Can you get me information about what JP and US had done versus China. This is the first ADS superconducting proton linear accelerator in the world, isn't this a breakthrough? Can you deny this? Breakthrough or not does not depend on your definition. A breakthrough is achieving something that have never been achieved before. You speak in a typical Indian way of talking, in absolute terms as if you are the ultimate authority on everything. I don't think you are Chinese or Australian. Btw, where is India in this regard?
I had never denied the fact that this reactor needs decades to scale up but if this small baby step breakthrough i snot achieved, then how the heck can we even build bigger ones? Can you deny the fact that China is leading in this front?
This is what Daniel said as per the journals:
This ADS (CIADS, Chinese Initiative Accelerator Driven System) is the world's first to reach 25MeV.
Note just proton linear accelerator alone, CERN Linac 2 is largest at 50Mev, but ADS is a coupled system of high intensity proton accelerator with subcritical reactor through a neutron target.
The prototype of the Chinese ADS (CIADS)proton accelerator comprises two injectors and a 1.5 GeV, 10mA continuous wave (CW) superconducting main linac.
The injector scheme II at the C-ADS demo facility inside the Institute of Modern Physics is a 10MeV CW Superconducting liniac with a designed beam current of 10mA, which includes an ECR ion source, a low-energy beam transport line, a 162.5 MHz radio frequency quadrupole accelerator, a medium-energy beam transport line, and a superconducting half wave resonator accelerator section.
This demo facility has been successfully operating with an 11mA, 2.7 MeV CW beam and a 3.9mA, 4.3 MeV CW beam at different times and conditions since June 2014.
The beam power has reached 28kW, which is the highest record for the same type of linear accelerators.
One research paper on CIADS.
From 2011 to 2017 we are going to construct an ADS test facility, called CIADS, which is the abbreviation of
Chinese Initiative Accelerator Driven System. It is
the first coupled system of an high intensity proton accelerator with subcritical reactor through a neutron target. The thermal power of the reactor is designed at
4 MWth. It is driven by a 40 MeV proton linac consisting an ECR proton source, a RFQ, room temperature CH cavities and a section of superconducting spoke cavity.
(2) From 2017 to 2022, the same linac in the first step will be prolonged with more superconducting spoke cavities and medium-βsuperconducting ellipsoid cavities to increase the proton beam energy to about 600 MeV. It is coupled with a new subcritical assembly of
80-100 MW thermal power through a spallation neutron target of liquid metal. This is a medium scale ADS facility and we called it as ADS Experimental Facility.
From 2022 to 2032, a whole scale ADS demonstration facility will be built with thermal power of
1000 MWth. More superconducting ellipsoid cavities will be added to the linac to raise beam energy up to 1.5 GeV. At this step, industry will join the project and the technology will be transferred to industry from research institution
This is no different from how China built the high temp gas cooled gen IV reactor, we built a 10mW test reactor and now we are building a 250mw reactor.
This source from CAS: