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Temple demolition increases insecurity, fear among Pakistan's Hindus

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sure.... I bet they are Ahmedi mosques.:mad: Ask a Ahmedi, they will tell you their ordeal living in Pakistan. Like Hindus and Christians, they don't have the freedom to practice their faith in peace
Or a muslim in Bihar... The killing fields?

Nobody is perfect ... Certainly not us nor you..
Older or historic buildings etc belong to the relevant department..

This temple is in a garrison whose land belongs to the army..

Even if it was a mosque .. They would have done the same... I can give you several examples ... One happened infront of me.... In multan they raised a mosque to widen the road.. Ppl protested etc .. Nobody gave a damn... Today there is a 4 laned road at the place where the mosque once stood.

Law for Temple and mosque are not the same. Even in old british law the temple belonged to the temple deity and not to the people managing the temple. I wanted to know if that earlier british law is still in use in pakistan.

For mosque the land belongs to the trustee board.
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Law for Temple and mosque are not the same. Even in old british law the temple belonged to the temple deity and not to the people managing the temple. I wanted to know if that earlier british law is still in use in pakistan.

For mosque the land belongs to the trustee board.

All religious n historical sites are managed by "Aukaaf department"...in Pakistan ...
How many threads would be made out of this ONE story. Endless it seems..... Locked.
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