.

There was only mutual contempt. The political correctness is a recent thing.

Only one aspect is that the internecine issues between Protestants and Catholics (and England and Spain) gave rise to some versions of history that are being discarded by the academia now.

This includes the notion of that non existent "Islamic golden age". It is proven that all advances and innovations were Greek, Indian and Chinese and were mostly carried to the West by Persians or Jews and Christians writing under Arab names.

This particular line of Islamophobia connected with "Islamic terrorism" is a recent phenomenon that coincided with the end of colonial era, as well as the fall of Ottoman, and the rise of Zionism and Hindu nationalism. They would like to pull the West in their team, but I doubt the West will take the bait, as it will bring their ruin and help the rise of pax-sinica.

Islamic terror was a reality since the earliest days. See post # 205.

We can go into details of it in Islamic theology and see if it really is "peaceful and tolerant" or anything like "final and perfect". ;)
Never feed trolls or ignite their fancies, but sometimes it is plain good fun folks. Anyways back to the topic please for everyone, which is about Tenth Crusade, whatever that means.

But fun aside, what these posts show is that for Muslims around the world, we have great enemies. One is a delusional group controlling the finances of the world and a little state in the heart of Mid-east, another delusional group has a billion plus population who want to and may become a global super power someday. Regardless of how innocent and funny the illogical rants might sound today from this second group, what is important is to gauge the hatred in their heart, which will carry on for many generations and will have implications for foreign policy of Muslim majority countries of the world.
Looks like muslim invaders from west made permanent scar on every native hindu soul! I am going to agree with Kalu Miah about their pathogenic hatred towards muslims!
We never heard of any mass murder by muslim generals in east Bengal, although East bengal became muslim....
ayub khan 1971

I have seen some Pakistanis taking great pride in the genocide carried out by Timur Lame, though he perpetrated genocide in several Pakistani areas as well. This is the corrosive effect that is possible.

I can see the kids of Rinki Kumari who was forcibly converted recently in Pakistan after being raped carrying on the legacy and creating more Rinkie Kumaris themselves.

This is called the vicious cycle. And after my experiences and reading some experts (especially ex Muslims) I understand this mindset very well now.

A peculiar case of Stockholm syndrome that stretches centuries and multiple generations.

They can't be too shamed to leave their converted religion ,come back to their original religions .

The only way to deal with it, is to use similar coercive method they experienced when they were converted ,so that the victim has excuse. This method worked perfectly in Spain. The Spanish don't crib about their denouement of Islam .
So now, Mr. Kalu miah will run off as he can not counter the issue raised in a debate.

He and his ilk will take shelter behind "Islamophobia" of the "Indian Hindus" rants and hope it sticks.

It does to the faithful flock. Doesn't work with the rest. ;)

they don't have legs to stand on and the whole world is realizing it.

They are faking as if the West is an "unwilling Islamophobe" driven by the "Zionists" and "Hindutva extremists". Only because it suits them. They want to take down the kaffirs one by one. They think the West is the most difficult to take on now and its turn would come last.

Do they have a special affection for the Western kaffirs over Indian or Jew kaffirs?

You can bet there is no such thing.

The converts from South Asia would obsess about Hindus. The converts from other religions would call their ancestors "apes and pings" and so on.

We understand. Doesn't mean we condone. ;)
dont care what happened in the past.. today all muslim country combined will get walloeped by India if they went to war. forget US, even tiny israel will kick islamic armies into submission.
they best muslim countries can do is to tie a bomb on their backs and blow innocents one by one.
Never feed trolls or ignite their fancies, but sometimes it is plain good fun folks. Anyways back to the topic please for everyone, which is about Tenth Crusade, whatever that means.

But fun aside, what these posts show is that for Muslims around the world, we have great enemies. One is a delusional group controlling the finances of the world and a little state in the heart of Mid-east, another delusional group has a billion plus population who want to and may become a global super power someday. Regardless of how innocent and funny the illogical rants might sound today from this second group, what is important is to gauge the hatred in their heart, which will carry on for many generations and will have implications for foreign policy of Muslim majority countries of the world.

But not the West which is actually doing the fighting in Islamic lands?

Just because you are too afraid of them and many of you are living there, doing the reverse hijarat?

From dar-ul-Islam to dar-ul-harb!

Well, let me tell you. all 1.6 billion of you can't do a squat against a country of less than 6 million Jews. You wring hands, claim that you are the David against the Goliath (when even a blind can see who is the Goliath and who enjoys overwhelming advantage in every kind of resource).

You tried to pave roads with Jewish skulls and throw the Jews into the sea and failed miserably.

A simple rule of arithmatic is 0+0+0+0... still remains zero.

I will let you figure out the meaning.

PS: There will be no enemies if you don't make them enemies. Genuinely repent for all the crimes against humanity (and your own ancestors) and start practicing the golden rule of treating others the way you want to be treated.

I know it is a tall order for you but I hope you can gather the courage to do what is right. Else there is doom ahead and the clash of civilization will become a reality.
Sir a permanent mark was not left in our soul, but in your mind. Ours was but a temporary low from which we got back and still practising the faith of our forefathers the way they did and before that their forefathers.

Think about you, unless you were one of those Turk,Afghan,Arab invaders you are permanently bound to them,identify with them, have to glorify them inspite of the carnage they unleashed on yourself. Think where the scar is present : in our soul or in your mind.

Regarding the absence of any killings in Bengal, even if there were any you would be made to celebrate that killings as a victory of the Islamic ghazis over infidels irrespective of the fact the Ghazis were foreigners and the infidels were your own stock, the native population. Can there be any more shame than praising the killers of one's own ancestors ? I think not.

You know, I wondered at this apparent "paradox" for many years. It is just not in line with how human mind works anywhere.

After reading several scholar and ex-Muslims, at least I can now understand why they do it.

For any non Muslims, it is difficult to understand this thought process. You have to read ex-Muslims to understand this apparently "paradoxical" mindset.
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