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Team USA

As if it's a mystery!!!! If I were a betting man, I'd say he is some sort of a scientist, got educated back in Pakistan. One day after a decade of hard work, he got refused tenure, which he eventually got in the US of A. So now everything Yanki is good good good, and everything **** is BAD BAD BAD. :D

He's just disgruntled ex-Pakistani, with grandiose ambitions.... :p:

Becareful @VCheng is a big fan of Amreeeeeeeka
even better than go go bars eh?o_O


Gogo Bars are good too:



A great shot of the Statue of Liberty:


Inscription on the Statue of Liberty:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

(Author: Emma Lazarus)
Last edited:
+Freedom, say anything you want!
+Good healthcare programs, but not free.
+Excellent weather year round.
+Most known cities in the world like New York, and Los Angeles.
+Withdrawing from the Middle East in late 2014
+World's largest economy.
+Crime Rate isn't as high as you'd think.
+Great food!
+Most Technologically advanced
+ Best Military(in every respect)
+Great history
Number of visitors last year: 39,668,221.

Number of convention delegates last year: 5,107,416

Number of conventions are held last year: 22,027.

Clark County's gaming revenue last year: $9.7 Billion.

Strip's gaming revenue last year: $6.5 Billion.

Yes, this is Las Vegas:

TEAM USA vs France , 2000
Vince carter dunk over 7 feet tall guy :enjoy:

My all time fav :tup:
Even UFO's check stuff out

Fight Club (yes the Brad Pitt movie thing)

Bah who needs swords.
I won't participate anymore except this message
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