Hey at least it was sunny and supposedly 6 degrees warmer than the day before. And we're getting another fun storm tomorrow loool.
Bro, I had a crazy experience yesterday at Home Depot, lol. What made me think of posting it was your clever signature, lol.
I was in the lumber section loading up a cart with 2x4s and I was grimacing a bit because of my tendinitis in my shoulders (I'm 52 and the body is breaking down slowly but surely, bro, ugh) anyway, and a short, older guy with sleek silver hair and a tough disposition looks at me and asks what's the matter? I said "shoulders, my friend." He asked me if I had other pain or was it just the shoulders I told him it takes me 1/2 hour every morning to straighten out and un-stiffen the old corpse lol. I told him yeah man, the knees and the back of the knees hurt every once is a while from all the years of hard, physical work which now I don't really do as much, more so point my finger and have others do it but still, there's pain everywhere TBH.
So the guy says to me "do you want this pain to do away right now? The pain in your shoulders?" I looked at him with a bit of trepidation and said uuuhhmmm, yeah? He goes "right now?" Sure. He asks me if he can put his arms on my shoulders. I'm a bit bigger than him and I wasn't sure if he was gay, looking to cop a feel or whatever but shoulders are ok and he did ask politely plus now I'm really intrigued!
So he puts both hands on my shoulders and starts to pray: "Lord Jesus, please remove all the pain from (me)'s shoulder and make it disappear forever. Lord Jesus, please help (me) get back all his shoulder mobility without any of the pain and I command this body to rid itself from the pain of the devil and to return to what it should be, free of pain and full of the love of Jesus Christ and give (me) the power to continue to be productive without pain and suffering Lord Jesus I thank you for your love and all that you've done for humanity and I command all pain in (me)'s body to remove itself immediately in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ the savior!"........................he just stood there holding my shoulders for about 10 seconds with his eyes closed. I'm looking around to see people's reactions and everyone is smiling and laughing quietly and here I am, lol, not sure what to do so I said "Amen!"
He backs off and asks me "how do you feel?" I move my arms aroun and of course nothing has changed LOL but I have no choice, gotta play along here so I said "hallelujah! I feel great man, thanks!" I'm also thinking I gotta get outta here" and as soon as I said that he gets on his knees and grabs both of my knees and repeats the whole thing!!!

This was much more awkward lol. But hey, bless the guy for having a good heart and meaning well and believing what he believes.
I didn't have the heart to tell him that we don't share the same concept of Jesus Christ as in Christianity and that just based on that alone, this might not work and would be a waste of his time but I didn't and just went with it.
I must admit this was a new one for me. lol