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Tell Me Why !?

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I beleive Arab and Iranian doe not have so much hatred as it is publicized in PDF....In cultural and societal gathering i had the observation that people from Arab countries go well with each other without much hatred..I think the worD hate is not a ideal word that should be used here...Rather i believe it is the competition of domination that is being in mind between the ruler of Iran and SA that is impacting the relation....As an outsider my view is that IRAN being one of oldest and rich ancient civilization try to dominate the Gulf where as SA and GCC countries boast of being guardian of Holy shrine. This is just an clash of ego politically rather than culturally.....But i feel and i have experienced that in some instances both Arab and Iran people have a very high level of superiority complex while dealing with Muslim and other citizens from India,Pakistan and BD.....
guys, we have arabs too in iran. as i have 4 friend from them and they are sunni, they live in shoshtar, they have sunni mosque in their cities because most of the people among them are sunni so they had built sunni mosque for themselves.
i think if we just tal to our brothers in other nations we can find peace among us, but that needs that we be realstic, many people who hate arabs in iran have the reason of OMAR war with iran that arabs had do many bad things, but i say it's the past , we must take lesson from it (and our failure was because of the third YAZD GERD that made the country falling and if arab didn't invade us , of course other nations would attack us and the same thing....) and even after reading the book : services of Iran and Islam by martyr motahari , i even wanted to have some relationship with SA arabs, sometimes i was successful and sometimes no.

and if we want to move on these problems we need to clear that :
1- we are under the flag of Mohamad(ص) islam.
2- We Iranian must change our behavior for arabs, instead of making fun of what SA and GCC have we must be realistic and accept that they have good thing too ( as arab must do ). For example : in air force equipment after israel , SA have the best fighters, that's fact that we must accept, but there is a reason for iran to do not building fighters : against the US air force we can say nothing in dogfights but with the SAM sites, we can stop most of the air forces .... that is something that arabs must accept too.

when i read about the science that was produced in the 1 to 8 century by arabs, iranian and other muslims i become sad that why Muslims were divided :(
arabs brought islam to persia....why dont persians be thankful to them....the king of persia at that time Kisra was a scoundral type character....

he tore the letter of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.........persians should be happy that Omar bin Khattab radi Allah killed him and his friends and brought islam......but instead they go on around and start cursing the Caliph........why dont the persians curse their king kisra who tore the letter of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him?:undecided:

persians dont like omar bin khattab radi Allah only cause he killed their non muslim forefathers who were enemies of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon them.

persians should decide...either they can be muslims or fire worshipping persians....if they dont like islam...then no need to spread lies and make separate sects.
You could also ask this questions:

Why many Iranians hate the Iranian regime and the velayat-e-faqih system.

Why many Iranians turned their back on islam and have become atheists or christians

Why Iran is seen as the world's most negative country, while during the shah people were proud to travel with their Iranian passport

Why Iran got the highest number of brain drain in the world

Why Iran keep giving billions to other dictatorial regimes, while the people of Iran have to struggle for every penny

Why not only the US and west really dislikes Iran, but also 'friends' like Russia or China betray Iran occasionally

Why Iran is seen - with Israel - as the most negative country in the Middle-East by Arabs

I could give you a lot more of this kind of questions, but I leave it to these one
arabs brought islam to persia....why dont persians be thankful to them....the king of persia at that time Kisra was a scoundral type character....

he tore the letter of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.........persians should be happy that Omar bin Khattab radi Allah killed him and his friends and brought islam......but instead they go on around and start cursing the Caliph........why dont the persians curse their king kisra who tore the letter of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him?:undecided:

persians dont like omar bin khattab radi Allah only cause he killed their non muslim forefathers who were enemies of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon them.

persians should decide...either they can be muslims or fire worshipping persians....if they dont like islam...then no need to spread lies and make separate sects.

WTF?! you think we were praying fire?!!! go and study ******, the fire was a holy element for them they prayed ahora mazda !!! their religion was to pray ahora mazda (not a wood or stone , it's what they called their God like Allah we call now), they said : do good things(helping other , respecting etc...), say good things(don't be rude) , think of good things.

You could also ask this questions:

Why many Iranians hate the Iranian regime and the velayat-e-faqih system.

Why many Iranians turned their back on islam and have become atheists or christians

Why Iran is seen as the world's most negative country, while during the shah people were proud to travel with their Iranian passport

Why Iran got the highest number of brain drain in the world

Why Iran keep giving billions to other dictatorial regimes, while the people of Iran have to struggle for every penny

Why not only the US and west really dislikes Iran, but also 'friends' like Russia or China betray Iran occasionally

Why Iran is seen - with Israel - as the most negative country in the Middle-East by Arabs

I could give you a lot more of this kind of questions, but I leave it to these one

all are bullsh!t !!!
since when life is in this way for us? you know these from Netherlands?!

arabs brought islam to persia....why dont persians be thankful to them....the king of persia at that time Kisra was a scoundral type character....

Why should we be thankful while we had our own religion that had been cultivate for more than 1000 years before Islam. Many religious aspects of that religion has even been put in the Abrahamic religions like Islam.

he tore the letter of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.........persians should be happy that Omar bin Khattab radi Allah killed him and his friends and brought islam......but instead they go on around and start cursing the Caliph........why dont the persians curse their king kisra who tore the letter of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him?:undecided

No, I'm not happy and with me many more. I think that period is the most tragic period in Iran's history. What did Omar Khattab brought to Iran besides Islam? Did he bring knowledge, wealth or wisdom? No, he brought a religion to Iran with aspects that went against many moral values of the Iranians, such as the position of the women in the society. We had thousands years before the Islam women that were fighting with our armies against the Greeks. Now we got moral police to look if women were their scarves good or not. We had an empire, our own culture and many moral values that are superior to the moral values Omar Khattab brought with him.

persians should decide...either they can be muslims or fire worshipping persians....if they dont like islam...then no need to spread lies and make separate sects.

I'll rather be a fire worshipper than a moon worshipper.

all are bullsh!t !!!
since when life is in this way for us? you know these from Netherlands?!

I can give you facts and numbers that support my claims, like the numbers of Brain drain, etc. Come with arguments in stead with this childish reaction.
YOU REALLY DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ISLAM !!! and even you don't know anything about IRAN !!!
so better to close your mouth and do NOT say anything stupid anymore, if you are iranian but live in netherland so i think you are NOT a real iranian, because if you love your country you wouldn't leave it.
YOU REALLY DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ISLAM !!! and even you don't know anything about IRAN !!!
so better to close your mouth and do NOT say anything stupid anymore, if you are iranian but live in netherland so i think you are NOT a real iranian, because if you love your country you won't leave it.

Like I said: come with arguments, in stead with all these personal attacks. If I don't know nothing about Islam or Iran, you could easily show me on which points I'm wrong. Like Yazdgerd say in the shahname:

Damn this world, damn this time, damn this fate. That uncivilized Arabs have come to make me Muslim.
Soheil had started a thread so may iranian and arabs make peace among them , but why do you wan't to ruin it? you better go and study some books about the history etc ... your logic: if arabs didn't invade us then all of us would be professors and te best ever, even if arabs didn't invade us , the country was still in bad condition, and other would have attacked us .

^ If those are the only arguments you can name than I rest my case.

And for the Arabs on this forum: I don't hate Arabs. I even got more Arab friend here in Holland than Iranian friends. There are certain characteristics among Iranians which I don't like so I avoid many of them. But I would appreciate if you could recognize the fact that Persians contributed a lot to Islam and to the Arab culture. Many Arabs tend to forget this, while by that, you erase your own history. Please listen to Hamza Yusuf, the famous American sunni scholar:

Persia's contribution to Islam - Hamza Yusuf - YouTube
guys, we have arabs too in iran. as i have 4 friend from them and they are sunni, they live in shoshtar, they have sunni mosque in their cities because most of the people among them are sunni so they had built sunni mosque for themselves.
i think if we just tal to our brothers in other nations we can find peace among us, but that needs that we be realstic, many people who hate arabs in iran have the reason of OMAR war with iran that arabs had do many bad things, but i say it's the past , we must take lesson from it (and our failure was because of the third YAZD GERD that made the country falling and if arab didn't invade us , of course other nations would attack us and the same thing....) and even after reading the book : services of Iran and Islam by martyr motahari , i even wanted to have some relationship with SA arabs, sometimes i was successful and sometimes no.

and if we want to move on these problems we need to clear that :
1- we are under the flag of Mohamad(ص) islam.
2- We Iranian must change our behavior for arabs, instead of making fun of what SA and GCC have we must be realistic and accept that they have good thing too ( as arab must do ). For example : in air force equipment after israel , SA have the best fighters, that's fact that we must accept, but there is a reason for iran to do not building fighters : against the US air force we can say nothing in dogfights but with the SAM sites, we can stop most of the air forces .... that is something that arabs must accept too.

when i read about the science that was produced in the 1 to 8 century by arabs, iranian and other muslims i become sad that why Muslims were divided :(

You don't need to go back to the time of Yazdgerd to trace back the feelings of many Iranians toward Persian Gulf Arabs. All you have to do is look back to less than 25 years ago when these backward two legged creatures were actively involved in a war of annihilation against us. When Saddam the genocidal racist saw a good opportunity to destroy a defenceless Iran, they egged him on and clapped from the sidelines and wrote him blank cheques to pour chemical weapons and nerve agents over our heads. What had we done to the Saudis then? We had barely any time to put a proper government in place or even reopen the universities.

There's a distinctly racist component to their one-sided quarrel with us. It's not about any specific Iranian government policies or even the Shia/Sunni foolishness. They would like to erase any traces of our life, culture and existence. That's why they can't stand the name Persian Gulf. I mean, it's not like we have claimed sovereignty over that body of water or get any royalties from the use of that name. It's just a name! But that's what they're at war with: our name, our race, our civilization.

Such neighbours, we have to be very careful with. They may look meek and impotent now. But they will pounce if they sense a moment of weakness, exactly as they did before. Manly and chivalresque values do not hold much currency with them. They will stab you in the back if the opportunity presents itself. We have to be strong and **** them up quickly and decisively if necessary! Cause we'll be damned if we go through another 8 years of murderous war because of their miscalculations again. And I don't care if anybody likes or approves of this or not.
yes that's right but if we can fix this these thing won't happen again.
اصولا اگه بین خود اعراب هم بری می فهمی که چقدر رو مخ این ها کار کردند، تا این دشمنی رو ادامه بدند. و از نظر من بهترین راهی که میشه انجام داد اینه که در مورد هرچیز واقع بین باشیم. البته این از اونا بععیده ولی خوب اگر می خواهیم جامعه ای رو اصلاح کنیم، باید از خودمون شروع کنیم ، اگه ما تونستیم جامعه ای بسازیم ک تمامی ارزش های ایرانی اسلامی در اون وجود داشته باشه ما موفق بودیم در غیر اینصورت نه .
مثلا اگر به خود امامان و پیامبر نگاه کنید هیچگاه چیزی به عنوان تبعیض نژادی رو قبول نداشتند چه برای خود اعراب و چه برای بقیه ، ما هم نباید به صورت نژادپرستی نگاه کنیم .
در باره کسایی هم که به اسلام معتقد نیستند ، ببینید توی این 200 سال اخیر هرجا ما تونستیم جلوی شاه ها رو بگیریم ، همین علمای مذهبی مردم رو رهبری می کردند. پس نباید صرف اینکه منشا اسلام از عربه اون رو قبول نداشته باشیم . از نظر من بهترین منبع برای ما کتاب های شهید مطهری هستش. غرب ایشون رو به عنوان بزرگترین متفکر جهان اسلام می شناسه ، پس بهتره خود ما هم از اندیشه های این فرد بزرگ استفاده کنیم.

من نمیگم اعراب مشکلی ندارند و ... میگم اغراق نکنیم. وگرنه از هر صدتاشون یکیشون آدمه خوبیه باور کنید فقط باید پیداشون کرد. فقط کافیه فیلم دیدار جوانان انقلاب های اسلمی رو با رهبر ببینید ...
i asked a very simple question....king of persia kisra tore the letter of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.....my question to persian muslims is what the persians of that time did to avenge this?
also my question to persian muslims is that are they proud of being muslims?if yes then who brought islam to their land?
also my question to you is are u persian first and then a muslim or a muslim first and then a persian?

also are u still pissed off that your non-muslim forefathers were killed by muslims in war?

whats more worse?
losing non-muslim forefathers who were enemies of islam?or being born a non-muslim centuries later....leading a life of ignorance and then ending up in hell?:undecided:
look at egyptians....they never say anything bad about Prophet Musa alaih Salam who led all the egypt's elite into river nile....all the royalty of egypt died in nile...the royals,,the statesmen...the knights the pharohs friends,businessmen.......left behind were gardners,cooks,cleaners,and poor egyptians....but they dont mind it..........they know it was Almighty ALLAH's will.....what he wills is best.....

so persians should either decide which side they are on...are they with king kisra who tore the letter of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him or are they with Muslims since they call themselves muslim.

if persians say they are muslims and are with Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him....then they should be thankful to Caliph Umar bin khattab radi Allah who avenged the tearing of letter of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him......

you can either be appear before your Lord Allah as a muslim or as a persian whose favourite past time was cursing companions of Holy Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him only cause his companions brought islam to persia.
Let me explain something, the only Arabs left is SYRIA, those nations who call themselves Arab, sold their arabism long time ago, look at the gulf countries, they all dance and drink with Israel and etc. anyway, you dont want those "Arabs".
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