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Tejas aircraft deficient in at least 100 technical parameters

Apparently you haven't kept up with the detailed log maintained and published of every flight of every prototype. Pity.

And it is interesting that you use :lol: such a lot, instead of English, but it seems normal. An Indian does it and is called demented.

some times some people expect "too much",you too sir

On Topic> Issues being faced will be sorted out

@Areesh> one member had posted correct advice in an introduction thread in response to my advice to OP.
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Tejas aircraft deficient in at least 100 technical parameters: Experts

New Delhi:
The light combat aircraft (LCA) Tejas is deficient in at least 100 technical parameters, said experts associated with the project. They also alleged that the initial operation clearance granted to Tejas two years ago was given despite the aircraft not meeting various crucial technical parameters.
The experts said as the aircraft has not achieved crucial technical parameters, it continues to be flown only by test pilots and its performance parameters too need to be monitored by ground-based stations. They also said the engine of Tejas lacked sufficient power. Though the experts are hopeful that these issues would be resolved by the end of 2013, they admit complex technicalities pose serious obstacles.
In a press release issued in March, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) admitted the delay in completion of project "Development of Light Combat Aircraft (LCA), Tejas" and said it was hopeful to achieve Full Operational Clearance (FOC) by December 2014. "The LCA project, which though got delayed initially, is currently progressing on a fast track and is working on aggressive time schedules," it said.

"Productionisation of LCA is already going on. First series production aircraft is likely to be ready by the end of 2013. Indian Air Force has already placed order for 20 LCA in IOC configuration and another of 20 LCA in FOC configuration," added the release.
The Tejas aircraft is being manufactured by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL). The project 'Development of LCA' was sanctioned in August 1983 and Project Definition Phase (PDP) of LCA was completed in 1988. In 1990, a decision was taken to undertake LCA development in two phases. In the first phase to build 02 Technology Demonstrators (TDs) along with development of critical technologies including Multi Mode Radar (MMR) and in the second phase to build Prototype Vehicles, integrate weapons, sensors, and flight testing leading to Initial Operational Clearance (IOC) and Final Operational Clearance (FOC).

Just a media spin off story... to bait DRDO and ADA to give them access to some information around the project... these buggers are not even allowed to speak to people related to the projects... I wonder who these experts are.
Apparently you haven't kept up with the detailed log maintained and published of every flight of every prototype. Pity.

And it is interesting that you use :lol: such a lot, instead of English, but it seems normal. An Indian does it and is called demented.

Tejas is yet to be operational. And we will see whether it crashes it or not once it is operational. Right now Tejas is more likely something to be discussed on online forums to increase post counts than to fly. ;)
See, I never believed in this plane :coffee:, forget Tejas, and better invest all resources in running and future projects. We will badly need all we have to manufacture Sukhois, Rafales, FGFAs, Dhruvs, LCHs, MTAs, upgrading of the Mirages, Migs, Sukhois to Super Sukhoi standards, export of various aircraft components to Irkut, Airbus, Boeing etc etc.....

Mate this is a defeatist attitude. If India wants to grow into a aerospace power it needs to get the basics right. If India wants to graduate onto indigenious 5th gen fighters in the future then it must have the LCA as a foundation.

The LCA is not a failure, far from it. Just like other projects that certain members here are all to quick to call "failures" the LCA has provided an excellent learning opportunity for Indian aerospace engineers. India now has the infrastructure and capacity to design,test and produce advanced, inherently unstable, multi-role fighters. The benefits the LCA has brought to the Indian aerospace industry are simply unparalleled. Any of those trying to belittle the LCA project are utterly ignorant to the feats ADA/HAL have undertaken.
Yes, there are deficiencies, and that is why the IAF hasn't inducted it yet. If it was perfect as of now, it would be flying in IAF colors, wouldn't it? That is precisely why it is going through IOC-2 and FOC before becoming operational. What exactly is new about this?
You see the problem with indians , especially their defence sector is they make the announcement long before even they test something made by them, and create hype about it, then immature indian media starts comparing them with world famous weapons like them.. Question isnt about their capabilities. They certainly are capable of making such things with russian help as but what goes wrong is the hype they create.
You see the problem with indians , especially their defence sector is they make the announcement long before even they test something made by them, and create hype about it, then immature indian media starts comparing them with world famous weapons like them.. Question isnt about their capabilities. They certainly are capable of making such things with russian help as but what goes wrong is the hype they create.

The hype is in the minds of the readers and it is their choice to fall for the hype. I can assure you, 99% of Indians haven't heard of the tejas or JF-17 or MKI or anything else. Defence news is rarely news for the average educated Indian. Politics, sports etc are far bigger concerns.
Just a media spin off story... to bait DRDO and ADA to give them access to some information around the project... these buggers are not even allowed to speak to people related to the projects... I wonder who these experts are.
The likes of Shiv Aroor and his equally ignorant freinds!

My addtion to the post:

Boy o Boy, look how easily LCA falls in 4.5+++++++++(∞) generation class.

Dude, look at the EFT, F-22,Rafale,T-50 etc etc projects in full. They took far longer from intial R&D to production than the LCA, this is a fact too many of you find hard to digest.

20 years to where the LCA is today is not a bad record at all.
The hype is in the minds of the readers and it is their choice to fall for the hype. I can assure you, 99% of Indians haven't heard of the tejas or JF-17 or MKI or anything else. Defence news is rarely news for the average educated Indian. Politics, sports etc are far bigger concerns.

may be you are right general.
but being an observer i can feel that hype. an example is latest indian 1st ever cruise missile which was failed in test, i can show you reports of indian media before the test, in which they are not only comparing that missile with Chinies and Pak cruise missile but also calling it superior to Pakistani taimoor and Babar series of cruise missile. and ultimately after few hours same news host and report and experts were finding excuses of that failure .. so that actually what indian media does.
may be you are right general.
but being an observer i can feel that hype. an example is latest indian 1st ever cruise missile which was failed in test, i can show you reports of indian media before the test, in which they are not only comparing that missile with Chinies and Pak cruise missile but also calling it superior to Pakistani taimoor and Babar series of cruise missile. and ultimately after few hours same news host and report and experts were finding excuses of that failure .. so that actually what indian media does.

They might be a little idiotic in reporting but they never hide failures. In the said event the report if failure were published within few hours.
You can't say that for our neighbours. Not going in details. And there is no harm in comparing. Your whole nation try to compare itself with India in every field.
well all problems are sorted out now. we will see new tejas in 2014. so no need for desi journo comments about tejas.
may be you are right general.
but being an observer i can feel that hype. an example is latest indian 1st ever cruise missile which was failed in test, i can show you reports of indian media before the test, in which they are not only comparing that missile with Chinies and Pak cruise missile but also calling it superior to Pakistani taimoor and Babar series of cruise missile. and ultimately after few hours same news host and report and experts were finding excuses of that failure .. so that actually what indian media does.

Well it wasn't really a failure, it was the first flight, and several parameters were verified through the course of the flight. In the early stages of designing, it is not a simple "pass v/s fail" result. It is not even about passing or failing, it is about trials, generating data, conducting more trials and so on.

But the reason for the media being shrill on defence issues is BECAUSE of the fact that nobody really cares about any of it. To get attention, they have to be shrill. On the other hand, if they are reporting about politics or sports or foreign affairs, they are not so shrill, because people will read abuot them anyway, and the average indian is a lot more aware of those issues. So when they report about a cruise missile test to a readership that doesn't even know what a cruise or ballistic missile is, the only way for them to make it entertaining or even relevant is by comparing it to Pakistan or china. Try this out - find somebody who doesn't know what a cruise missile is, and try to make him read two paragraphs about the nations first cruise missile test. Unless you give him some reference point about the neighbors' arsenal or capabilities, how would you hold his interest?

So many non Indians who read our defence news from our media come to the mistaken conclusion that Indians are all fed in a lot of hype about their defence capabilities, and that we all fall for it. The real situation is the exact opposite. The average Indian (in fact, 99%) don't know anything whatsoever about our defence capabilities, and cannot name a SINGLE product used by our armed forces, whether foreign or indigenous. This might come as a surprise to you considering how shrill our media is, but that shrillness is a consequence of our population's apathy, not a contributor to hype.

In Pakistan the armed forces get a lot more attention, and people are aware of defence related info. In India, the armed forces are invisible to the general population, they live in a different world. Civilians never bother about the armed forces and their working, and vice versa. I'll give you another example. I have tried this myself. Most Indians know the name of Pakistan's army chief, but very few of them know them name of India's army chief. I'm talking about the educated and informed Indians I have asked this question to.

This is why I said, the Indian media is only successful in creating a hype in the minds of Pakistanis or other non Indians who follow it. Indians themselves are supremely unaware of tejas or arjun or brahmos. Believe me, there is no hype whatsoever about India's defence capabilities in India. It is simply not a topic of public interest in India. Neither the armed forces, nor defence related issues, nor indigenous capabilities in weaponry, nor weaponry itself. Only a handful of Indians care about these things, and they are all here on PDF.
See, I never believed in this plane :coffee:, forget Tejas, and better invest all resources in running and future projects. We will badly need all we have to manufacture Sukhois, Rafales, FGFAs, Dhruvs, LCHs, MTAs, upgrading of the Mirages, Migs, Sukhois to Super Sukhoi standards, export of various aircraft components to Irkut, Airbus, Boeing etc etc.....

koovie its not a project. its our ambition. well others can say anything about us. even undeserved nationales also commenting about us. no need to worry. we will expect a new tejas in 2014 0r 2015. its going to be a platform for us to reach the next level. so we should not forget or give up this programme.
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