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Tehran (Iran) Battles Drugs, Addiction And Crime

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the fanatic words and totally bullshit against jews (i say jews , check his words)
so not only this is stupid , but this is a shame to write such thing

so no i don't have problem but this "guy" seems to have big troubles

maybe Mossad is in you a.. go check it

Hussein, now you are here and say that you are a Iranian Arab from your fathers side. I had a little discussion with a few of your countrymen (one a Iranian Kurd the other a Azeri Iranian Turk - both trolls) who said that there are no Arabs in Iran and that all the Mullah's/clerics/persons in Iran that claim to have Arab ancestry or to be from Sadah families are lying to get more prestige? Is that correct?

All sources say that that are 1-5-2 million Arabs in Iran and their history dates back to pre-Islamic times just as we Semites ruled parts of Iran thousands of years ago before the Persian migration to the Middle East/Iranian Plateau from Central Asia approximately 2800 years ago.


A lot of prominent people given the number of Iranian Arabs. Probably no other minority in Iran which such a low number of people yield as much influence. Let us also not forget that Al-Ahwaz and Khuzestan is probably the most important Iranian province/city due to all the oil, gas and relatively fertile land despite being one of the hottest areas in the world.

I hear that Arabs are respected in Iran and even many Iranian members here have told it here. Arabic is also taught in school and Arabs founded many cities in Iran.

Also check this out about Khorasani Arabs speaking an ancient Arabic dialect of Khorasani Arabic.

Ulrich Seeger The Arabic Dialect of Khorasan
Just as we Semites ruled parts of Iran thousands of years ago before the Persian migration to the Middle East/Iranian Plateau from Central Asia approximately 2800 years ago.

Which is nonsense, as the Elamites were not Semites and Semites didn't rule (large) parts of Iran.

I hear that Arabs are respected in Iran and even many Iranian members here have told it. Arabic is also taught in school and Arabs founded many cities in Iran.

Arabs are not particularly respected in Iran, nor hated. They are just part of Iran like many other people are. Arabic is taught in school, but quite hated by Iranians. Have you seen the movie A Separation where that main actor tells his daughter to only use Persian words, and not the Arabic words?

Armenians and Jews on the other hand are respected in Iran.
I asked Hussein that question not you since he says that he is an Iranian Arab from his fathers side while you are a Kurd. I did not ask about Kurds.

The Babylonian/Assyrian etc. empires also ruled parts of Western Iran.

Your great Persian hero, Cyrus, even had such a tremendous respect for us Semites that he copied so many things from us including the language (Aramaic) and made it the state language.

Well Iranians love Prophet Muhammad (saws), Ali (ra) and Hussein (ra). I even believe that the later two names are the most popular ones in Iran.

The Iranian pilgrimes that come to Makkah, Madinah, Karbala and Najaf for pilgrimage are very emotional. I could post a lot of videos but the thread is not about that.

Iranians are one of the biggest nationalities among all the world pilgrims.

Najaf and Karbala is flooded by Iranian pilgrims nearly all year long. Makkah and Madinah too.

Those Iranians are very friendly people by large. Just like all pilgrims. Unfortunately there are cases such as you that makes it difficult for us to find a solution to the problems and that is why I am harsh against Iranian trolls here.

In reality I don't really have a problem with any ethnic group/nationality at most only the individuals.
I asked Hussein that question not you since he says that he is an Iranian Arab from his fathers side while you are a Kurd. I did not ask about Kurds.

Kurds are Iranian, by language and culture, especially Iranian Kurds. Besides I am as much as Persian as Kurdish. Still completely Iranian. You on the other hand claimed French ancestry out of shame for you backward Arab ancestry.

The Babylonian/Assyrian etc. empires also ruled parts of Western Iran.


Your great Persian hero, Cyrus, even had such a tremendous respect for us Semites that he copied so many things from us including the language (Aramaic) and made it the state language.

Yes, he respected you guys that much that he conquered your *****. :lol:
Yeah, sure they are. Whatever. You are still a Kurd. I did not ask questions about your people.

Nonsense you say? Then look at this map. The rest of Iran was largely wastelands and not important and too far away from the Middle East. To this day Khorasan, Baluchistan etc. are populated by a low number of people. Yazd area etc. included.

Hence why Western Iran is much more rich in culture than the East.


Conquered? Are you not always the guy that LOVED to say that he left people free and did not change anything rather adopted the customs of us Semites because our civilizations were the oldest and the most influential in the ancient world.

Besides it was only Iraq, parts of the Levant and Egypt for a short time. A small part of the Semitic world. It was still ruled by locals hence why our culture was never changed unlike yours when the Arabs invaded you 1400 years ago or before when you adopted so many of our customs, symbols, form of rules, language, alphabet etc. The list is very long.

It speaks volume that he adopted one of our main languages and made his capital in the heartland of the Semitic world (Iraq).

You are just angry about that, LOL. It's ok. Most Arabs or Semites really don't care about all this.
He didn't copy any of the customs of Semites. His religion was Iranian, as the architecture, language, etc.

Anyway, no time to discuss all these things with an Arab bedouin desert wanderer who only recently claimed French ancestry on Skyscrapercity out of shame for his backward roots.
Hussein, now you are here and say that you are a Iranian Arab from your fathers side. I had a little discussion with a few of your countrymen (one a Iranian Kurd the other a Azeri Iranian Turk - both trolls) who said that there are no Arabs in Iran and that all the Mullah's/clerics/persons in Iran that claim to have Arab ancestry or to be from Sadah families are lying to get more prestige? Is that correct?
for security reason i cannot speak a lot about my family. But my father ancestors are not from Iran at all. It is a "famous" ME family which i cannot say the name , as you can understand ;)
Still in Iran we feel very much Iranian. of course some people are racist, some care being Persian or not. that's why if someone asks i say i am Persian (which is true from my mom).
I am like Obama: everyone is saying he is black but indeed he is black but he is white too :-)D)
Al-Hasani (Al-Hashimi) on Skyscrapercity:

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

I am Al-Hashimi and my father is half Iraqi from the Al-Hashimi and Al-Sammar tribes and half Saudi (Hejazi) from the Al-Abassi and Al-Hassani tribes. My mother is half Spanish and French.

Just like I am proud about my mother's European ancestry (Spanish and French).

This guy is a complete joke and psychopath. Claiming false ancestry just out of shame for his roots. :lol:
You are just lying now and inventing fantasies.

He did not copy anything? LOL. Come again. He copied more or less everything. After all he encountered real civilization for the first time when he met us Semites.

You were mainly nomads that lived and originated on the Central Asian Steppe and met the Semites who were an empire and settled people and the most developed in the world at that time for thousands of years.

It is a well-known fact that he adopted Aramaic a Semitic language as the language of the state. It speaks volume.
For approximately three centuries after arriving in the region, the Medes and Persians fell under the domination of the Assyrian Empire (911–609 BCE), based in nearby Mesopotamia. In 646 BCE, Susa and many other cities of Elam were plundered and wrecked by Ashurbanipal, King of Assyria, allowing the Iranian peoples to become the predominant group in Iran. After the death of Ashurbanipal in 627 BCE, the Assyrian Empire began to unravel due to a series of bitter civil wars. In 616 BCE the Median king Cyaxares threw off the Assyrian yoke, united the Medes and Persians, and in alliance with Nabopolassar of Babylon and the Scythians, attacked the civil war ridden Assyrian Empire. By 609 BCE, the Assyrians and their Egyptian allies had been defeated.
King Cyrus, whose native land Persia was of the Indo-Eurasian language family, adopted Aramaic (Semitic) as the language of his empire.

You said that parts of Western Iran was never ruled by Semites which is wrong too. The Neo-Babylonians ruled it and many before them.


for security reason i cannot speak a lot about my family. But my father ancestors are not from Iran at all. It is a "famous" ME family which i cannot say the name , as you can understand ;)
Still in Iran we feel very much Iranian. of course some people are racist, some care being Persian or not. that's why if someone asks i say i am Persian (which is true from my mom).
I am like Obama: everyone is saying he is black but indeed he is black but he is white too :-)D)

for security reason i cannot speak a lot about my family. But my father ancestors are not from Iran at all. It is a "famous" ME family which i cannot say the name , as you can understand ;)
Still in Iran we feel very much Iranian. of course some people are racist, some care being Persian or not. that's why if someone asks i say i am Persian (which is true from my mom).
I am like Obama: everyone is saying he is black but indeed he is black but he is white too :-)D)

So the claim of some of the Iranian members here (chronic trolls) that all people in Iran who claim to be Arabs are false is wrong in your opinion?

From my knowledge about that field in Iran (I obviously know the history of my people and fellow Sadah families) then it is very probably that you are a Musawi or Mousavi in Iranian.

Am I correct, LOL?


you guys know a lot about each other..
looks like you are the best of friends :D
So the claim of some of the Iranian members here (chronic trolls) that all people in Iran who claim to be Arabs are false is wrong in your opinion?
they are not trolls about this (for most what they say) but i have to be honest , as i already said: i hate genetics subject (i am some of the people believing in humankind not caring about origins; but in the same time i clearly , since i am in France, understand countries should care to keep their culture alive)
i was just teached that some Arabs in Iran are very much like the ones in Iraq. But again i never cared much about it. I let you discuss with some Iranians here who clearly are Iranians (as you say some other flags are fakes but at least i don't see a false Iranian flag :D)
From my knowledge about that field in Iran (I obviously know the history of my people and fellow Sadah families) then it is very probably that you are a Musawi or Mousavi in Iranian.

Am I correct, LOL?


in your exemple names, some are not Arabs. As you know. i remember you said many times and i agree with you. you said yourself: Arab name is linked to Islam.
you know in Iran some students come . My grand father was a student from Foreign country. My father then is born from two Arab parents. My father , the one born in Iran, was in love with a Persian woman, my mom. That's all.

i don't know if you know it (another kind of exemple of Arab linked families) : the ex president Khatami 's wife is Sadr family
that's one exemple among many very different kind of exemples

of course most Iranians are not linked to Arab family. But of course we know Iran was invaded many times, meaning Iran is rich of origins.

As you know France, it is the same here: so many invaders, so many immigration waves.
Where is from your French ancestor ? Cannes ?
they are not trolls about this (for most what they say) but i have to be honest , as i already said: i hate genetics subject (i am some of the people believing in humankind not caring about origins; but in the same time i clearly , since i am in France, understand countries should care to keep their culture alive)
i was just teached that some Arabs in Iran are very much like the ones in Iraq. But again i never cared much about it. I let you discuss with some Iranians here who clearly are Iranians (as you say some other flags are fakes but at least i don't see a false Iranian flag :D)

in your exemple names, some are not Arabs. As you know. i remember you said many times and i agree with you. you said yourself: Arab name is linked to Islam.
you know in Iran some students come . My grand father was a student from Foreign country. My father then is born from two Arab parents. My father , the one born in Iran, was in love with a Persian woman, my mom. That's all.

i don't know if you know it (another kind of exemple of Arab linked families) : the ex president Khatami 's wife is Sadr family
that's one exemple among many very different kind of exemples

of course most Iranians are not linked to Arab family. But of course we know Iran was invaded many times, meaning Iran is rich of origins.

As you know France, it is the same here: so many invaders, so many immigration waves.
Where is from your French ancestor ? Cannes ?

My point was to prove that there are indeed plenty of Iranian Arabs that are not "false" as two of the well-known Iranian trolls (Iranian Kurds in fact) claimed. They both hate Arabs and Muslims.

This is not about genetics my friend but genealogy.

Well, there is not much to discuss with troll who claim that there are no Arabs in Iran and that this is false for example.


Ulrich Seeger The Arabic Dialect of Khorasan

I mean that Musawi is an Arab family. Of course some only have it as surname and their Arab ancestors are many generations back. Many are fully assimilated etc. and often only Arab by ancestry (fathers).

Oh, so your father's family were not even "native Iranian Arabs" as having lived in Iran for generations? That was what I thought.

Yes, I have some extended family in France (an uncle that married a French women) and they live in France. Back in late June I was in Cannes to visit them and their holiday home. Oh, and the moderators confirmed it through an IP, LOL. I was only there for 2 weeks.

We also wrote in French as you remember.

Well I only said Musawi because I know that this Sadah family is present in Iran.

Many Arab clerical families and some Sadah were invitied by the Safavid rulers in the early 1500's and given land etc. They mainly came from Southern Lebanon, Southern Iraq, Bahrain and the Eastern Province in KSA.

You can read more here below.

Under "Arab Shia Ulema".


So I asked if your fathers family was one of those. But apparently not.:D

Also I asked you since you said that your fathers family was Arab so you should know about such things.
Truth about al-Hasani aka al-Hashimi:

Al-Hasani (Al-Hashimi) on Skyscrapercity:

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

I am Al-Hashimi and my father is half Iraqi from the Al-Hashimi and Al-Sammar tribes and half Saudi (Hejazi) from the Al-Abassi and Al-Hassani tribes. My mother is half Spanish and French.

Just like I am proud about my mother's European ancestry (Spanish and French).

Al-Hasani on Defence.pk:

My father's family are sadah and from Makkah (where I was born) while my mother's family (Yemeni) have ties to Tarim an Sana'a and what I have observed is that there is great affinity between Yemen and Hejaz.

His fellow Arab Iraqi friend even confronted him a while ago here with his false claims over his ancestry:

BTW Al-Hashimi why were you pretending to be Half Iraqi in the SSC forum?

Al-hasani..since you can't remember your fabricated 'iraqi' character...here it is..



Another Iraqi about Hashimi's disorder:

Al-Hashimi (Al-Hasani) is very well known for his tribal cheap talk. He was once a member on the "skyscrapercity" forum pretending to be Hashimi of Iraqi origin who's family lived in the KSA from the paternal side. He also claimed that his maternal side was half-spanish and half-french.

He always would try to find faults when speaking about Iraq and other non-semetic, non-hijazi groups, and he is very known to be anti-shia, anti-Iranian (or Ajami's as he calls them).

He would get upset when there is news of dead terrorists. He mentions the same few ideas over and over again. semitic, arab, tribes, iranian, shia. He typed tens of pages arguing about race and ethnicity, how the arabs from the arabian peninsula are superior to everyone else.... Here he is, continuing his plight against everyone else.

Let me give you a few example of the replies he got. This is of course before he got banned for of spamming the forum with anti-shia and anti-Iraqi BS.

Replies to Al-Hasani's rants on Skyscrapercity by the Iraqi members:

Any debate with al-Hashimi is useless. Even you say 1+1=2. He is going to get the Semitic, Ajami, najdi, "original" Arabs factors to prove you wrong. Lol. Don't take it personal.

No one is having any inferiority complex except you, you're the one spreading pan Arabism and Bedouin propaganda faster than Aids. We are Iraqis, not Saudis, Kuwaitis or whatever nationality you have a fetish for.
You've stirred **** with every member on this site, you're so arrogant and close minded it's a miracle you grew up in Europe.

Finally, I don't give a rats *** if you are white, black or yellow all I know is that your best interest are not with Iraq, but with Saudi Arabia/Hejaz.
Btw, we've all seen you're picture you look nothing like an Iraqi or even half European, you look 100 % Saudi.

This post is not meant to hurt you, but you have to wake up, humble up and stop acting like a pathological liar

Al-Hashimi is coming out with the most bizarre, incorrect, and categorically ahistorical nonsense about Kuwait, that it is simply embarrassing. This forum is junk with his likes

My god, I have never met anyone like you before in my entire life.

Biggest hypocrite in the world.

As usual, more bullshit from you and a repeat of your other crap posts containing no relevant information to what we are talking about and making baseless claims.

I have outed you to whole forum for the mentally retarded, pathological liar that you are. My work is done here.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...syria-news-discussions-373.html#ixzz2eb6USK5l

Supposed half Iraqi (proved to be false), supposed half European (proved to be false), and now all of the sudden half Yemenite (which is probably correct).

Truly pathetic. You are mentally ill my friend.
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